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David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited...

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David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited... Empty David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited...

Post  Sod-Haus...!!! Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:57 am

Damn'sod...!!! wrote:David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited...

The One That Caused All That Fuss With Illusions

David Icke Newsletter, October 21st 2007


David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited... Molehill


Hello all ...

I talked last week about the Little Game players who allow self-indulgence to entrap them in the myopic at the expense of the Big Game that needs to be faced and dealt with - that of ending humanity's mental, emotional and 'spiritual' enslavement.

Many times I find that examples of the themes discussed in these newsletters come to my attention in the week after their publication.
It happens so often it's uncanny and this week was no exception.

After writing about the Little Game mentality, along came a classic. I'll tell you about it later, but first I want to give some background.

I have had many enormous challenges in the 20 years since I consciously gave my life to the cause of uncovering the global conspiracy and communicating the information that will break its stranglehold on human perception.
I have never talked about the vast majority of these challenges because they were, and are, my problem and no-one said that doing what I do would be easy.

I have no wish to be seen as a martyr or for anyone to feel pity.
This is my life, the one I chose to experience, and I am the one who takes responsibility for it - all of it.
There are billions of people facing enormously difficult lives, in war zones for example, far greater than mine.

Some of my challenges have been designed to build my mental and emotional strength; some have been to give me insight through experience; and still others are the result of forces I am exposing wanting to destroy me and what I am doing.

In fact, all of them have added to my mental and emotional strength and given me greater insight, and, devastating as some of them have been, I am grateful for the gifts the experience has provided.
I didn't like them at the time and I still don't, but I can see what they have given to me.

It's interesting to observe what a gift challenges can be if you don't feel sorry for yourself or bow the knee in surrender.
I remember my father saying to me when I was a kid:
'You are never finished until you tell yourself you're finished.
Until you do that, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, you can get up and go on.'

Those words have got me through so many painful and distressing times when I was subjected to mass ridicule and it felt like I would be head-butting a wall forever.
When you refuse to let circumstance defeat you over and over, you begin to realise that the more challenges you face and overcome the less power future challenges, even bigger ones, have over you.

It's like my arthritis.
I have been in pain to varying degrees since I was a teenager and today what would make most people wince in agony is just part of life to me because I am so used to it, almost immune to the impulse to say 'ouch'.
It is the same with the challenges that life sets before us and I am currently in the middle of perhaps my biggest one.

In the last two years, everything I have created and worked for since 1990 has been hanging by a thread to an extent that only those closest to me have understood.
In fact, only myself and Linda Atherton, my former wife who organises my book publishing from the UK, have known just how close we have come to having no books, no website, and my family being in the street.
And that's no exaggeration whatsoever.

I have not talked in detail about this because of a continuing legal action and I still can't, except to the extent of evidence heard in a public court.
On that basis I can say the following.

Some years ago when I was trying to get my books circulating in North America I made an agreement with a man called Royal Adams in Missouri.
His role was simple.
He had to maintain enough books in print to meet demand and every month receive the income from the book distributor in the United States, take out his percentage and the money to reprint books, and send the rest to me in the United Kingdom.

What I eventually discovered, as detailed in a public court, was that he was not doing that at all.
He was hiding the true extent of sales and income and using company cheques to buy himself things like a Harley Davidson motorcycle, landscaping for his home, paying family members for doing nothing, and making a number of failed investments for himself.
He was even using money that should have come to me to pay for some New Age guy to give him 'spiritual counselling'.
You could not make it up.

All of this happened without my knowledge thousands of miles away in England where my focus was not on money, but gathering more research and producing more books.
Adams got away with it for a while until the extent of the interest in my work made his alleged income from book sales seem highly dubious.

I had an accountant investigate and the extent of the deceit became painfully clear.
What made accounting difficult is that I found out that Adams had actually registered my book publishing in his own name and the book distributor, Bookworld in Florida, refused to let me see sales figures.

I had to take legal action I seriously could not afford to make Bookworld hand over the figures, or at least some of them, and the accountant uncovered the cesspit.

Linda and me clear up the mess because the priority here was keeping the books in circulation, not trying to recover the massive amount of money I was owed.

You would have thought he would have taken that chance which few others would have given him, but instead he stopped all income from my books.
He believed that doing this would stop me and my family paying essential bills to the point where we would lose everything, including our home.

It was an unbelievably cold and callous attempt to force me to hand everything to him.
Stopping all payments from my book sales was followed by a demand that he would only consider restoring that monthly fraction of income due to me if I faxed him a signed contract giving him the rights to all my future books.

All this was done in league with a lawyer so crooked that he was suspended from working in law in the middle of this case.

Adams wouldn't walk away despite everything that had been uncovered and so legal action had to begin that has sucked us dry of money ever since.
So slow do the 'wheels of justice' move that it is still going on.
Without the fantastic support from people who have contributed and continue to contribute to the legal defence fund my work would have long been over.

There is more to this Adams business than yet meets the eye, it can be safely said, and one day I will uncover it.

The two court hearings so far have both gone in my favour and Adams was prevented from taking any more income from my books.
Instead, the distributor, Bookworld, was supposed to pay the income from sales into what is known as an 'escrow account' administered by the court.
However, they have failed to do so and last week Bookworld went bust still owing that money.

Ron Smith, founder of Bookworld, who refused to let me see sales figures for my own books.
His company went bust last week.

gone and I worked out this week that something like 98% of the money made from sales of my books and tapes across the world in the last ten years has gone to other people, not me, the person who 100% researched and wrote them.

However, such is the emotional strength built up from challenge after challenge that the reaction of Linda and myself to what should have been the latest devastating blow was 'whatever'.

Yes, it seems so unfair and unjust, and yes it is the latest blow of so many.
But, it's still the Little Game. The focus and passion must never, will never, wane on continuing to do what we believe to be right - communicating the information that people need to hear.
Somehow we will find a way.

As a result of what I have described, the massive legal bills we constantly have to pay, and the loss of income from sales in North America, I have not been paid a single cent on the sale of any of my books worldwide for closing in on two years.
I have not been paid a cent for talking to thousands of people at venues like the Brixton Academy and not a bean on the sale of any DVD.

It has all gone to meet legal costs, keep the books in circulation and pay those people necessary to keep everything going. My only income has been from this newsletter and without it everything would have been lost by now.
I don't even get income from the videos posted for subscribers because they cost more to produce than the income derived.

David Icke...Hey, King Of The Molehill, Newsletter Revisited... Davidickeguide300

In the midst of all this I spent six months writing my latest and biggest book, The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy (And How To End It), in the full knowledge that I personally will almost certainly not see a penny from its sale.

from time to time.

But I do shake my head when I see people venting their bile on the Internet and claiming that I only do what I do for the money.
A strange man called Craig Oxley circulated this only a couple of weeks ago:

'I have no desperation for money like he does.
I've given everything out I've found out myself.
I do not charge and have subscriptions.
I do not put out pathetic newsletters with basically nothing new of use in them and keeping people stagnant.
I was one of the first main Jesuit exposers on the web and in fact I'm a big reason for the biggest realisation that the Order controls from the Omega point.'

Even without discussing the scale of ego necessary to write such crap, the old theme is there again about me and money.
If only these idiots knew.
Many times over the years I have been told that if I 'really cared' about freedom I would give my books away for nothing.
I have reminded these people that they have to breathe every few seconds, just in case they forget.

I have also said that if they sent me a cheque for around $40,000 for each new reprint of every book and all the shipping costs, plus enough for me and my family to pay the bills, I would give them away.
They never reply.

It always make me smile to hear from people who would not dream of doing their own jobs for nothing, yet expect others to do so just because they are seeking to secure human freedom.
The mental gymnastics involved is staggering.

Which brings me to this week.

Sean, the webmaster at, realised that some people were taking these newsletters and posting them on website forums.
Given that they are written for subscribers and without this income it's all over, he wrote a polite email to say that these works are copyright and would these websites please cease from abusing that.

One website replied through someone who calls himself 'King of the Mountain', but it doesn't take long to see that Mountain should be 'Molehill'.
This was his considered view - produced as written:

'Sean Icke is harrassing both myself, the owner and the moderators of this forum by demanding that we remove all of Icke's newsletters.
Stating that it is an infringement of Dave's intellectual copyright, and that if we do not capitulate that he will take it to the proper authorities.
He is repeating this behaviour as he threatened (though not formally) to report the old forum to for the very same reasons.'

Well first of all, there is no 'Sean Icke' and where on earth he got that from only he knows; secondly, here is a Little Gamer in all his glory.
If he considers a polite email to be 'harassing' then he's a lucky boy who doesn't know what harassment is.

I am sure that in his Little Game self-delusion he feels like some guy with a sword 'standing for freedom' when actually he's achieving the opposite.
Instead of doing the respectful thing, Mr. Molehill produced a 'poll' for visitors to say if they should stop posting my newsletters that other people pay for.
One gentlemen, called 'beardo', wrote:

'Well, my opinion is "yes" keep posting them, and see how this pans out.
I'm sure David Icke would prefer that as many people as possible gain access to this "vital" knowledge.
If not, and he restricts access because of "money", well that says quite a lot about his philosophy.'

Words almost fail me. 99% of what I do, books, website, talks, I am doing for free.
I receive nothing from any of them.
What do you do for a living 'beardo' and why don't you do it for nothing?
Ah, but that's different isn't it, because that's you, not me?

Once again, if they only knew, what prats they would feel.
But then, the level of pratism is such that maybe they wouldn't.
The 'poll question' that people are asked to vote on with regard to my newsletters reads:
'Yay! I love them and Sean's a cock!'
As you can see it's a website of enormous depth.

I wonder if the poll replies would have been different had the question read:
'Do you want to destroy David Icke's only income and thus take his works out of circulation and stop any more being produced?'

But then what does Mr. Molehill care?
This is just another Little Game to him, a playground for his fantasy that he's playing in the Big Game.
Oh, and he's so not alone.

What makes me despair sometimes is not even the scale and speed with which the Orwellian global state is being introduced.
I expect that from the crazies involved and after all I've been predicting it for long enough.

No, what most makes me look to the sky are those who claim to know something about the enormity of what we face yet still go on playing in the kindergarten. It's time, long past the time, to grow up.

But, whatever, we go on ... because the Big Game goes on ...

noway noway noway

David Icke said...

In the last two years, everything I have created and worked for since 1990 has been hanging by a thread to an extent that only those closest to me have understood.
In fact, only myself and Linda Atherton, my former wife who organises my book publishing from the UK, have known just how close we have come to having no books, no website, and my family being in the street.
And that's no exaggeration whatsoever.

David Icke Newsletter, October 21st 2007

David Icke said...

As a result of what I have described, the massive legal bills we constantly have to pay, and the loss of income from sales in North America, I have not been paid a single cent on the sale of any of my books worldwide for closing in on two years.
I have not been paid a cent for talking to thousands of people at venues like the Brixton Academy and not a bean on the sale of any DVD.

It has all gone to meet legal costs, keep the books in circulation and pay those people necessary to keep everything going. My only income has been from this newsletter and without it everything would have been lost by now.
I don't even get income from the videos posted for subscribers because they cost more to produce than the income derived.

David Icke Newsletter, October 21st 2007

Pamela Leigh Richards said...

Among the Life we shared together,
the greatest accomplishment I am most grateful for,
was procurring the largest donation you have ever had
with a $230,000 gift to the business in 2005, which, saved it from bankruptcy at the time,
and kept all of us, including your first wife Linda and your children, afloat to continue forward.

Someone Is Lying Here...

He Claims To Have No Income In 2007...

She Claims To Have Donated $230,000 In 2005...!!!

rolling pin rolling pin rolling pin

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Join date : 2011-03-13
Location : Knotty Ash...!!!

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