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Three Tenents A Month...

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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:00 pm

...Look,I've been saying it since I got here,Icke the man is Kaput,but not from the constant attacks by differing parties,both with quarrels,
justified and unjustified.Most grief is within his own management,people you once loved,trusted and behold as friends.

...It can finally be laid to rest,that he's not sponsored directly by the Illuminati,has'nt acquired alot of money,through sales and shows,many indirect(off the books) cost and cash in hand expenditure,he's niether a Freemason,or want to be a cult figure,he said continuously,follow your own thing.

Two divorces,he's no saint,in his shoes,I would'nt leave Linda,but that groupie thing,you just don't marry,or have kids...pussy with power,is a dangerous thing,without friendship.Now here comes the price of an alimoney...and more maintanance.
He's no blood drinking reptile,peadophile,or violent vigilante,just a man that researched,and made some hits and misses,a bloke who likes a beer and a any of you identify with that?

...If you like him,buy him a beer,even though I don't...paranoid PC,you see.

Billy Ruben
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Ciggy Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:36 pm

He never was skint and he'll never be skint. Don't fall for his lies.


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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:03 am

Ciggy wrote:He never was skint and he'll never be skint. Don't fall for his lies.

Re: IAAAIA outed.Writes poems about Icke.
Ciggy on Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:04 am

.Here's a poem aboot D'Icke:

He's a nutter
He's a fraud
He's a plonker
Now I'm bored.

...Yeah,smirk,I know what you think.But you might be wrong on account,him never being skint,most of those early tours,were well calculated risk and back then,not paying to well,but enough,to pay venue,airline tickets, and accomodation or sponsored,like he was a few times in the US.There was no advertising,but a flyer at Newcastle University,mentioning a mobile number,or webpage,where you could reserve.This is 1999.
We were made aware of it by Art students,cause my pot dealer,who was a conspiratorial philanphropist,booked the tickets,for me,his "cover"
Girlfriend,and another enlightened annoyance,a thickset Polish dude,who took trips and seen reptiles in the pub,ala Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas style,anyway,the four of us went together.
...This,is Newcastle,NSW (New South Wales-Australia)between between July and Sept,1999,way before I met my occultist,in Oct31st,that year.It's a cheap venue,on Hunter/Maitland Road,about 7:30pm,looks like one of those tech conference rooms,I used to train in signals,for the railway,the very same rooms.There's no real staff,to guide you upstair,just one person,to say you found the right place,and people loosely shuffled in,I recognise most of them from the various secondhand bookshops,Rices,Cook's Hill,and the Esoteric crowd from BookHog,in the Junction.The owner of Rice's is there,stuck up prat.
...I climb the stairs,there's a guy,folded up in a seat,hidden in plain sight,a doorway to the left,the people file past,oh,it's the bloke Icke,off the rear cover of The Truth Will Set You Free,a book,I liked alot.Icke bloke looked up at me,rolled his eyes with disdain,seeing this choco bloke
all wide-eyed and stunned.I did'nt mean to catch anyone off guard,but he was either worn out,obvious,Jet-lagged,or under psychic attack,he looked kaput.He sneered and looked away,he did'nt want to be bothered,and I felt guilty about my timing,I never mean't to cross his path,that
was Steve's job,he was a Cult-Like worshipper,back then.Steve dragged me away by the arm,smiling as he too realised it was Icke.
...We got in the hall,and realised,it was two people who put out about 60 chairs,with about 36 filled.Icke being one of the men putting out chairs,jet lagged,fucked...he had real humble beginnings...I was there,I know.And he does'nt really dig me,and knows I can do better,but I give him credit.He deserves to make money,cause that's what business's do.
He had real passion and acknowledged all his sources,back then,The Tutankamen Phrophecies,...can't remember the author,just a second,'s gone.But still,good,so long ago.
Hey forgot,that Polish guy,so did his mate,who took the other half of the LSD tripsee the reptilians.Business Chambers,Newcastle,no,back alley,that's it,there you go.

Last edited by Billy Ruben on Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot many lines in head)
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:05 am

...that poem was scream funny too Ciggy,just cause I like the Ickester,Does'nt mean I can't laugh too... thumbs up
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:18 am

...that Icke chat in 1999,I remember now,it was basically word of mouth,a mobile phone number,and a private address,in Hamilton,to pick the bastards up,not Ticketek,or from the Civic Theatre,no adverts,nothing...bare bones tour.But good chat.
Billy Ruben
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty really feel sorry for Icke...I really do.

Post  Billy Ruben Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:09 pm

...On the Newcastle train a few years ago,I met a half caste Koorie fellow,just like me,except he had a bad speed habit.We were talking about aliens and occults...when he said something strange.I have a chicken pock scar,right in the middle of the "Third Eye",between my real eyes...if you forrow your brow,it forms a deep cylindrical shaft.This fellow traveller,got up,procliaming I'm an alien abductee and I'm chipped in the forehead.Glad the train was 2am and rather empty,bar a few drunks,some with or without vomit,a couple trying to flippin' heck in the toilets and other space-cadets on a cocktail of drugs,both illicet and prescribed.
...I denied being an alien or probed,even if there was truth,I ain't telling this whackjob.He did'nt like that,you must be one of "them",well,he started to get a little pushy and violent,so I head up to the conductor and have this chap removed from the train,strategically,at Tarro station,in the middle of no-where (I knew he was going to Metford).Sunday morning,he should sober by the next train I thought.
...but this is just an example,so small it is,of what it would be like for Icke.
...just take a moment,to consider this.
You’re hounded by the people that love you,worship you like some God,there’s no room for mistake or error.Reveal one of human’s failings(Like having a fart,or dumping a shit),BAM!,smear campaign in bloom.Loved and adored by men and women,even a few write glowing love tributes,in the form of poetry,only to be rejected by the census of “The In Crowd”(Limey),but the flack falls back on Icke,who faces a barrage of abuse in the guise of a forum,from a love-scorned Hippy...
Icke’s a magnet for the schizophrenic,the mentally unstable,the delusional and the worst kind of all,the manipulative.Every nutter comes out of the closet,hangs all their ills on Icke’s teachings,ignoring the main message,change,begins with self.”It was the Reptilians,The Illuminati,Tintin or thelyran the black magician...”that gave me voices in the head,raped my hamster,or killing my neighbours dog.
...but please consider this,just sometimes,very few indeed,we including myself,do bring a few problems on ourselves.When one does not agree with you,does not make them the enemy.Maybe they're your best friends in disguise.But adjust your attitude,avoid emotional entanglements and look at your own this coming from a spiritual aspect,or the hurt victim ego aspect of ourselves.Conspiracies and set-ups happen,
but examine your own part/involvement first...if you are innocent...then kill them all...short and tall.

Billy Ruben
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Ciggy Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:45 am

The ad revenue value of Icke's website is 1000 USD/day. That's per day, not per month.

That gives us a choice when he says he has no money: he's lying, or... unpardonably stupid.

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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Lady Tis-Shine Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:20 am

Icke should be making a MILLION DOLLARS A DAY for his website revenue. Hey at least there are better people in his forum then there is in your crappy WebApathy. Only sock puppets who are boring is in that forum of Ciggy's and I reckon that Haggie's will get more members that Il and WebApathy combined for he is a nice man indeed. cthulhu
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:42 am

Ciggy wrote:The ad revenue value of Icke's website is 1000 USD/day. That's per day, not per month.

That gives us a choice when he says he has no money: he's lying, or... unpardonably stupid.

...should've sucked up Icke's arse,he could afford to sponsor my esca....,journey to the UK...and stay there...except the food is so bad in PommyLand...and the air,weather,chavs,and motor cars...Geez,I'm hard to please for a fugitive... thumbs up rolf
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Lady Tis-Shine Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:52 pm

£3 a month is money well worth spent, and I am pleased to say that Icke the great man is still going strong. cthulhu
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:19 am

Tiswas wrote:£3 a month is money well worth spent, and I am pleased to say that Icke the great man is still going strong. cthulhu's all cool Tiz...Icke's a OK thumbs up
Worth paying for hidden videos,that's the only reason I want subscription to Prison Planet...the videos.
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:24 am

Billy Ruben wrote:
Tiswas wrote:£3 a month is money well worth spent, and I am pleased to say that Icke the great man is still going strong. cthulhu's all cool Tiz...Icke's a OK thumbs up
Worth paying for hidden videos,that's the only reason I want subscription to Prison Planet...the videos.

...but if they were all smart,they'd's like when you pay for a porn site,like Ghetto Whored,you get the key to 12 dozen others....Mexican Fart Porn,a fave for reality fuckwits.
So...The differring outfits,DI,Alex Jones,Mstar,Hilder...get together,agree on a standard for all,with access to all,for one price...That way,incentives for more production of new videos and material...But I'm a smart cookie,that never gets anywhere,greed and jealousy of others,you see...fall into reclusiveness...yet,I really want to break out and enjoy a really good flippin' fear or constraints...just hot abandon...errr,what were we talking about....?
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Three Tenents A Month... Empty Re: Three Tenents A Month...

Post  Billy Ruben Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:26 am

Billy Ruben wrote:
Tiswas wrote:£3 a month is money well worth spent, and I am pleased to say that Icke the great man is still going strong. cthulhu's all cool Tiz...Icke's a OK thumbs up
Worth paying for hidden videos,that's the only reason I want subscription to Prison Planet...the videos.

...Not Ma and Jed on the Hillbilly Forums....
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