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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  true lilly Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:42 am

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 R822461_7469195
The Netherlands -
The Stop and Go Back Man

He compares Islam to communism and fascism, the Koran to Mein
Kampf and he holds the balance of power in the Netherlands. Geert
Wilders is Europe’s incendiary, polarising Stop-And-Go-Back man and he
won’t rest until he kills multiculturalism stone dead and shows Islam
the door.

Broadcast: 06/09/2011
Reporter: Eric Campbell

Just a decade ago, the Netherlands was one of the most welcoming
countries in Europe now it’s leading Europe’s anti-immigration backlash.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 R822461_7469196
Geert Wilders wants to outlaw headscarves

and end immigration from Muslim countries.

Wilders went to ground after 69 people were massacred in Norway by an
anti-immigration fanatic. Now, in his first interview since that
atrocity, he’s as strident and determined as ever and he wants to bring
his message to Australia.

Once they were renowned for their easy going attitude to just about everything. Marijuana and gay marriage, legalised euthanasia. To be Dutch was to be inclusive and proudly multicultural, socially progressive and accepting of difference.

Today, it’s spun 180 degrees and is speeding in the other direction. Friction has grown between ethnic communities and minorities such that the government has declared its experiment with multiculturalism over. New laws have been passed making it much harder for prospective immigrants. They must now speak Dutch and show they’ve hit a basic salary scale before they’re allowed to join relatives already living there. And there’s a push to outlaw face coverings, and stop the construction of mosques.

“I would not want to live or my children or grandchildren to live in a country where the ideology of Islam becomes more dominant every day, because the more Islam you have in a society, the less freedom you will have.” Geert Wilders, Freedom Party.

The public face of this anti-immigration movement is the populist, nationalist Geert Wilders.
His Freedom Party tapped into growing Dutch anxieties about how their society is being changed by the new, mainly Muslim, arrivals and won 15 percent of the vote in general elections last year. It now holds 24 seats and the balance of power in the Dutch parliament.

Wilders dismisses criticism that he’s intolerant telling reporter Eric Campbell he’s actually fighting on behalf of freedom and humanist values and saying out loud what many privately believe but are too afraid to express.

“We are telling the truth not about the people but the ideology of Islam. We are saying that all cultures are not equal. It might be politically incorrect, but I believe our culture is superior to the Islamic culture of unequality, intolerance and violence.” Geert Wilders, Freedom Party

While the majority of Dutch see him as an extremist, and he lives under armed guard 24 hours a day, he still has plenty of support, sometimes from rather unlikely quarters. Foreign Correspondent talks to gay activists who are grateful that he is championing their rights and defending them from gay bashings, many of them carried out by Muslim immigrants.

Other moderate Dutch Muslims feel frightened by the emotions Wilders is stirring up, and worry that his rhetoric will incite violence against them. So far, though, the violence in the Netherlands has gone the other way – with two previous high-profile anti-Muslim campaigners being murdered.

It’s a heady, dangerous mix of race, religion, politics and emotion with strong feelings on both sides. And it may be heading our way sometime soon. Wilders reveals he’s keen to come to Australia where he’s been invited to help a prominent federal politician on immigration issues.

CAMPBELL: Amsterdam has long led the world in liberal social reform from gay marriage to euthanasia and legal marijuana. But now the Dutch Government is leading Europe in the opposite direction. It’s declared multiculturalism to be dead and it’s cracking down heard on Muslims it accuses of failing to integrate. The man behind this radical turnaround says he’s doing it in the name of freedom and he wants to bring his firebrand vision to Australia.

It’s the gayest day on Amsterdam’s busy gay calendar. The annual Gay Pride Festival is an exuberant, high-energy celebration attracting revellers from around the world. Even in the conservative hinterland, most Dutch are proud of this reputation for tolerance but of late, something very queer has happened here. These minorities have become scared of another minority.

HILDO: “I have friends who are Moroccan and it’s not Moroccans in general, there’s always a group within a group and they spoil it for the rest of the group”.

CAMPBELL: Hildo, known professionally as April Summer, leads a popular outgoing drag act SPARKLEZZZ but lately going out has become an ordeal. For the first time in their life they’re fearful walking the streets of Amsterdam. The reason? Moroccan street gangs targeting gays.

HILDO: “A couple of years ago we were very proud to just walk down the street and everybody was clapping and wanted to make pictures of us and now we have a little bit more problems on the streets so now we just say well let’s get a cab maybe to make sure that nothing’s going to happen on the way”.

CAMPBELL: It was once unthinkable in this reputed gay paradise but a recent spate of highly publicised bashings, most of them by migrant youths and more than a third by Moroccans, have some here wondering if Islam is to blame.

HILDO: “Yeah, yeah I think that they strongly believe in their religion and if their religion says that our way of living shouldn’t be right or we shouldn’t be proud of that because their religion says so”.

CAMPBELL: So for many Netherlanders their new hero is not a dyed blond Lady Gaga but a very different blond bombshell. Meet Geert Wilders, arguably the biggest critic of Islam in Europe.

GEERT WILDERS: “I would not want to live or my children or my grandchildren to live in a country where the ideology of Islam becomes more dominant every day because the more Islam you have in a society the less freedom you will have”.

HILDO: “What I like about the thing that he is saying that we should keep sharp that if they don’t accept the way that we live together here in Holland that’s, well then that’s more their problem and if they don’t like it, then they should go back to or go to another country where there is less tolerance like here”.

GEERT WILDERS: “You are not a racist or a fascist or whatever if you say I’m proud that a country’s based on values that are based on Christianity and Judaism and Humanism and we stand for Christians, we stand for homosexuals and we stand for the rights of women, for independent journalists – for whatever”.

CAMPBELL: Geert Wilders savaging of Islam has made him one of the Nation’s most popular politicians. He wants to end immigration from Islamic countries, outlaw headscarves and stop the construction of any new mosques. He’s likened Islam to Communism and the Koran to Mein Kampf.

GEERT WILDERS: “I see Islam as more ideology than a religion. It’s not to be compared with Christianity or Judaism, it’s more compared with other totalitarian ideologies, like Communism or fascism”.

CAMPBELL: “Even so do you understand why a law-abiding patriotic Dutch Muslim feels insulted when you compare the Koran to Mein Kampf?”

GEERT WILDERS: “My aim is not to insult people, let’s make that clear but Islam says that you should follow the example of Mohammed and as I say that Mohammed was a warlord, he was a terrorist and maybe a terrorist worse than Bin Laden ever was at the time. Look at what he did in his time in the past, in his Medina time. This is not the example to follow”.

CAMPBELL: A clear majority of Netherlanders see him as an extremist but he’s successfully tapped into fears that Muslim migrants aren’t conforming to Dutch values. In last year’s election his Freedom Party won 15% of the vote, giving it 24 seats and the balance of power in parliament. Yet just ten years ago this country was proud to call itself multicultural.

ABDELKADER BENALI: “If you talked about Islam or headscarf, people would talk about it in a very exotic way, they would reflect on it as something very exotic, something nice. We were proud of having here a lot of exotic people wearing headscarves or being from Muslim countries – that was something to be proud of – part of your tolerance.... tolerance system”.

CAMPBELL: Abdelkader Benali can often feel the odd man out. He’s a Dutch citizen, an acclaimed Dutch writer and an enthusiastic Dutch marathon runner. But in a crowd like this, he stands out as Moroccan.
The fact is the white Dutch community and the Moroccan Dutch community aren’t really running in the same race. Integration has been painfully slow. Many long-term migrants don’t even speak Dutch. Many in the white Dutch community are now casting nervous sideways glances at their neighbours.

ABDELKADER BENALI: “Now the fact we have a blond guy from the south of the Netherlands who looks like Mozart, being part of the government and he can say things like we should get rid of the Muslim population, we should shoot the Muslim terrorists in the knee is how he calls the Moroccan criminals.... people looking out of the window and seeing that those exotic people that came from Morocco, Turkey that they were not so exotic at all, they were a reality and this is causing a lot of unease”.

CAMPBELL: They country’s unease with immigrants particularly from Muslim countries is a fairly recent phenomenon. For centuries the Dutch were sea-going people - traders, pirates, colonists and migrants who settled the far corners of the globe, but in the 1960’s the government and business groups decided to bring foreigners here to do the kind of low paid dirty jobs the Dutch people no longer wanted. And to get the cheapest labour possible, they targeted mainly illiterate pheasants from poor villages in Morocco. No one seemed to mind that they were Muslim.

ABDELKADER BENALI: [outside butcher shop] “So this is the butcher(shop) of my father. I grew up in the butcher(shop) when I was a child, and my father started a butcher(shop), one of the first Islamic butchers in the 70’s”.

CAMPBELL: Benali’s family came to the Netherlands when he was four years old. In those days Moroccans were only expected to stay and work here for a couple of years.

“And your father’s still working here?”

ABDELKADER BENALI: “Yeah he’s still here, yeah, yeah, yeah. [they go into butcher shop to say hello to his dad]

CAMPBELL: No attempt was made to teach them Dutch or help them integrate but most Moroccans not only decided to stay, they brought out their extended families as well. While many like Benali integrated, others found it harder to fit in.
Not speaking the language or understanding Dutch customs, a kind of parallel society sprang up. But until the terrorist attacks in New York, nobody wanted to criticise it.

ABDELKADER BENALI: [talks to his father] “I’m asking how does he see the future? He says my life is over so I don’t worry about it. Then I ask him what do you think about your children and grandchildren who grew up here? And he says I don’t know”.

ABDELKADER BENALI: “Before 9/11 we had this idea of tolerance which also meant you accept each other as you are, you accept the differences but you don’t enquire too much into the differences, you are just happy to have those people around or not but you don’t enquire too much. You go to the Islamic butcher who’s cheap, he’s cheaper than a Dutch butcher. You buy his meat but you don’t enquire too much into his religion because this is part of our tolerance. You let people live. After 9/11 suddenly all those issues of identity and religion and where are you from, and migration became main topics”.

CAMPBELL: Geert Wilders isn’t the first person to champion Dutch culture over all. Pim Fortuyn was an outspoken gay professor who nearly became Prime Minister.

PIM FORTUYN: [archive footage] “We have a lot of guests that are trying to take over the house and the owner of the house doesn’t like this.“

CAMPBELL: In 2002 he was murdered by an animal rights activist who accused him of victimising Muslims. Two years later another strident anti-Islamist was murdered - the filmmaker Theo van Gogh. This time the killer was a Dutch born Muslim. A week later police foiled an assassination Wilders. He’s lived with bodyguards ever since.

GEERT WILDERS: “Fortunately almost for seven years now I live under 24 hour protection a day, every day a year whether I’m in Holland or abroad. I live with my wife in prison cells, not as a prisoner but to be safe... and in safe houses. It’s not fun but on the other hand I wont be silenced because I only use democratical means and if I would give in to people who use non democratic means who try to silence you by wanting to kill you or threatening to kill you, then it’s the end of democracy”.

CAMPBELL: Geert Wilders developed his hostility to Islam as a young man when he lived in Israel. His views hardened back home when he became a conservative councillor in a tough migrant area and was mugged. In communities with a high Muslim population you can feel the animosity towards him.

QASIM: “Oh, don’t mention that name, don’t mention it. What did you say? Yeah, we’ve heard it. I don’t want to hear it, man. I want to see him dead… absolutely… 100 per cent… right away.


QASIM: “I don’t know. He makes his money putting other people down. That’s not an honest way to make a living”.

CAMPBELL: Qasim and his friends Samet and Kerim live in the Netherlands’ second largest city, Rotterdam. As Europe’s largest port it’s attracted the most migrants. More than half the citizens are of foreign descent. The poorest suburbs endure constant hooliganism. It’s ethnic crime as much as religion that’s building support for Wilders.

QASIM: Yeah, we cause trouble.

SAMET: “But not really bad”.

QASIM: : “Just innocent stuff like being loud. But not punch in windows or get into trouble with police”.

CAMPBELL: As we were filming, Samet found police were looking for him.

POLICE OFFICER: “It could be that one day you’ll be invited for interrogation”.

YOUNG MUSLIM MAN: “The police think they have the right to say whatever they want. We don’t have any rights. Often there is work, but I don’t want to look for a job. They’ve taken me to look for a job but we get welfare”.

CAMPBELL: Throughout much of the Netherlands you wonder what all of the fuss is about. While Muslims are concentrated in the big cities, they only make up 6% of the population. Most of the country is still decidedly, almost alarmingly, blond - yet a common complaint is that Dutch culture is under threat.

GEERT WILDERS: Now our government, because of our influence, declared the total failure like the failure of the multicultural society.

CAMPBELL: Geert Wilders minority vote has made him the kingmaker. Last year he swung his support behind a coalition of the Liberal Party and Christian Democrats to bring a right leaning government to power. In return the government has taken a tough line on immigration, declaring multi-culturalism to be dead.
Prospective migrants must now speak Dutch and show they can work, before they can join relatives in the Netherlands. The policy isn’t specifically targeted at Muslims, that would be contrary to EU rules, but Geert Wilders insists that is the intention.

GEERT WILDERS: “In the Netherlands we propose that you should have 120, 130% of the minimum wage and you have to earn it before you can get your spouse over from a certain country for instance - which has an affect that less people from non Western countries will come to Holland”.

CAMPBELL: “So you’re not specifically saying we’ll take less people from Muslim countries but the rules will have that effect”.

GEERT WILDERS: “Exactly and the effect will be that people from non Western countries in reality it will be mostly Islamic countries will decrease in the next four years by a lot, possibly up to 50%”.

CAMPBELL: From 2013 the government will also outlaw full face cover. Geert Wilders wanted the ban to go further, demanding what he called a pollution tax on headscarves.

ESMAA: I would be the first one who would go against this. I would walk around in my headscarf just waiting to be arrested.

CAMPBELL: The Halal girls, Esmaa and Hajar Alariachi are the first women in Europe to host a national TV program in headscarves.

“What made you decide to wear headscarves?”

ESMAA: “We were forced. This is what he would like to hear”. (laughter)

CAMPBELL: “So you’ve grown up in the Netherlands, you feel 100% Dutch do you?”

ESMAA: “We were born and raised in the Netherlands so we don’t have any choice”.

CAMPBELL: They’re comedians who see Geert Wilders as a joke but they’re serious about their national identity and worry about the support he’s mustering.

ESMAA: “Yes I feel Dutch, I am Dutch but I have a lot more to offer than only Dutch things, and there is not such a thing as typical Dutch. It doesn’t exist. It’s a myth”.

CAMPBELL: “But a lot of people seem to like that myth. They seem to look back to a past era where everybody looked the same”.

ESMAA: “Yes because they feel threatened by the other. And the other is someone who doesn’t look like them and who has a sauce. I consider myself a Dutch citizen with a spicy sauce on top, and people are scared of spicy because if you put it in your mouth, oh you know it tastes hot.

HAJAR: “Because I wear a scarf, because my name is foreign, because ah maybe they heard or they know I have Moroccan parents so you will not be totally considered as Dutch. For example here in Holland if you have a father and a mother born here in Holland, have a Moroccan background but maybe they have parents who are from Morocco but they were born and raised here, and they would have a baby and they would register this baby at the municipality, they will write down that this baby is Moroccan Dutch. They will never write it down as totally Dutch even though the parents are born and raised here. And that’s quite interesting to see how people actually want to see us here in Holland, always as Moroccan Dutch”.

CAMPBELL: Geert Wilders has been taking his campaign against multi-culturalism way beyond the Netherlands.
In October we filmed his visit to Berlin to support a German anti Islamic party. The security was as tight as for a US Presidential tour with three security rings around the venue. Outside young Germans accused him of being a fascist. Inside he was warmly welcomed by supporters who insist he’s fighting fascism.

GEERT WILDERS: [addressing conference] “My friends, we do not wish to and should not, accept the unacceptable as inevitable without trying to turn the tide”.

CAMPBELL: We also caught up with him in New York, another stop on his international crusade to halt the spread of Islam to the West.

GEERT WILDERS: “Ladies and Gentlemen let me start by saying, no mosque here!”

CAMPBELL: He hasn’t always been this welcome. In 2009 he was banned from entering Britain but successfully appealed. Last year Dutch critics tried to prosecute him for hate speech but lost the case. The attempts to silence him have only made him more of a hero to his followers.

GEERT WILDERS: (addressing crowd) New York stands for freedom, for openness and for tolerance, indeed New York is rooted in Dutch tolerance.

CAMPBELL: But his international reach may have had some disturbing results.

On July 22nd Anders Breivik, a so-called Christian fanatic, went on a killing spree in Norway. He shot 69 political activists, mainly teenagers as they gathered at an island holiday camp. His stated aim was to punish politicians for being soft on the spread of Islam.
In a manifesto justifying the slaughter, he mentioned Wilders thirty times. Since the atrocity Geert Wilders has avoided journalists. This is the first time he’s agreed to discuss it.

GEERT WILDERS: “My heart goes to the people in Norway, something terrible has happened and it’s terrible that he mentioned me in his manifest. What can I do about it? But it’s terrible that he did, and I believe..... because he really acted as Islamic radicals would act, not according to the law”.

CAMPBELL: “But is there a risk you’re stirring up dark emotions?”

GEERT WILDERS: “No look once again we are not stirring up any emotions, we are telling the truth about not a people, but the ideology of Islam. We are saying that all cultures are not equal. It might be politically incorrect but I believe our culture is superior to the Islamic culture of inequality, of intolerance and of violence, this is not stirring up any nasty emotions, it is telling the truth and the preservation of who we are”.

ABDELKADER BENALI: “You know before.... before the killings of Breivik in Oslo I looked at Geert Wilders as also a product of our society - as being very Dutch in his sort of way, a maverick, an anarchist, a conservative anarchist, a populist, but somebody I could understand and I took what he said as baloney. But after Oslo they were repeating things he was saying in parliament, I got really scared because they were actually a call to war on people like me”.

CAMPBELL: Now Geert Wilders is planning to come to Australia with the support of a senior Liberal Party politician.

GEERT WILDERS: “I hope to be able, within the next.... this year, or maybe the beginning of next year to visit Australia. I met one of your senators, Senator Cory Bernadi not so long ago. He invited me to help him at least when I would visit Australia and I will certainly do that as soon as I can”.

CAMPBELL: In a statement to Foreign Correspondent, Senator Bernadi confirmed that he had offered to help arrange meetings and a schedule for Mr Wilders’ visit.

“Do you see a potential problem of Islamisation in Australia?”

GEERT WILDERS: “We all face immigration and also from people from Islamic countries. We all see that for instance this is something that also Senator Bernadi and I believe also others in Australia is fighting against. If they don’t, parties like mine will emerge, will become strong. And let me tell you this process is irreversible”.

CAMPBELL: Meanwhile back in his homeland, many migrants now dread where this process may lead.

ABDELKADER BENALI: “What does it mean for you as a citizen when you are Moroccan or Turkish or black? What does it mean? It means you do not belong. It means that you are going to discard or take two, three million Dutch with non-Dutch roots out of the picture. This is very dangerous, because it brings down social texture. And I think Geert Wilders is undermining it, then things can get very bleak”.
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  true lilly Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:18 am

Students may skip cash checks
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 906371-thumb-money
Bernard Lane
OVERSEAS students who want a higher education visa
will not have to prove they have any money at all.

Indian marriage of convenience rort
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 968890-110928-indian-marriage
Bernard Lane
AUSTRALIA'S next "student visa rort"
is likely to be sham marriages.
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  Billy Ruben Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:22 am

true lilly wrote:Students may skip cash checks
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 906371-thumb-money
Bernard Lane
OVERSEAS students who want a higher education visa
will not have to prove they have any money at all.

Indian marriage of convenience rort
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 968890-110928-indian-marriage
Bernard Lane
AUSTRALIA'S next "student visa rort"
is likely to be sham marriages.

as long as they're female,Thai,can cook cultural dishes and trained in the sensual arts,well,I'm all for that.In fact,I'm excited..

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 24045d1278930661sold175
Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

Posts : 8077
Join date : 2010-03-29
Location : No Fixed Address

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  Billy Ruben Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:27 am

Billy Ruben wrote:
true lilly wrote:Students may skip cash checks
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 906371-thumb-money
Bernard Lane
OVERSEAS students who want a higher education visa
will not have to prove they have any money at all.

Indian marriage of convenience rort
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 968890-110928-indian-marriage
Bernard Lane
AUSTRALIA'S next "student visa rort"
is likely to be sham marriages.

as long as they're female,Thai,can cook cultural dishes and trained in the sensual arts,well,I'm all for that.In fact,I'm excited..

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 24045d1278930661sold175

We'll make space,just deport all the slavs,British settlers and all arabs and jews...imagine the ratio of women to men,I have a boner,I just wanted to share this with you...

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Obscene-smiley-7202

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Obscene-smiley-7206
Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

Posts : 8077
Join date : 2010-03-29
Location : No Fixed Address

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  true lilly Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:38 pm

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 182180-geoff-clark
Geoff Clark says Andrew Bolt's writing on a range of racial issues
prompted him to take legal action.
Geoff Clark loses seat on Framlingham
Aboriginal Trust board in coup

by: Stuart Rintoul
From: The Australian
October 06, 2011
FORMER Aboriginal leader Geoff Clark has lost one of his last
bastions of support after he was suspended by a new board of the
Framlingham Aboriginal Trust, which also moved to seize the trust's
financial records.

Last week, Mr Clark had a court victory as one of the nine
"pale-skinned" Aboriginal people who brought a successful racial
discrimination action against Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt. Mr
Clark, the last chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Commission before it was disbanded by the Howard government, wore a
possum skin coat to the Federal Court for the decision.

But in a community coup on Monday, Mr Clark was suspended from his long-held
position as chief executive of the Framlingham Aboriginal Trust.
Framlingham is a small Aboriginal community near Warrnambool, in southwest Victoria.
The trust owns and manages land and businesses in the Warrnambool area.

It is understood the decision to oust Mr Clark came after trust
shareholders were presented with a confidential forensic audit ordered
by Aboriginal Affairs Victoria last year.
The Victorian government confirmed last night the findings of the audit had been referred to Victoria Police.

A statement issued yesterday by new board chairman Jim Berg, the founding
executive director of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and one of
the founders of the Koorie Heritage Trust, said shareholders met on
Monday "in response to serious concerns" surrounding the governance of
the trust.

A new committee of management was elected on Tuesday
and voted to "suspend the employment" of Mr Clark and his wife, Trudy,
"until further notice". The locks were changed on the Framlingham Trust

Speaking on behalf of the new board, director Possum Clark-Ugle, a cousin of Mr Clark,
said yesterday all trust records would be seized by the new committee and any irregularities referred to police.

Mr Clark, who has controlled the Framlingham Aboriginal
Trust since 1979, yesterday refused to respond to a phone call and
answer text message questions from The Australian about the new board,
his suspension, or Mr Clark-Ugle's suggestion that any improprieties
would be referred to police.

Trudy Clark could not be contacted last night.

Mr Clark, who declared himself bankrupt after a civil rape trial, has
described himself as a "project officer" with the Framlingham Trust, or a
"resident" of Framlingham, but Mr Clark-Ugle said that until he was
suspended this week he had continued to act as the trust's

Tensions have been simmering at Framlingham for the past 21 months, beginning on the morning of January 5 last year, when four people came together in a house at Nirranda, near the Bay of Islands in southwest Victoria, to discuss the management of two
inter-related organisations, Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and Kirrae
Whurrong Community Inc.

The four had been among Mr Clark's closest allies and defenders
during his many and long courtroom battles.

They included Mr Clark's non-Aboriginal lieutenant of 15 years, Mick
Fitzgerald; Mr Clark's aunt, Violet Clark, an executive member of
Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and Kirrae Whurrong Community Inc; Lionel
Harradine, chairman of Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and executive member
of Kirrae Whurrong Community Inc; and his wife Hope Harradine, a member
of Kirrae Whurrong Community Inc. The Nirranda meeting, held at Mr
Fitzgerald's home, began at 10.30am and ended at 12.10pm when Mr
Fitzgerald was instructed to obtain urgent legal advice.

On March 2 last year, Mr Fitzgerald and Violet Clark presented their concerns to Mr Clark.

In June last year the Clarks' son, Aaron Clark, who was also on the
Framlingham board of management, told The Australian that any
suggestions of wrongdoing were "totally unfounded" and blamed "community

Mr Clark-Ugle said yesterday seven of the nine shareholders of the Framlingham Trust voted on Monday to overturn the board and appoint Mr Berg chairman.

Asked if Mr Clark contested the change, Mr Clark-Ugle said: "He may, but he will have to come with a court order to contest it."

A civil jury found in 2007 that Mr Clark had taken part in
two pack rapes of Carol Stingel in 1971.

As Ms Stingel pursued him for the $20,000 she was awarded for the rapes,
and lawyers sought costs of more than $300,000, Mr Clark declared
himself bankrupt in July 2009.

Due to bankruptcy laws, he was forced to resign as a director of some other Aboriginal bodies.

But he told the Warrnambool Standard newspaper: "It's all part of the
campaign against me. But I don't need to be a director. I'm still
involved in group discussions true to our cultural consensus decisions.

"There's been nil effect in the resignations."

true lilly wrote:What the Enemies of this Glorious land want you to forget,
with their typical, childish, off topic dribble, is that it is these,
leftist, God mockers, pushing their anti-Christ agenda into LAW,
that are, and always have, caused every problem, suffered by all,
wherever they happen to reside, and however 'privileged' they
currently believe themselves to be, through serving the beastly
legions of the death worshiping religions.

Rather telling to, that they finally attacked this thread with their
spam of evil, lies and dribble, to flood over (cover, protect) the
instigator of and participant of the GANG RAPE OF A CHILD.

true lilly wrote:Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Geoff-clark
ATSIC chair Geoff Clark 2002
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Geoff_clark_narrowweb__300x361,0
Clark wrongly sacked from ATSIC,rules court
September 6, 2005 - 12:21PM

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Geoffclark
Geoff Clark ... the Government must pay his legal costs,
which are expected to run to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A court ruled today that Aboriginal leader Geoff Clark was
wrongly removed from his job as head of the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Commission.

But the judges say the decision has little practical bearing as
ATSIC was abolished by the Federal Government last year.

The full court of the Federal Court today dismissed an appeal by
Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone over her sacking of Mr
Clark from the position of chairman of the national indigenous

Chief Justice Michael Black and Justice Mark Weinberg found that
Senator Vanstone failed to properly consider whether Mr Clark's
misbehaviour as ATSIC chairman impacted on his fitness to hold

Senator Vanstone suspended Mr Clark from office on January 22
last year for misbehaviour after he was convicted and fined $750
for obstructing police during a pub fracas in the western Victorian
town of Warrnambool in 2002.

The Federal Government has been ordered to pay Mr Clark's costs,
which are expected to be several hundred thousand dollars.
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Geoff-Clark-5362027
ABORIGINAL leader Geoff Clark
told a girl who'd just turned 16
he had a present for her before leading a pack of men
in raping her, a
jury heard yesterday.

Clark found guilty of gang rape
January 31, 2007 - 4:33PM
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Geoffclark_narrowweb__300x460,0
Geoff Clark ... accused of gang rape more than 35 years ago.
Photo: AAP/Shaney Balcombe

A civil jury has found in favour of a woman who accused Aboriginal
leader Geoff Clark of raping her in south-west Victoria more than 35
years ago. The jury has awarded $20,000 in compensatory damages in the
case brought by Carol Anne Stingel, who accused the former ATSIC
chairman of raping her in Warrnambool in 1971. No punitive damages were

So that's how that
convicted gang rapist presented himself
for those other trials and as
a Government employed *'aboriginal' leader.

BUT, HOW did he "present" for for 'THAT' "class" action,
that ONLY 9 of the 18 named white skinned *'aboriginals'
took against Murdoch's paper and Andrew Bolt.
(I have to be careful; with over 200 tribes - some of which
still war against each other to this day - some "take offence"
at being called by the wrong tribal name Rolling Eyes )

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 182180-geoff-clark
Geoff Clark says Andrew Bolt's writing on a range of racial issues
prompted him to take legal action.

GEOFF Clark has admitted that he took part in a class action
against Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt over

the general "tone" of his opinion pieces.

Yeah, well I LIKE "the tone" of THIS:

Coalition promises review of race Act
...but worry...
some other "class" may "take offence" at it,
and get some judge to make a review illegal!

true lilly wrote:'BILLY RUBEN' PUBLICLY BOASTS of
BEING a "POLITICAL ABORIGINAL"...and he is NOT the only one.

And NOW, thanks to This Judgement...

...what's that sound...coming closer, closer, closer to home...
...moo, moo...cluck, cluck...

Class action against columnist Andrew Bolt
succeeds in Federal Court

by: Mark Dunn
From:Herald Sun
September 28, 2011 10:53AM

Bolt breached discrimination a...

Andrew Bolt
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Skynews_2736149

Bolt breached discrimination act - court
A court has found News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt
breached the Racial Discrimination Act.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 916971-andrew-bolt
Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt leaves the Federal Court in Melbourne during an earlier appearance in the case.

THE assumed right of unfettered freedom of speech was trumped by
laws protecting against racial vilification this morning after the
Federal Court delivered its decision on the controversial "white
Aborigines" case of Pat Eatock v Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt.

Justice Mordy Bromberg found Bolt and the Herald and Weekly Times
contravened the Racial Discrimination Act by publishing two articles on
racial identity which contained "errors in fact, distortions of the
truth and inflammatory and provocative language".

Speaking outside court, Bolt said it was "a terrible day for free speech in this country".

"It is particularly a restriction on the freedom of all Australians to
discusss multiculturalism and how people identify themselves," Bolt

"I argued then and I argue now that we should not insist on the differences between us
but focus instead on what unites us as human beings," Bolt said.

Eatock v Bolt full Federal Court judgment

The columnist said he would read and consider the full judgment before commenting further.

Justice Bromberg said it was important to note his judgment did not forbid
debate or articles on racial identity issues if done "reasonably and in
good faith in the making or publishing of a fair comment".

"Nothing in the orders I make should suggest that it is unlawful for a
publication to deal with racial identification, including by challenging
the genuineness of the identification of a group of people,"
Bromberg said.

Ms Eatock and a group of eight other Aboriginals took Bolt and
the Herald and Weekly Times to court claiming racial vilifiication
over two articles in which he criticised fair-skinned Aborigines
for what he argued was a choice they made, as people of mixed
racial background, to emphasise their indigenous heritage over their
white heritage.

Ms Eatock welcomed the judgment, saying it was a statement against discrimination.
She said the court's decision meant racial identity could be debated, but with respect.
"It's how you handle it, you can't be malicious ... he (Bolt) must handle it based on truth and fact," she said outside court.

Ms Eatock told the Herald Sun she was aware of her Scottish ancestry
from her mother's side but saw herself as Aboriginal.

In the articles, on April 15 and August 21, 2009, Bolt wrote that some
fair-skinned Aboriginal people, whom he called "political Aborigines'',
had received prominence or indigenous awards because they chose to
identify with their Aboriginality.
The Eatock action claimed
Bolt's articles - which appeared under the headlines "It's so hip to be
black'' and "White fellas in the black'' - had "offended, insulted,
humiliated or intimidated'' them and were a breach of racial vilification laws.

In court during hearings in April, Neil Young, QC, for Bolt, had argued that
freedom of speech "trumped" other rights and was a cornerstone of democracy.

"Everything that's said, even if it's expressed colourfully, is rationally related to
a thesis that's a matter of public interest,'' Mr Young had said.

He argued the legal test for racial vilification was how an informed person would
interpret the views expressed in Bolt's articles.

But Ron Merkel, QC, for the complainants, said there was no attempt by Ms Eatock
or other members of the group to shut down freedom of speech or debate about racial identitity issues.

Mr Merkel said Bolt was free to express his views on the subject but should not have
chosen to attack the nine individuals he named in his columns and blog.

In the sometimes heated court exchanges, Bolt took exception to Mr Merkel's
comparison of the debate and Bolt's views to Nazi race laws, the Holocaust and eugenics.

Bolt argued those who chose to identify with only one part of their background
over another were contributing to racism and came at the cost of less focus on
the important issues of education, housing, health and poverty.

The parties were asked by Justice Bromberg to meet and discuss what orders the court should make.

The nine Aborigines who took legal action against Mr Bolt were former ATSIC
member Geoff Clark, artist Bindi Cole, academic Larissa Behrendt,
author Anita Heiss, health worker Leeanne Enoch, native title expert
Graham Atkinson, academic Wayne Atkinson, lawyer Mark McMillan and
activist Pat Eatock.

Mr Bolt and several of the plaintiffs were in court for today's decision.

Click here to read the full text of the judgment
And then there is also the fact that
Ciggy can only ever mock and attack has his own lies
about what I post.

This Land of Australia's globally unique position, stability,
history, geology, flora, fauna and richness in resources,
is the land God described that He would preserve for His,
re-gathered faithful.

He also warned of a great correction, for our denying the
obvious truth of His all promises kept, described in His Word,
and plainly evident in what is, in all this real world.

See, as 'they'/Ciggy et al know, I have never claimed that any
land can save anyone, but rather that this land is one huge proof
of The Creator's existence, that the faithful seekers of God should
take great comfort in, and that also condemns those who knowingly,
willingly cause others to reject it, through their cunning deceptions.
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Post  Billy Ruben Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:22 pm

thumbs down

Last edited by Billy Ruben on Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post  Ciggy Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:46 am

You're making her hungry.

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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  true lilly Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:10 am

Australian citizen on boat charge
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 195890-asylum-seekers
Aleks Devic, Carly Crawford
AT least one of the alleged key players
in a people-smuggling ring
was made an Australian
after slipping into the country illegally.

Australian citizen on boat charge
by:Aleks Devic, Carly Crawford
From:Herald Sun
October 07, 2011
From: HeraldSun

Fri Oct 07 00:00:00 EST 2011

AT least one of the alleged key players
in a global people-smuggling operation
was made an Aussie
after slipping into the country illegally
a decade ago.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 670501-lamis-alli-baighi
Lamis Alli Baighi, 34, of Templestowe,
was charged with one count of people smuggling.
Herald Sun

AT least one of the alleged key players in a global people-smuggling
operation was made an Aussie after slipping into the country illegally a
decade ago.

The Herald Sun can reveal former
Iraqi man Ali Haidari, 36, of Thornbury,
arrived in Australia on an unauthorised vessel in 2002.

Mr Haidari, who has no family ties in Australia and never landed a career

job, settled in Melbourne and won Australian citizenship in 2007.

He was one of two people police will allege to be the masterminds of a

global smuggling racket spanning Iraq, Iran and Indonesia.

The alleged smuggling ring was exposed as part of Operation Rasbora, which
has been operating for 10 months and which police say will continue with
more charges to be laid.

Australian Federal Police yesterday said the alleged scheme

came undone after undercover operatives allegedly
struck a deal with Mr Haidari to bring over
a fictitious family of six from Afghanistan.

Police allege the ring charged between $4500-$10,000 for asylum
seekers to come to Australia with "significant danger" given the state
of the boats.

Mr Haidari was charged with facilitating the entry into Australia
for the six people last month.

Charge sheets tendered in Melbourne Magistrates' Court

also state that between September 14 and October 5
he provided material support to aid people smuggling.

Mr Haidari, represented by Bernie Balmer also faces
two drug-related charges.

Police allege he imported methamphetamines
valued at $750,000.

Lamis Alli Baighi, 34, of Templestowe,
was charged with one count of people smuggling.

Supt Stephan Obers said outside court that
Indonesian police had helped the operation.

"We're saying (to the court) that they are

key facilitators in the syndicate, they're key planners," Supt Obers said.

Ten search warrants were executed
across Victoria and NSW yesterday with police
seizing documents and computers.

Mr Alli Baighi was released on bail while
Mr Haidari made no application and was remanded in custody.

The pair will next appear in court on February 2.

[ ] [/email]
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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  Billy Ruben Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:41 am

Ciggy wrote:You're making her hungry.

I was going to shit spam 30 differing types,you know,The Mr Hankey The Christmas Poo...sometimes they're nutty,sometimes greenish was bloody funny South Park style,but no good for reals...I made myself sick doing it,same as the porn spam,I did'nt realise I picked an incest story,about Daddy and daughter...very much IN love...Hmmmm,perversely woody,just elevated heartbeat...then I freaked for my very soul.

Billy Ruben
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Post  true lilly Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:45 am

10 October 2011
Last updated at 12:17 GMT
Ah, but let's start with
The Last Line, First...

"Egypt only recognises
conversions from Christianity to Islam,
not the other way".

Egypt clashes:
Military calls for swift unrest probe

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 _55938620_jex_1194023_de27-1
Yolande Knell describes the scene in Cairo as Coptic Christians mount further protests

Related Stories
In pictures: Egypt clashes
Egypt Christian protest attacked
Copts fearful and angry in wake of attack

Egypt's ruling military council has called for a swift investigation into unrest in Cairo,
after clashes mainly between Coptic Christians and security forces on Sunday.

The cabinet has held an emergency meeting ahead of the first funerals
of 24 people who died in Sunday's unrest.

Riots erupted on Sunday after a protest against an attack on a church in Aswan.

Reports of protesters in Cairo being crushed by military vehicles
have further heightened tensions.

Sectarian strife has increased in recent months in Egypt.

The Copts - who make up about 10% of the population - accuse
the governing military council of being too lenient on the perpetrators
of a string of anti-Christian attacks.

The BBC's Yolande Knell in Cairo says there is pressure on ministers
and on the country's military rulers to give assurances about national unity.

'Plain clothed attackers'
The military called on the government to carry out a quick investigation into
the clashes by "forming a fact-finding committee to determine what happened
and take legal measures against all those proven to have been involved".

In a statement read out on state TV, the army also said they would take all
necessary measures to maintain security and repeated their commitment to
plan for handing power to civilians.

Security has been stepped up at vital installations in Cairo,
with additional troops deployed outside parliament and the cabinet
building in anticipation of further unrest.

Police have been stationed outside the Coptic hospital,
where most of the dead and injured were brought.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 _52085262_jex_1013627_de38-1
Yolande Knell
BBC News, Cairo

As the morning mist lifted with the curfew in central Cairo,
relative calm had returned to the streets.

Yet Egyptians are still reeling with shock at this violence.
The death toll in these clashes was the highest seen in years.

Pictures in late editions of the newspapers show chaotic scenes and the gory result,
bodies lying in morgues. "Egypt bleeds in Maspero" reads one headline.
"Who is the behind the flare-ups?" asks another.

State television showed clashes between Copts and soldiers who responded
to the angry protests with tear gas. YouTube footage appears to show an
armoured security van speeding into the crowd. I saw menacing gangs
roaming the streets.

Funerals of the many victims will begin in the coming hours as the Egyptian cabinet
meets to discuss its response. The pressure is now on to maintain order and ensure that political transition gets back on track.

  • Mounting hostility behind Egypt's violent protests
Funeral services were expected to be held in the afternoon at the city's Coptic cathedral.

Thousands - mainly but not exclusively Christians - joined
the initial march from the Shubra district of northern Cairo to the
state TV building in Maspero Square on Sunday, calling on the military
council to sack the governor of Aswan province.

They also accused state TV of fanning the flames of anti-Christian agitation.

But the demonstrators said they were assaulted by attackers
in plain clothes before the clashes with the security forces broke out.

The violence began outside the state TV building but soon
spread to Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the demonstrations which led
to President Hosni Mubarak's resignation February.

There were reports of thousands joining in the street violence, attacking both sides.
Rioters tore up the pavement and hurled stones.

Correspondents say that many Muslims came out to defend Christians from
the security forces and protest against the military's continued hold on power.

Some called for the resignation of the military council, in particular its chairman,
Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi.

Others responded to government calls to help the army quell the unrest
for the sake of stability.

Some protesters reported hearing gunfire, and several said
they had seen a military vehicle run over at least five people.
There has been no comment from the government on the reports.

One eyewitness, a Christian named Sandra, watched the violence on Maspero Square
from her home.

"Everything took place directly underneath our house," she told the BBC.

"It all happened so fast. The army moved in with tanks and were literally
running over people. You could see bodies all over the place. People were running
and screaming."

Hossam Baghgat, head of the Egyptian Initiative for Human Rights and an eyewitness, described to local TV what he saw: "Some bodies had no heads, others had their heads completely flattened [and] you can't see the features, it's so obvious they were run over."

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 _55947803_55947248
Eyewitnesses said security forces vehicles ran over protesters

The ministry of health said that at least 24 people had been killed and 212 had been wounded in the violence.

Of this number, at least 86 were security forces, ministry spokesman Hisham Shiha
told the BBC.

Security vacuum
Later, Egypt's Prime Minister Essam Sharaf appealed for calm and addressed calls
by protesters for the removal of the military rulers.

"The most serious threat to the country's security is
tampering with national unity, and the stirring of discord between
Muslim and Christian sons of Egypt," he said in a televised address
late on Sunday.

He added that such violence - the worst in Egypt since Mr Mubarak was ousted -
was "tampering with the relationship between the people and the army".

Our correspondent says sectarian tensions have simmered in the political and
security vacuum that has developed in the past couple of months.

Christians have been worried by the increasing show of strength by
ultra-conservative Islamists.

In May, 12 people died in attacks on Coptic churches. In March, 13 people were killed
in clashes between Muslims and Copts in Tahrir Square.

This latest violence comes ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for 28 November,
the first such vote since Mr Mubarak was ousted.

The Copts, the largest minority in Egypt, complain of discrimination, including
a law requiring presidential permission for churches to be built. Egypt only recognises conversions from Christianity to Islam, not the other way.
From other news sites

Reuters UK Egypt Christians mourn dead after clashes kill 25 51 mins ago

Egypt holds crisis talks after dozens killed in riots 3 hrs ago

Egypt arrests dozens of 'instigators' after deadly Cairo clashes 3 hrs ago

Mail Online UK
Cairo riots: At least 24 killed and 200 injured as Christians clash with Egyptian military 3 hrs ago

The Independent
'Instigators of chaos' held after Egypt riots new 4 hrs ago
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Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Empty Re: Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA

Post  true lilly Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:33 am

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 6da9666c-f12e-4417-ab63-fd65e770eefe
Photo credit: Francisco Osorio

French suburbs turn away from state and towards Islam

Published: 06 Oct 2011 15:26 GMT 1

Local communities in France's immigrant suburbs
increasingly organise themselves on Islamic lines
rather than following the values of the secular republic,
according to a major new sociological study.

Respected political scientist Gilles Kepel,
a specialist in the Muslim world,
led a team of researchers in a year-long project in
Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil,
two Paris suburbs that exploded in riots in 2005.

The resulting study -- "Suburbs of the Republic" -- found that
religious institutions and practices are increasingly displacing those
of the state and the French Republic, which has a strong secular

Families from the districts, which are mainly populated by immigrants
from north and west Africa and their descendants, regularly attend
mosque, fast during Ramadan and boycott school meals that are not

With between five and six million Muslim residents and citizens,
France has the largest Islamic population in the European Union, and
central government often struggles to address the challenges to
integration that this poses.

Kepel performed a similar study 25 years earlier, and told the daily
Le Monde that the influence of Islam in the daily lives and cultural
references of the suburbs has "diversified and intensified" since then.

French schools, which are rigorously non-religious, have
traditionally been seen as having the role of training young citizens of
the republic, but local officials say Islamic pupils are heading home
for a halal lunch.

"A certain number of children don't come to the canteen any more or,
if they come, they only take a starter and dessert," Xavier Lemoine, the
centre-right mayor of Monfermeil, told Europe 1 radio.

Surveys suggest most in France do not object to mixed marriages, but
in the suburbs the researchers were surprised to find "a very large
proportion of Muslim respondents said they were opposed to marriages
with non-Muslims."

The researchers also delved into the reasons behind the 2005 riots,
which they said had called into question modern France's founding myth,
"the implicit shared belief that the nation was always able to integrate

While the resentment in the poor suburbs has social roots,
essentially the residents' virtual exclusion from a tight jobs market,
the rioters expressed frustration in a vocabulary "borrowed from Islam's
semantic register."

Islamic values are replacing those of a republic which failed to
deliver on its promise of "equality", and the residents of the suburbs
increasingly do not see themselves as French, the researchers said.

"One of the reasons for the strong role of Islam is that the Republic
has withdrawn," warned Claude Dilain, the Socialist mayor of Clichy.
"Those who felt abandoned seek another identity, and Islam satisfies
that well."

But the report does not support the idea that the state has simply
pulled back, to be replaced by Islam. The Clichy-Monfermeil
agglomeration has been at the centre of one of France's biggest urban
renewal programmes.

Many physical barriers to integration have been removed, with efforts
made to plug the area into public transport networks and improve public
safety -- but unemployment and low school achievement remain high.

A third of the population of the town does not hold French
nationality, and many residents are drawn to an Islamic identity rather
than simply rejecting or failing to find a secular one.

Kepel's study was commissioned by the Institut Montaigne, which will
make recommendations in January. The author warns: "France's future
depends on its ability to re-integrate the suburbs into the national
AFP (fr)


Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 651368-actress-lashing
Iranian actress Marzieh Vafamehr
will be jailed for a year and lashed 90 times
for her role in the Australian film
My Tehran for Sale.
Picture: Supplied/Cyan Films

Read More

Iranian actress Marzieh Vafamehr
to be lashed over Australian film

by:Miles Kemp
From:The Advertiser
October 11, 2011 7:34AM


Iranian actress sentenced for ...
My Tehran for Sale
Marzieh Vafamehr
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Skynews_2766793
Iranian actress sentenced for role
An Iranian actress has been sentenced to a year in jail and 90 lashes
for her role in a South Australian film.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Tehran
My Tehran for Sale
Watch the trailer of My Tehran for Sale starring Marzieh Vafamehr
who will be jailed and lashed 90 times for her role in the film.

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 416664-marzieh-vafamehr
Marzieh Vafamehr is to be punished for her starring role
in a film with Australian links. Picture:
The Advertiser

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 418461-ronak-moussavi-and-marzieh-vafamehr

Marzieh Vafamehr, right, pictured with Ronak Moussavi
at the opening night of the film My Tehran For Sale
at the Adelaide Film Festival. Picture: The Advertiser

AN Iranian actress will be jailed for a year and lashed 90 times for
starring in an Australian film production about the Western influence
on life in the Islamic republic.

Actress Marzieh Vafamehr was the main character of the 2009 feature film
My Tehran for Sale.
The film was jointly funded by the South Australian Film Corporation and
the Adelaide Film Festival.

She was arrested in June after black market copies of the film began circulating in Tehran,
showing Vafamehr in some scenes without an Islamic hijab which covers the hair and neck.

Vafamehr's family
had requested a Western media blackout of the case
since her arrest but on Sunday the Iranian opposition website
went public with news
of the actress's harsh punishment.

Adelaide co-producer of the film, Kate Croser, of Cyan Films, said
the company had offered assistance to the family but would maintain
a public silence on the verdict until it could determine if their wishes
on Western commentary on the case had changed.

Results: Iranian punishment

Thanks for voting!

Is the punishment barbaric?

Yes - it's unacceptable
(7081 votes)

No - we must respect Iran's laws

(622 votes)

Total votes: 7703

This must be a job for SuperKevin

"There is an appeal which could be lengthy and the family may
still believe
that public comment will be unhelpful because they are going through
all the official channels," she said.

"We can say the charges were that there was no permit for filming,
which is not true, and that in some scenes Marzieh was not wearing a hijab
and had a shaved head."

Supporters of Vafamehr were yesterday meeting to offer support to the family,
including organising an Australian lobbying effort through
the film's Iranian-born director Granaz Moussavi, who now lives in Melbourne.

The movie's plot is based in part on Moussavi's own life and that of her friend
Vafamehr but also on stories the Flinders University film graduate was told when
she volunteered as a translator at the Woomera detention centre.

Internet images of officially administered lashings in Iran show victims being
placed face down in a prone position and then being whipped with a long stick
on the upper legs, back and buttocks.

In 2008, Vafamehr, Moussavi and South Australian producers Croser and Julie Ryan
filmed the movie in Tehran and brought the footage back to Adelaide for post

Vafamehr plays the character of a young actress in Tehran whose theatre work
is banned by the authorities.

She is then forced to lead a secret life in order to express herself
while at the same time trying to migrate to Australia.

The 2009 film was highly controversial in Iran only because it showed
footage of uninhibited modernised Iranians at Western-style rave parties.

Footage of those scenes would normally be censored by authorities for being subversive.

Family First MLC Dennis Hood said he would contact Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd today urging the Federal Government to offer assistance to the family.
4 comments on this story

TO STAR IN 'HER' Dramatised Story, while BREAKING THOSE LAWS,
and for this, OUR AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is expected to 'assist'
her family?

And what about the Australian Film makers who want to tell the stories
of The Dark Side of Islam In Australia, but can't get Government Funding
or commercial backing. Isn't that in effect, Banning Australian's Voices,
In Australia.

And oh look, seems it was meant to be a
Catalytic Domino...
Rolling Eyes
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Bf6xCKz
My Tehran For sale

NOTICE in This PUBLICITY SHOT, from nearly 3 years ago,
one woman, The Star, The One To BE CANED and GAOLED,

Tehran in the eyes of the young
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 SvFILM_wideweb__470x376,0
Julie Ryan (left) and Kate Croser and

producer/writer Granaz Moussavi
made the film in Tehran

and smuggled out the results.
Photo: David Mariuz

Latest related coverage
Documentary tells of battling farmer who decides to open a brothel

Penelope Debelle
December 5, 2008

IRAN is well known as a repressive Muslim state, viewed
suspiciously by the West as the next-most-likely place to find
weapons of mass destruction. It is less known as an achingly
beautiful place with a vibrant middle-class urban culture where
young people secretly listen to rock music, attend underground
raves and tailor their behaviour for the outside world.

Granaz Moussavi, an Iranian immigrant and poet with an honours
degree in screen studies from Adelaide's Flinders University, has
written and directed a film based on the people she knew in Tehran.

(What, NOT the stories of Woomera detainees, back then, only now?!)

"We started workshopping the idea at least a decade ago; we
wanted to tell our story because we were not satisfied
with the
types of films that we watched," Ms Moussavi says. Her film,
My Tehran For Sale, is one of four investment films to be
showcased at the 2009 Adelaide Film Festival.
"Not that they were
not good films, they were brilliant films, but something was missing."

Ms Moussavi grew up in a society so repressed that colourful
clothes and jeans were forbidden, laughing out loud attracted
criticism and young people had to pretend to be "old and sad".

Her close friend, Marzieh Vafamehr, the star of My Tehran for
, struggled to work
and survive as an actor in Iran under
pressures that would have caused most people to surrender. But she
survived and her film Wind, Ten Years Old, which she wrote,
directed, and acted in, was shown at this year's Sundance Festival
and she starred in the 2004 feature film Unsweetened

Ms Moussavi said Ms Vafamehr did not endanger herself by making
a film that exposed the
quiet rebellion of young Iranians. But no
unauthorised statements from Iran were welcome. "I believe that
when you do anything independent in Iran, whether writing or making
films, there is always the issue of getting criticised or negatively thought of,"
Ms Moussavi says. "But that comes with any production that is made in Iran that
is independent, not just this one."

(HOLD ON THERE!!! THIS WAS NOT "independent" but FUNDED BY
film in, THEN SHOWED IT TO A WORLD of MUSLIMS via Film Festivals,
and MUCH CROSS MEDIA PROMOTION, and still want us to believe,
that they believed, she was "not" IN DANGER?!)

The decision to film in the streets and markets of Iran came about because
the production company, Cyan Films,
fell short on the finances needed to film in Australia.

Ms Moussavi went to Iran in July and hired production assistants
who pulled together a young crew that scouted locations and helped
with the casting. Co-producer Julie Ryan, who worked with Rolf de
Heer on the award-winning Ten Canoes, said the low-budget
option produced a stronger result.

"I am so happy — we all are — that that occurred
because the film is pure and true," Ms Ryan says. "Of course, you
can recreate that anywhere in the world
but to actually have that
all made there was good for the film."

Technological advances meant the entire film was shot and
downloaded each day into an edit system, backed up by hard

At the end of the shoot, the film was taken out of Iran in the
backpacks of Ms Ryan and co-producer Kate Croser without attracting
undue attention.

The fictional story is about the struggle of "Marzieh", who
loves her country but puts everything she values "on sale" to seek
freedom and a new way of life after she meets Iranian-born Saman,
now an Australian citizen. She plans to leave Iran by orderly means
but is forced to use people smugglers and ends up in detention.

Ms Moussavi, who worked with the Woomera lawyers as a translator
during the height of the Howard government's mandatory detention
policy, says Iran is so beautiful its people never voluntarily leave.

"I have never seen anyone leave Iran who are happy, people cry,
my family — we cried our eyes out," she says. "If you talk to
people in the Iranian community, most of them are living out of
suitcases and waiting for the day that the situation is better so
they can go back."

Ms Moussavi, whose poems are published in Persian, English and
says she does not want to sit back and wait for things to
change in Iran; she wants to be part of the change. "I would like
to try to make things better," she says.
And 'better' to "THEM" is yet more,
up-their-own-arse, artsy-Fart Poser, Spoiled Brats,
"expressing" "THEMselves", all over us, With OUR TAXES,

And here's another Domino...
a very 'Master-Cardy' Domino...
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 Tmff_logo2
2010 WON Jury Prize:
Best Feature Film

Granaz Moussavi
(director) (writer) (producer)

(Cyan Films
(production company)

The film written and directed by Granaz Moussavi
is the first feature co-production of Iran and Australia ,
premiered at the
Adelaide Film Festival (Feb,2009),
and an official selection of
Toronto International Film Festival (Sep,2009),[1]
Vancouver International Film Festival ,
Pusan International Film Festival (Oct,2009) and
International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg (Nov 2009),
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York (Jan 2010),
International Film Festival Rotterdam (Jan 2010),
International Film Festival Prague - Febiofest
2010 Cinema Novo Film Festival Brugges ,
2010 CPH:PIX Copenhagen
International Film Festival ,
2010 Guadalajara International Film
Festival Mexico ,
Sydney travelling film festival,
Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria International Film Festival,
HRAFF 2010,
Fukuoka International
Film Festival 2010 and
Global Lens USA 2010.

My Tehran For Sale is the winner of Independent spirit Inside Film Awards 2009.

It won the jury award for best feature Film in TriMedia Film Festival in 2010.

The movie was shown in Australia in 2009

and copies found its way to


Oh, and there's this thing called
"THE INTERNET", you know, that 'tool'
to 'freedom'... IF YOU SURVIVE THE


Iranian authorities found the film vulgar

for showing modern
Iranians in Western-style rave parties.

In July, Vafamehr was arrested in Tehran.

Her family is appealing the punishment.

I give up.
true lilly
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Post  true lilly Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:00 am

Jewish community wants
Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir outlawed

by:John Masanauskas
From:Herald Sun
October 14, 2011

VICTORIA'S Jewish community wants a radical Islamic group banned, claiming it poses a security risk.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is banned in several countries, is due to hold a conference
against the Afghanistan war in Melbourne tonight.

The group's Australian branch has also recently
criticised a new counter-terrorism website launched by the Federal Government.

Victorian Jewish Community Council president John Searle said yesterday that
Hizb ut-Tahrir's beliefs were contrary to those of most Australians.

"They peddle a very virulent form of anti-semitism and anti-Zionism, and they
are the sort of group that would encourage home-grown terrorists," he said.

"We are not happy that they are here at all. We don't believe they are a desirable influence on young minds."

Related Coverage

Taliban role in September 11 denied Herald Sun, 7 days ago
Islamist group calls for end to Afghan war Herald Sun, 30 Sep 2011
Keep an eye on crackpots Herald Sun, 19 Sep 2011
Keep an eye on Muslim radicals - Jews Herald Sun, 13 Sep 2011
Muslim group active at universities The Daily Telegraph, 5 Jul 2011

Mr Searle said the Jewish community council wanted the group banned
and was concerned that speakers at tonight's event could inspire people
to take extreme actions.

"They are certainly at the very extreme end and extremists do not produce any good results for anybody," he said.

But Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar denied the group was extremist or anti-Semitic.

"The claims made about us are based on hearsay," he said.
"We are happy for them (Jewish community members) to come down
and have a look at our conference."

Mr Badar said the group had a problem with Israel
because of the occupation of Palestine.

Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland said Hizb ut-Tahrir's views were
well out of step with the Australian community and the question of
banning the group was constantly being reviewed by security and
intelligence agencies.

"The Government takes a hard line against groups that advocate terrorism,
and will act upon advice from its security agencies as to whether they should be proscribed," he said.
Tonight's conference - Afghanistan, Ten Years of Injustice, Oppression and Failure - will take place in a city hotel.
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Post  true lilly Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:57 am

School racism theory flawed
by:Andrew Bolt
From:Herald Sun
October 19, 2011 12:00AM
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 995943-bolt-graphic
Herald Sun

RACISM is like global warming - the thing you blame for what you
don't understand. Or don't want to. Makes you look good, too.

Trouble is, it sure does blind us to what's really going on, and what we should do about it.

This week, for instance, I read a startling story in the Fairfax media which
started: "A 'white flight' from elite selective high schools is
entrenching ethnic segregation in Australia's education system ... "
Pardon? "Whites" are "fleeing" state schools set aside for the smart?

Yes, says Dr Christina Ho, a senior lecturer of the University of
Technology, Sydney, who's noticed that more than 85 per cent of the
students at most selective state schools in NSW are from non-English
speaking backgrounds, mainly Asian.

Same story with Victoria at MacRobertson Girls High and Melbourne High.

Andrew Bolt's blog
Open season, schools lay scholarship traps The Daily Telegraph, 6 days ago
Schools need to lift their game Adelaide Now, 6 Sep 2011
Teachers accused of racism in schools Herald Sun, 23 Aug 2011
Attacks on Indian students are not racist Herald Sun, 11 Aug 2011
Letters: Find unity in multiculturalism Adelaide Now, 7 Jul 2011

Part of the reason, Ho suggests, is that favourite catch-all - white Australian racism.

"The 'white flight' from these schools must partly reflect an unwillingness
to send children to schools dominated by migrant-background children,"
she's written in a paper for the Australian Review of Public Affairs.


First, it's a strange racism that results in migrant children snaffling most
of the best places in state schools. I'd have thought that was a reason
to praise us, not damn.

But second, is this truly racism at work, or just what you get from a multicultural society, with different cultures producing different results?

It's true, I may have a skewed idea of what's going on today in state schools in the tougher working-class areas.

I went to some of the smallest and poorest schools myself, but now use my hard-earned to send my children to private ones.

Still, I know some state schools have "racial" or ethnic divides that are
scarily strong, even violent. I've visited one so bad it was forced to close.

But what's struck me strongly is how little "racial" differences count today to many students, at least at the middle class and richer schools I've visited.

There's an easy mixing between the "races" that makes the very word "race" an insult -
a betrayal of the truth that there is but one human race, and the rest is vanity and

I hate to sound mawkish, but never in my life or in any other place have I seen so many children so blind to "race".

Sure, Asian-Australian students can tend to hang out together, and
Anglo-Australian jocks and "the blondes" ditto, but how much of this is
explained by "race" and how much by culture - and especially by
differing cultural attitudes to hard work and education?

The fact is that Asian and Indian parents in Australia tend to rate education
very highly, and migrant parents tend to be especially keen to make
their gamble of coming here pay off, at least through the achievements
of their children.

Ho herself says many Asian parents - all those "Tiger mums" - get their children special coaching to boost their marks, and children of such cultures are "expected to spend a lot
of their time studying".

But "Anglo" families? In the country schools I went to, hard study was usually thought too brain-hurty and dangerous for the growth of a "balanced" child.
To carry a book at lunchtime made you a "p---ter". Today the word is "nerd".

Years later, I was shocked on returning from two years in Asia to find our pre-schooler
went from learning geography and maths in Hong Kong to just "learn by play" in South Yarra.

Here's another marker of the cultural difference. Tell an Anglo-Australian parent their son spent lunchtime in the library and they'll probably fret he has no friends.

Tell it to a "Tiger mum" and she'll probably smile.

I generalise wildly, of course, yet most parents will know there's a basis of truth to the stereotype.

So if children from, say, Asian or Indian backgrounds tend to have parents
who make them study hard and who think sport is just a game, is it a
surprise that they hang out in the quad with each other rather than on
the oval with more Anglos?

And is it a surprise that children of such parents also tend to get better marks?

Check the top 25 names in last year's "distinguished achiever" VCE rankings.
Just five of the students have obviously Anglo or Celtic names. Almost
every other name suggests a background that's Asian, Indian, Jewish,
Italian or Bangladeshi.

Given that, it shouldn't make Ho suspect the worst to find the rollcall at our
selective state schools has exactly the same accents.

In fact, what makes the Asian and Indian domination of those schools even more exaggerated is that they are so explicitly and only for the academically bright. Full stop.

Ho in her paper notes that bright Anglo Australian children seem more
likely to be sent instead to private schools, which like to boast of the
"rounded education" they offer with extra-curricular stuff from rowing
and football to drama and debating.

It's this choice that Ho calls "white flight" - a fear of sending an Anglo child to a selective
school full of Australian Asians and Indians.

But she herself then suggests a far more likely explanation, and once again it involves a cultural difference.

Ho concedes that migrant parents may be so obsessed with their children
getting good marks - and good marks only - that they "may be less
willing to pay for superior grounds, facilities and other private-school
attractions, even when they can afford to do so".

Why pay for what they won't use, when a selective state school gives them all they want, and for nothing?

Ho and other academics may be right to worry that students from different cultures aren't now mixing enough.

"The growing ethnic segregation of Australian schools should ... ring loud
alarm bells," she says. "The success of Australian multiculturalism"
actually depends on people "routinely interacting across cultural divides".

But is that realistic? Multiculturalism has come to mean keeping cultural differences, and different cultures will always produce different results.

If a culture doesn't value the education of girls, the people who follow it are likely to be poorer. If a culture doesn't share the work ethic of mainstream Australia, its
members are more likely to be on welfare.

But in this case, why complain? Here's a cultural difference that simply produces brighter students in state schools. Great!

If you're worried that so many of them are of Asian or Indian background,
there's a simple fix: Tell the Anglo students to hit their books just as hard.

But just telling them they're racist? Give them a break - and give this country one, too.

Read Andrew's column each Wednesday and Saturday in the Herald Sun. Join him at 8am each weekday on MTR 1377

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Post  true lilly Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:33 am

Islamic group calls Australia
the 'real terrorists'
by:John Masanauskas
From:Herald Sun
October 20, 2011 12:00AM

Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 774533-uthman-badar
Spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia Uthman Badar.
The Sunday Telegraph

A RADICAL Islamic group is facing fresh calls for it to be banned
after accusing Australia and its allies of being the "real terrorists".

A report released by the local chapter of the group Hizb ut-Tahrir

criticised senior MPs such as Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott for
"welcoming" the killing of Osama bin Laden and for claiming he was
responsible for some of the worst terrorist attacks in history.

"The reality is, of course, that the worst terrorist attacks in our times
have ... been the likes of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan,
wherein the US and her allies have killed hundreds of thousands of
innocent people," it said.

"The real terrorists therefore are Western governments ... the victims of whom in their millions cry out for justice and closure."
The group, which is banned in several countries, said that Afghanistan would be the nail in the coffin of the American empire and "Australia can choose to go down with it by
continuing a misplaced foreign policy".

Related Coverage

  • Push to ban radical Islamic group Courier Mail, 4 days ago
  • Taliban role in September 11 denied Herald Sun, 8 Oct 2011
  • Islamist group calls for end to Afghan war Herald Sun, 30 Sep 2011
  • Keep an eye on crackpots Herald Sun, 19 Sep 2011
  • Keep an eye on radicals, police urged Herald Sun, 13 Sep 2011
The terrorism comments have provoked outrage among families who lost
relatives in the Bali bombings, with calls for the group to be banned
and its members deported.

Spike Stewart, whose son Anthony was killed in Bali, yesterday urged the Federal Government to act quickly.

"Why can't they put them on a plane and send them home?" Mr Stewart said. "They need to get rid of them before it's too late."

Hizb ut-Tahrir held a seminar on Afghanistan in Melbourne last week amid
calls by the Jewish community for the group to be banned and its members
to be monitored by security agencies.

The group, which wants a return of the "Islamic Caliphate", admits that it is urging Australian Muslims to "resist the dilution of their Islam" and to reject
integration into mainstream society.

Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland said that Hizb ut-Tahrir's views were well out of step with the Australian community.

Mr McClelland said that the Government was working with multicultural communities to counter violent extremism.
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Post  true lilly Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:05 am

Pakistan teen kills family
because his father unable to provide for them

From: AFP
October 23, 2011 10:50PM

A teenager in central Pakistan has shot dead his parents and six
siblings because his father could not feed the family, police say.

Mohammad Afzal, 19, is believed to have drugged his parents, two
, and four brothers, before tying them up and killing them,

senior police officer Syed Mehmood Gilani told AFP by telephone today.

The dead siblings were aged between three and 16 years, Gilani added,
saying that the victims "all died on the spot".

The incident took place in Gujranwala district of Pakistan, some 80 kilometre's north
of Pakistan's eastern city Lahore, the capital of central Punjab province.

Police suspect that the victims were given sleeping drugs before being shot but are
waiting for the autopsy report for confirmation.

Afzal, who was the eldest of the children, initially told police
that bandits had killed his family during a burglary but was arrested
by officers after finding no signs of forced entry.

Related Coverage
Mumbai gunman's execution stayed Herald Sun, 11 Oct 2011
Security agencies failed, Singh says The Australian, 9 Sep 2011
Son of murdered governor kidnapped Herald Sun, 27 Aug 2011
Thirty-nine killed in Karachi violence Herald Sun, 19 Aug 2011
Man dies after India bomb grilling Herald Sun, 18 Jul 2011

Afzal then confessed to the murders, saying he decided to kill all of them
because he could not break the cycle of poverty that had engulfed the family,
police said.

"His father was a poor donkey cart owner and he told us that the father had
been unable to feed the family twice a day," police said.
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Post  Ciggy Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:09 pm

You act as if you were a Christard, Lulzy.

Bad news: to be a real one you'd have to stop yer idolatrous worship of Australia.

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Post  true lilly Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:12 pm

Policy outcry as more asylum seekers arrive by boat
by:Matt Johnston
From:Herald Sun
October 25, 2011 12:00AM
Men banned as Muslim women win council backing:In AUSTRALIA - Page 2 565763-asylum-seekers
More than 800 asylum seekers have arrived in boats
since the Government signed its people swap deal with Malaysia in July.
Picture: Kent Retallick Herald Sun

MORE than 800 asylum seekers have arrived in boats since the Government signed its people swap deal with Malaysia in July.

The plan, which has fallen over, would have resulted in up to 800
asylum seekers being sent to Malaysia in return for Australia settling
4000 confirmed refugees.

Three boats sailed into Australian waters this weekend holding a total of almost 140 people.

The Government has warned about 600 asylum seekers would come by boat every
month while its Malaysia solution, which was scuttled by a High Court decision in August, remains off-limits.

Since the High Court ruling, the Government has been unable to get enough support in

Parliament to change migration laws and resurrect the policy.

It blames Tony Abbott for the situation, saying the Opposition Leader

should have backed law changes to allow offshore processing, including
in Malaysia.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor yesterday said Mr Abbott "has sought to trash border protection in this country".

He said the Government would work with countries in Asia to try to stamp

out people smuggling while it was unable to implement its Malaysia

"Our effort to have the most effective deterrent is being frustrated by the Leader

of the Opposition, who is the best friend that people smugglers have ever had," he said.

Mr Abbott said the Government and Prime Minister Julia Gillard were desperate to blame

others for the issue, and had lost control of Australia's borders.

"It's interesting when Julia Gillard was in opposition she blamed the
government for the boats. Now that she's in government she blames the
Opposition," he said.

"It is her responsibility. She needs to put policies in place that will actually stop the boats."

The Government will stick to onshore processing of asylum seekers while its policy is shelved.

More bridging visas will be used
to allow asylum seekers
to live in the community,
like many who arrive by plane.

Senior Labor Minister Anthony Albanese told Sky News
this was appropriate and
would enable the Government
to discuss the asylum seeker issue without
"some of the hysteria that has characterised this debate".

[ ] [/email]
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