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Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money...

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Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... Empty Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money...

Post  true lilly Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:27 am

Artists! Sing the praises of the glorious Gillard Government!

Andrew Bolt – Tuesday, January 31, 12 (07:53 pm)

Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... Soviety_thumb

One way to corrupt the arts is to turn them into government propagandists:


are being offered grants of up to $100,000 by the federal government to
create “visionary” works promoting the controversial $36 billion
National Broadband Network.

The Australia Council for the Arts has called for submissions on creating “visionary arts projects”.

An initial funding pool of $300,000 has been set aside for the projects, which would have to demonstrate the network’s cultural benefits and the “new opportunities” broadband creates for the arts....

“Artists have been invited to enrich our future with the NBN,” the council’s tender invitation says.

“The aim of the Broadband Arts Initiative is to provide significant
grants for artistic teams to demonstrate the opportunities opened up by
the NBN for Australian culture.”


That the Australia Council doesn’t die of shame at being party to such
Soviet-style propagandising, the very antithesis of the arts.

I wish only that prominent artists such as Geoffrey Rush understood the difference between art and political propaganda for the Left.

As for the Gillard Government, which hived off this arts money to bribe
artists to sing its praises, we know already that it is dead to shame.


Christopher Pearson, a former Australia Council board member, warned two weeks ago that this was coming:

<blockquote>However, in Tuesday’s edition of The Australian,
Matthew Westwood wrote up an interview with (Arts Minister Simon Crean)
in which the minister aired some views on arts policy that suggest he’s
been very badly advised.

Westwood summarised it in these terms : “Culture, Crean says, is part of
the Labor brand; the national cultural policy will be comprehensive,
committed to creativity and will join the dots between arts and other parts of government."…

According to Westwood :
“Make no mistake: Labor’s cultural policy will
be about harnessing the arts to innovation, industry, education and
delivery platforms such as the NBN. Arts organisations, Crean makes
plain, should be able to ‘demonstrate your relevance to the broader
agenda’ “.

Recasting the muses as a bunch of work horses drawing the chariots of
innovation and industry along much the same lines as the Albert Memorial
- struck me as a tell-tale metaphor, so I invited the former arts
minister and opposition spokesman, George Brandis, to comment.

First he referred me to the coda of his National Press Club speech as
arts minister. “The problem about parties of the Left is that their
attitude to the arts is defined by instrumentalism. What artists do is
not valued for its own sake. Art is not seen as a creative activity
justified by the talent or genius of the artist alone. Rather,
the arts
are seen as a means to some other end: an appendix to social policy, a
vehicle for social change, an instrument for political causes, a
propaganda tool.
Art is not seen as an end in itself. This is true

On the arts companies’ new obligation to demonstrate their relevance to
“the broader agenda” he said : “The outcome will lack integrity because
the funding question will always be ‘does this project serve the
political agenda and interests of the government?’ “ On Crean’s attempts
to synthesise the arts and other creative activities such as car design
and computer games, which he singled out in the interview, Brandis
says: “It’s a fundamental intellectual error.”


(Subscription required.)

George Orwell on political propagandising by British writers in the 1930s:


The only system of thought open to them at that time was official
Marxism, which demanded a nationalistic loyalty towards Russia and
forced the writer who called himself a Marxist to be mixed up in the
dishonesties of power politics. And even if that was desirable, the
assumptions that these writers built upon were suddenly shattered by the
Russo-German Pact. Just as many writers about 1930 had discovered that
you cannot really be detached from contemporary events, so many writers
about 1939 were discovering that you cannot really sacrifice your
intellectual integrity for the sake of a political creed — or at least
you cannot do so and remain a writer. Aesthetic scrupulousness is not
enough, but political rectitude is not enough either.


Propaganda kills honesty. And it’s particularly deadly when it’s the government-bought stuff.


Tim Blair:

<blockquote>Dance, arts monkeys! Dance for money.

Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... Icon_comments 60 comments |
true lilly
true lilly

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Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... Empty Re: Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money...

Post  true lilly Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:45 am

"This Post should be cut and pasted on every blog ...EXCELLENT"

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:

Les replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (08:17am)
Abraham (aka Rock Spider) said:
“However what moral absolute, in a society without absolutes,
prohibits rationalising relationships with children?”

ANSWER: A shotgun.

“There are no moral absolutes so I’m doing what’s right by me.”

ANSWER: Me too. Look to the answer above.

“Every person reading this and other blogs will know
there are no moral absolutes in Australia....
Thus is the argument with which many
paedophiles rationalise their depravity.

Accusing them of depravity
will elicit a response of “Depraved for whom?
Morality is relative remember.”

ANSWER: No, it is not. A standard load of double-aught removes the relativity.

As a side note: whether you are Abraham, or Rock Spider -
you have selected the wrong subject to intellectualize.
I think I understand what you are trying to say -
but I am not going to discuss the subject.
The only discussion I am ever going to have
someone who tries to rationalize paedophilia
or with a paedophile
is in the manner already discussed above.

Laura replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (02:40pm)
Formerly A Political,
Rock Spider has
a slippery piece on moral relativism.

have a way of writing in code.

They have a way of lumping certain things together
and telling you they’re on your side
as they jumble around with terms
and ask too cute by half questions like;
‘am I being intolerant and judgemental?’

Before you know it, you end up accepting that sixties flower children

belong in the same theoretical category as ‘sexual relationships with children’.

Paedophiles work subtly and sublimely.

They know how to groom children and they appear to know how to groom bloggers.

Do I know absolutely that Rock Spider is a paedophile? Of course not!

But I do recognise something in his writing
because I have read it before

and it’s been written by child rapists
who call themselves ‘boy lovers’.

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:
true lilly wrote:Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... 210494-oberon-high-school
The teacher.
Picture: Trevor Pinder
Herald Sun

Porn teacher should leave
From:Herald Sun
February 10, 2012 12:00AM
Dance, Arts Monkeys! Dance for money... 359119-oberon-high-school
A teacher at Oberon High School in Geelong is being investigated

over a online sex video with a past student.
Picture: Tess Follett
Herald Sun

FAILURE to deal with a Geelong high school teacher who made a porn
video with a former student that has gone viral on the internet should
be the subject of an inquiry in itself.

Not only are the parents of students at the school threatening to
withdraw their children if the teacher stays, other teachers are
threatening to walk out.

By any reasonable reading of
the Code of Conduct of the Victorian Institute of Teaching,

the teacher should be dismissed
or transferred.

But the code can be used only as a guideline and
teaching authorities
more concerned
the teacher did not inform them
he had a second job
running a shop
with his porn co-star.

Under the code, teachers are advised
"not to draw students into their personal agendas".

The code also advises teachers to "be positive role models at school and in

the community" and to "ensure that their personal or financial interests
do not interfere with the performance of their duties".

Education bureaucrats and the Government remain silent about what is a 20-minute sexual performance in front of several cameras.

But it is parents, not prudes,
who regard a teacher having sex with a former student,

who is blindfolded
, as failing to uphold the moral standards
they are trying to impart to their children.

Sexualisation of children on the internet is an increasing issue for parents and,

while not every teenager at the school might have seen the video, it is readily accessible.

Common sense would dictate that the teacher should not have engaged in internet sex

with his former student, with whom he is now in a relationship.

The porn video has started what has become a sometimes vicious exchange of comments

on the internet.

The girl shown having sex with her former teacher told the
Herald Sun:
"I don't think we have done anything wrong." But nothing wrong does not excuse
the actions of the teacher, who has made their couplings an extra-curricular subject.

I’m not the least bit surprised that the AFP are finding a huge increase in paedophilia and porn.

Such are the networking and the positions of power held in the community
by many of those involved, that it’s almost impossible for the worst
of them to be exposed.

I recently re-read the Kimmins Report into allegations of paedophilia in
QLD through the 80s and 90s, and came away from it once again feeling
that the Report had pre-conceived conclusions that the insider network
was ready and could always be relied upon to ensure----that the
complaints and allegations are all a beat-up.

It appears to me that this inquiry, like all of the sham inquiries
in Labor’s QLD, was just another of QLD’s CJC [ Labor lawyers] lapdog’s

The conclusions were of course that most of the allegations and evidence
, if not all, were just ‘urban myth’ or misconceived or trumped
up---or derived from some personal angst or prejudices in those
providing the information---case after case after case.

Those making submissions were
made out to be fools or to have ‘problems’---evidence went missing etc.

I believe it was just another of those inquiries in the dark and
degenerate QLD Labor creates, that are designed to actually prevent the
truth from emerging and to intimidate those who might be considering
tryin g to find out the truth in the future.

In QLD, the same Labor-connected people turn up in paedophilia -related
inquiries, finding nothing wrong, and thereby discrediting and
character-assassinating the people providing information, as in
mysterious issues peripheral to Heiner .

One curious issue involves a senior Labor-connected Queensland police
‘untouchable ‘, John Huey, and his encounters with Gordon Harris,
former police officer and now, I believe, lawyer acting for Annette,
the victim in the pack rape case at the centre of the Heiner
matter---and Morris and Howard.

Huey was one of the Fitzgerald inquiry’s Star investigators into the
Premier at the time, Joh Bjelke Petersen, and is therefore regarded by
Labor as ‘untouchable’.

Gordon Harris and another officer, Reynolds, investigated Huey’s
prosecution of a tow truck driver in the 1980s , and alleged that Huey
had fabricated evidence---a crime that carried a one to seven year’s
jail sentence ---and had perjured himself in the process.

The tow truck driver was acquitted and released a tape of a conversation
that raised doubts about the veracity of Huey’s evidence to the court.

Harris and Reynolds charged Huey, or tried to, but Huey refused to receive the summons.

Harris and Reynolds then took the evidence to the CJC and lodged an official complaint.

The Crown Prosecutor promptly withdrew the summons against Huey, Huey
demoted the two detectives, Harris and Reynolds to uniform status, and
both subsequently left the police force, after the CJC aggressively
pursued Harris over a minor administration charge.

Before leaving, Harris , when working in the police property-holding
section, found Huey’s diaries which supported the allegations Harris and
Reynolds had made to the CJC.

The CJC then again targeted Harris on an old illegal firearms charge that had been dropped.

This was around the same time as the Heiner affair, and cover-up, and
the Assistant Commissioner was Neil Comrie [ later Victorian Police
Commissioner, who resigned that post two years early, when a book
claiming that Comrie had protected Huey was published]. I think Comrie
was Assistant Commissioner in QLD when the killing related to the
Heiner affair went strangely uninvestigated too----and the Commissioner
at the time was out of the loop.

It’s on record that Comrie had spoken of the Huey issue, opining to CJC
colleagues about ‘the Harris issue raising its ugly head again’ ---that
Harris was a problem, and they were going to have to do something about it.

Then , in 1996, Morris and Howard [that’s Tony Morris QC, who , although
in a cryptic way, assisted Hedley Thomas in his attack on Piers and his
readers in the 2007 election period ] came into the situation to
undercut Harris and Reynolds, releasing their report on the Heiner
shredding and the one on the Harris and Reynolds allegations to State
Cabinet, in the same week.

Morris and Howard supported DPP Royce Miller QC’s decision not to charge
Huey on the five counts of fabrication of evidence, and they
recommended that no further inquiry be undertaken.

Royce Miller QC---a Goss appointment as DPP---seemed to have a lot of
leverage with the Borbidge government. The Kimmins deliberations give a
hint as to why that might be so.

Morris and Howard also said they would provide Cabinet with a secret
report, saying , ‘It is our intention that this separate confidential report
should forever remain confidential, for the reasons which we haveidentified’.

I would really like to know where Tony Morris QC stands with regard to
the concept of equality before the law and executive government placing
itself above the law and doing so with impunity due to assistance from
various levels of governance, law enforcement and the legal fraternity.

I would like to see his views on the Heiner affair expressed as
comprehensively , if necessarily cryptically, as his views on Patel and
QLD Health were expressed in---

When the Connolly-Ryan inquiry was set up to comprehensively examine the
operations of the CJC, the CJC applied to the Supreme Court of QLD and
the inquiry was shut down due to alleged apprehended or actual bias on
the part of Connolly.

And when the message is further mixed by the latte Left’s fawning
over the efforts of the photographer, whose images---some of them at
least---unmistakably suggest child sexual abuse as dark as his
celebrated photographs---what chance is there for children?

truth of sydney (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (04:07pm)

Most recent Heiner Affair articles:
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 62

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