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Epic Fails...

McKallisti Of The Sods
Billy Ruben
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Post  Sod-Haus...!!! Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:29 am

 Epic Fails... Epicfailfood

Robin Mahfood...

lmao rolf lmao

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Post  Billy Ruben Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:22 am

Sod-Haus...!!! wrote: Epic Fails... Epicfailfood

Robin Mahfood...

lmao rolf lmao

you shit-stirrer Sod,Yeah,I know,it looks hilarious at first,having CEO fatcats live of the donations,but check this...

 Epic Fails... Sodstirring

Food For The Poor has maintained fundraising and administrative costs of less than 4% of its expenses; more than 96% of all donations go directly to programs that help the poor.

That's a pretty good average.Here,The Red Shield Appeal (Rothschild),there was a story on some Current Affair show,that revealed,out of every dollar donated,15c,that's right 15 cents,actually make it to the target people.

I have since decided to "Rob and Bash" donations those idiots who dress in koala bear suits and collect for Bushfires and shit.
Makes for a hilarious scene,just dress up in "Home Boy" clothes...perfect cover...or Middle Eastern,might wear a burka next time...

lol! thumbs up
Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

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Post  Billy Ruben Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:35 am

 Epic Fails... Yearsoftrainingdemotiva
 Epic Fails... Pic15o
...and one for True Lilly...
 Epic Fails... Pic10uu
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Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

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Post  McKallisti Of The Sods Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:59 pm

 Epic Fails... Waitrose

Picture taken in Croydon.

cheese cheese cheese
McKallisti Of The Sods
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 Epic Fails... Empty Team Ciggy/Billy Ruben

Post  true lilly Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:55 pm

Team Ciggy/Billy al...
yep, 'those names' that must demand
that 'they' be believed and trusted,
above real, humane, human beings,
yet choose to represent 'themselves' as:

 Epic Fails... 12-82
'Billy Ruben'

 Epic Fails... 97-37

Oh and BEWARE!
'tintin' has, "GONE AWAY", Again...

 Epic Fails... 407587_354427224569311_100000061092141_1450038_629014043_n
Seems he hasn't yet
thrown enough shit at the fan...
hope someone who matters
is taking note of the bloody,
dangerous shit that flies,
when 'tintin' "GOES AWAY"

 Epic Fails... 400343_10150725223773986_831153985_12305757_538192226_n
true lilly
true lilly

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Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:00 am

The questions for Gillard

Andrew Bolt – Monday, January 30, 12 (05:35 pm)

The questions Julia Gillard must answer about the Australia Day race riot her staff helped to incite:

<blockquote>- Did anyone from Gillard’s office contact beforehand the ABC journalist who at a Sydney doorstop that morning asked Tony Abbott the question about the tent embassy that Labor then seized on? If so, what was said or suggested?

- Was the tent embassy discussed at all in Labor’s early morning media
strategy discussions on Australia Day? If so, what was said? Was there
any discussion of a strategy to make Abbott seem divisive?

- Who were the other Gillard staffers seen with junior media adviser Tony Hodges talking to protesters before the riot?

- What were they saying?

- What does Hodges say, on oath, about what he said to Kim Sattler when
asking her to bring tent embassy spokesmen to the restaurant where
Abbott was? How precisely did he characterise Abbott’s answer to the
question on the tent embassy?

- What calls did Gillard’s staff make to Sattler that led to her denying
her earlier comments - that Hodges had told her that Abbott wanted the
tent embassy gone, and “that it shouldn’t exist at all”? What was said
to her?

- Why did Hodges want the tent spokesmen to come to the restaurant
where Abbott was, rather than issue a statement from their camp?

- Did anyone else from the Prime Minister’s office ask Hodges to arrange
for Aborigines to respond to Abbott’s comments or confront him?

- Which of Gillard’s staff were in the Canberra press gallery on
Thursday afternoon, briefing journalists that Tony Abbott had incited
the riot with his comments?

- What precisely did they say, and how precisely did they characterise Abbott’s comments?

- Did those staff know at the time that in fact one of their own
colleagues had admitted to helping trigger the riot they were trying to
pin on Abbott?

- How would Labor characterise the actions of Hodges and those later
staff? Was this exploiting racial issues and tensions to portray Abbott
as a racist?

- Will Labor apologise to Abbott for playing the race card against him and putting his safety at risk?


A partial answer to one question: One of the Gillard staff with Hodges at the time was Sam Casey.

And Ray Hadley on 2GB this morning adds damning detail that makes Gillard’s story ring even more false:


I can reveal to you today that Mr Hodges was fairly free with his tongue
on Australia Day. You see, he told other people in Canberra that Mr
Abbott wanted the Tent Embassy torn down and he also told other people
apart from Kim Sattler where Mr Abbott could be found. Some of those
people had far more direct links to the tent embassy than Kim Sattler,
who obviously also phoned the Tent Embassy as well as these other
people. So there are more than one source of this story.

This is looking more and more like a determined strategy by the Gillard
office to incite racial trouble for political advantage, and by
spreading false claims about the Opposition Leader.


Another partial answer. I am informed that the Sydney ABC journalist
was requested by a Canberra colleague to ask the Abbott the question
about the tent embassy. So, did the Prime Minister’s office in turn ask
the Canberra journalist (whom they know personally and deal with
regularly) to have that question put to Abbott? (I have been requested
by my informant not to reveal the identity of the Canberra journalist.)

And more information: I am informed by a source with a so-far perfect
record for accuracy that Gillard overruled objections from security
personnel about having the Australia Day function at that venue, so
close to the tent embassy. If true, why?

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true lilly
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Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:02 am

MTR today, January 30

Andrew Bolt – Monday, January 30, 12 (02:06 pm)

On our MTR 1377 show today:

- Stirring up racial strife on Australia Day now seems to have been a
strategy of the Gillard office. I cannot believe just one junior press
secretary was behind it.

- Who was the ABC reporter who first asked Opposition Leader Tony Abbott
the question about the tent embassy. What prompted her to ask?

- Who were the other Gillard staff with the one who tipped off
protesters through a go-between about where Abbott was and what he
(allegedly) said that would rile them?

- The disgraceful hypocrisy of Treasurer Wayne Swan, who had the hide
today to acuse Abbott of being “divisive” and trying to “smear”. Mate,
look to your government’s own dirty hands today.

- We ask refugee advocate Pamela Curr why nearly every boat person
ditches their passport before arriving. She gives us incorrect figures,
and then refuses to concede that any of the boat people destroyed their
identity papers to hide from us their true identity.

And more. Listen here.


I am astonished that Swan could be so brazen and shameless, after Labor
has been caught stoking racial tensions to make Tony Abbott seem racist:

<blockquote>“It has been very damaging to our country, but the fact is Mr Abbott, as is usual, is seeking to divide the country over the issue,
seeking to take political advantage of it by turning it into another
smear campaign against the Prime Minister and that’s entirely typical of
Tony Abbott,” he told ABC radio.

Have these people no integrity? No honour?

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true lilly
true lilly

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Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:03 am

Wilkie questions Gillard over race riot. UPDATE: ABC yawns

Andrew Bolt – Monday, January 30, 12 (12:10 pm)

Independent MP Andrew
Wilkie also has trouble accepting Julia Gillard’s word on her office’s
involvement in inciting the Australia Day race riot:


MP Andrew Wilkie has raised the prospect of supporting a no-confidence
motion in Labor over the Australia Day security scare…

Mr Wilkie confirmed he would support a move by Mr Abbott to suspend
standing orders and debate the issue… “It does seem to be very unlikely
this man has made these decisions off his own bat.”


Mind you, communications in Gillard’s office seem unusually
dysfunctional, with Gillard not told for 24 hours that her own junior
media adviser had confessed to helping trigger the riot:

<blockquote>Gillard says she only learnt of Tony Hodges’ actions on Friday afternoon – a day after Hodges told his superiors, communications director John McTernan and chief press secretary Sean Kelly. This seems extraordinary.

The reason being suggested for the time it took for the information to
reach her is that there were all sorts of rumours swirling around on who
said what to whom, which had to be fully investigated.

But one crucial piece of information was established. Hodges had confessed …



If the Liberals had been involved in stirring up a racial protest that
got so violent that Gillard had to be evacuated, how much frothing would
you see from the ABC today?

But this was a riot by Aborigines. It was a riot that had as its prime
target Tony Abbott. It was a riot that damages Leftist causes, from
“reconciliation” to a Labor government’s survival.

And so we hear the ABC’s Jon Faine, for instance, declaring this morning
the riot is a “beat up” and distraction, the Liberals had resorted to
the dark arts themselves and no one seemed in any danger. The police

Just on that “no danger” and blame-the-police line, which is getting
such a workout from Leftist apologists who from their couches feel they
can judge better than the experienced police at the scene… Here is how a
“Kim Sattler” with a unionsACT domain in her email described the riot on the day:

 Epic Fails... Sattlertwe_thumb

Seems from “Kim Sattler” that she, at least, believed that Abbott was
indeed in danger, and so was Gillard by being too close to him.

But what would she know? She wasn’t in a Melbourne ABC studio. Nor was the police officer we hear shouting ”put your spear away, arsehole.”:

 Epic Fails... Spear_thumb


Like Faine, Dr Geoff Davies, Leftist academic and Gaian author of Economia: New Economic Systems to Empower People and Support the Living World, denies Gillard and Abbott were in danger:

<blockquote>For those inside the restaurant it would probably
have been a bit scary, but the Prime Minister and others stayed calm and
were never physically threatened. My partner and I were outside watching from metres away and never felt concerned for our safety.


And if the protesters weren’t threatening Davies, well, then they weren’t threatening Abbott, either.



Little interest from the ABC’s Faine in race-baiting by Gillard’s office:


Faine: It seems from the distance of the comfort of my couch watching
television, (the police action at the protest) seemed completely
unnecessary, unwarranted and an overreaction to the situation at hand…

I think to call it a riot is absurd. Gillard’s office were engaging in
the same sort of dirty tricks politics that for instance you, your
colleagues and all other politicians engage in to try and discredit
their opponents all the time. I remind you of Godwin Grech and all that
affair and, if anything, seems to be a media and political beat-up of
extraordinary proportions utterly undeserving of serious consideration
while the nation has much bigger things to talk about…

Oh call it a Revolution! Let’s go whole-hog. Call it a Revolution!…
How many people went to hospital?...: How much property was destroyed?…
For goodness sake. This is just ridiculous. The whole thing has taken
on almost comic proportions…

Hopefully (Gillard is) running the country rather than finding out what a junior press secretary said to someone on a phone.


(Thanks to reader Peter. Original post modified, to make the qustions for Gillard a separate post above.)

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true lilly
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Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:03 am

Wilkie ups threat, and even Greens restless. And Slipper?

Andrew Bolt – Monday, January 30, 12 (04:10 pm)

Julia Gillard could soon be in severe danger:

<blockquote>INDEPENDENT Andrew Wilkie will support a
parliamentary debate on a motion of no confidence in Julia Gillard,
saying it is “almost inconceivable” her former staffer Tony Hodges acted
alone in providing information that sparked last week’s Australia Day

“I find it almost inconceivable that the Prime Minister’s media adviser acted independently.

“If the opposition was to move a no-confidence motion over this, I would
probably support a suspension of standing orders to debate the matter,
subject of course to the exact wording of the motion.”

Even the Greens, belatedly, sound a little miffed with Gillard’s office for exploiting racial divisions for political advantage:

<blockquote>Greens’ Deputy Leader Christine Milne today backed the opposition’s call for a police investigation.

“Mr Hodges’ actions were totally and absolutely inappropriate,” she said.

“He’s a staffer who was trying to ramp up a political response to Mr
Abbott to try and benefit the government and that was absolutely a bad
judgment, as the Prime Minister has said.”

What an issue for the new Speaker, Slippery Pete Slipper, to exploit. He
could vote in a fit of moral disgust against the Government that’s just
installed him, thereby keeping his extra pension, avoiding Liberal
paybacks and restoring a little of his honor.

The next week or two could prove very dangerous to Gillard.


I’ve paid the Greens too much credit. Once again, it’s power above
principle as Chrstine Milne exhibits all the double standards and
hypocrisy of her movement. On Sky News she has accused the Coalition of
“monstrous political opportunism” for daring to protest against Labor’s
monstrous political opportunism in inciting a race riot to discredit
Tony Abbott. Apparently the victim of a smear and riot rigged by Labor
should just shut up and take it.

Oh, and Tony Abbott is accused of not understanding Aboriginal
disadvantage and of using inflammatory language with his comments on the
tent embassy.

What a disgraceful piece of work.

Oh, and no apology for the role of a Greens candidate in inciting the riot:

<blockquote>REBECCA HEALY: Someone walked up on stage and told
Barb Shaw who I know from Alice Springs and tell her that Tony Abbott
was just on radio saying that he was going to pull down the tents and
that we should all go over there. And she directed the crowd to the
Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

MICHAEL COGGAN: Barbara Shaw is a former Greens candidate and has long
campaigned against the Federal Government’s Emergency Intervention
policies in the Territory.

Ms Shaw says she had heard about Mr Abbott’s comments at the end of an emotional day and after hours of speeches at the rally.

BARBARA SHAW: I was informed of the Leader of the Opposition’s presence.
So I basically informed the crowd of his whereabouts and they went.

You know so I’m not responsible for people’s actions at the end of the
day… I don’t regret it at all because nothing came about it. You know
we just wanted to make a little bit of noise, you know. People wanted to
make a little bit of noise and that’s what they did.


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Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:06 am

Why did so many journalists misrepresent Abbott?

Andrew Bolt – Monday, January 30, 12 (10:58 am)

Tim Blair wonders why so many media outlets verballed Tony Abbott over his comments on the tent embassy. Names are named.

Please read.

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  daddlepoms Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:21 am

men are epic fails, they couldn't control a women if she were tied to a stake. women just keep rattling their mouths non stop. I talk to a man & all I hear is his stupid wife talking, it's as if the man isn't even there, just his idiot wife tell me all his secrets, lol, talk about embarassing, lol. I wonder if men are ever going to learn, lol.

I hear one lady say it would be cool when men begin to stand up for what is right, but right now all I can see is women leading idiots around by the nose.

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  daddlepoms Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:34 am

K-Federino wrote:men are epic fails, they couldn't control a women if she were tied to a stake. women just keep rattling their mouths non stop. I talk to a man & all I hear is his stupid wife talking, it's as if the man isn't even there, just his idiot wife tell me all his secrets, lol, talk about embarassing, lol. I wonder if men are ever going to learn, lol.

I hear one lady say it would be cool when men begin to stand up for what is right, but right now all I can see is women leading idiots around by the nose.

very soon women are going to be put in their place, in a massive strike of offense.

 Epic Fails... OurLady

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Post  MoMo Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:44 am

Fuk wit da Bull, expect 2 B Gored. thumbs up



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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:33 pm

Psalms 72:
Psalms 72:
Regarding Solomon.
[[A Psalm] for Solomon 8010.]]
O God, give your own judicial decisions to the king,
And your righteousness to the son of the king.

Give 5414 the king 4428 thy judgments 4941, O God 430,
and thy righteousness 6666 unto the king's 4428 son 1121.

May he plead the cause of your people with righteousness
And of your afflicted ones with judicial decision.

He shall judge 1777 thy people 5971 with righteousness 6664,
and thy poor 6041 with judgment 4941.

Let the mountains carry peace to the people,
Also the hills, through righteousness.

The mountains 2022 shall bring 5375 peace 7965 to the people 5971,
and the little hills 1389, by righteousness 6666.

Let him judge the afflicted ones of the people,
Let him save the sons of the poor one,
And let him crush the defrauder.

He shall judge 8199 the poor 6041 of the people 5971,
he shall save 3467 the children 1121 of the needy 34,
and shall break in pieces 1792 the oppressor 6231 .

They will fear you as long as there is a sun,
And before the moon for generation after generation.

They shall fear 3372 thee as long as 5973 the sun 8121
and moon 3394 endure 6440, throughout all 1755 generations 1755.

He will descend like the rain upon the mown grass,
Like copious showers that wet the earth.

He shall come down 3381 like rain 4306 upon the mown 1488 grass:
as showers 7241 [that] water 2222 the earth 776.

In his days the righteous one will sprout,
And the abundance of peace until the moon is no more.

In his days 3117 shall the righteous 6662 flourish 6524 ;
and abundance 7230 of peace 7965 so long as the moon 3394 endureth.

And he will have subjects from sea to sea
And from the River to the ends of the earth.

He shall have dominion 7287 also from sea 3220 to sea 3220,
and from the river 5104 unto the ends 657 of the earth 776.

Before him the inhabitants of waterless regions will bow down,
And his very enemies will lick the dust itself.

They that dwell in the wilderness 6728 shall bow 3766 before 6440 him;
and his enemies 341 shall lick 3897 the dust 6083.

The kings of Tar´shish and of the islands—
Tribute they will pay.
The kings of She´ba and of Se´ba—
A gift they will present.

The kings 4428 of Tarshish 8659 and of the isles 339
shall bring 7725 presents 4503:
the kings 4428 of Sheba 7614 and Seba 5434
shall offer 7126 gifts 814.

And to him all the kings will prostrate themselves;
All the nations, for their part, will serve him.

Yea, all kings 4428 shall fall down 7812 before him:
all nations 1471 shall serve 5647 him.

For he will deliver the poor one crying for help,
Also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper.

For he shall deliver 5337 the needy 34 when he crieth 7768 ;
the poor 6041 also, and [him] that hath no helper 5826 .

He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one,
And the souls of the poor ones he will save.

He shall spare 2347 the poor 1800 and needy 34,
and shall save 3467 the souls 5315 of the needy 34.

From oppression and from violence he will redeem their soul,
And their blood will be precious in his eyes.

He shall redeem 1350 their soul 5315 from deceit 8496 and violence 2555:
and precious 3365 shall their blood 1818 be in his sight 5869.

And let him live, and to him let some of the gold of She´ba be given.
And in his behalf let prayer be made constantly;
All day long let him be blessed.

And he shall live 2421 , and to him shall be given 5414 of the gold 2091 of Sheba 7614:
prayer also shall be made 6419 for him continually 8548;
[and] daily 3117 shall he be praised 1288 .

There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth;
On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.
His fruit will be as in Leb´a·non,
And those who are from the city will blossom like the vegetation of the earth.

There shall be an handful 6451 of corn 1250 in the earth 776
upon the top 7218 of the mountains 2022;
the fruit 6529 thereof shall shake 7493 like Lebanon 3844:
and [they] of the city 5892 shall flourish 6692 like grass 6212 of the earth 776.

Let his name prove to be to time indefinite;
Before the sun let his name have increase,
And by means of him let them bless themselves;
Let all nations pronounce him happy.

His name 8034 shall endure for ever 5769:
his name 8034 shall be continued 5125 5125 as long as 6440 the sun 8121:
and [men] shall be blessed 1288 in him:
all nations 1471 shall call him blessed 833 .

Blessed be Jehovah God, Israel’s God,
Who alone is doing wonderful works.

Blessed 1288 [be] the LORD 3068 God 430, the God 430 of Israel 3478,
who only doeth 6213 wondrous things 6381 .

And blessed be his glorious name to time indefinite,
And let his glory fill the whole earth.
Amen and Amen.

And blessed 1288 [be] his glorious 3519 name 8034 for ever 5769:
and let the whole earth 776 be filled 4390 [with] his glory 3519;
Amen 543, and Amen 543.

The prayers of David, the son of Jes´se, have come to their end.

The prayers 8605 of David 1732 the son 1121 of Jesse 3448 are ended 3615 .
true lilly
true lilly

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Post  true lilly Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:10 am

Craig Thomson report may be kept secret
From: AAP
February 03, 2012 6:45PM

THE industrial umpire's final report into
federal Labor MP Craig Thomson
and the Health Services Union's finances
may not be publicly released.

Since 2009 Fair Work Australia (FWA) has been examining allegations

of financial irregularities at the union formerly headed by Mr Thomson,
now the MP for the NSW seat of Dobell.

It's been claimed Mr Thomson used union credit cards for prostitutes,
lavish meals and cash withdrawals - claims he denies.

The backbencher's vote is crucial to the survival of the Gillard minority government.

FWA has concluded its investigation but has asked for Mr Thomson and two
other union officials, Kathy Jackson and Michael Williamson, to comment
on a list of "possible contraventions" by March 5 before finalising its action.

That could include civil action under industrial laws or a referral to prosecutors
for possible criminal action.

Related Coverage

  • Thomson probe may be kept secret Herald Sun, 1 hour ago
  • FWA chief calls in police on HSU row The Australian, 6 hours ago
  • Libs cry foul over Thomson emails The Australian, 1 day ago
  • HSU leader calls for inquiry into FWA Herald Sun, 1 day ago
  • Jackson demands immediate HSU inquiry The Australian, 1 day ago
The opposition has called for the investigation to be wrapped up immediately and all details publicly revealed.

However, a spokesman for FWA told AAP today: "No decision has been made
on whether the investigation report to be provided to the general manager
(of FWA) will be made public."

The spokesman said the investigation would be "concluded as soon as practicable
after taking into consideration any responses provided".

Opposition frontbencher Christopher Pyne said Prime Minister Julia Gillard
should insist FWA publicly release its report.

"It's now taking upwards of three and a half years for the Fair Work
Australia inquiry to be completed ... and in anybody's language that is
far too long," Mr Pyne said.

He said Ms Gillard also needed to tell parliament next week whether
she had full confidence in Mr Thomson.
true lilly
true lilly

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Post  true lilly Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:31 pm

Hackers target police agencies, lawyers
by:From correspondents in Washington DC and London
From: AP
February 04, 2012

HACKERS have targeted the websites of several law enforcement
agencies worldwide in attacks attributed to Anonymous, allegedly
accessing details of informants and eavesdropping on a conference call
between the FBI and Scotland Yard on how to stop them.

Anonymous has published a recording of the phone call, gloating in a
Twitter message that "the FBI might be curious how we're able to
continuously read their internal comms for some time now".

Amid the material published was an email purportedly sent by an FBI agent
to international law enforcement agencies.
It invites his foreign
counterparts to join the call to "discuss the ongoing investigations
related to Anonymous ... and other associated splinter groups"
January 17 at 4pm.

The message - addressed to law enforcement officials in the UK, Ireland,
the Netherlands, Sweden and France - contained a phone number and password
for accessing the call.

A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the
matter is under investigation, said that authorities were looking at
the possibility that the message was intercepted after a private email
of one of the invited participants was compromised.

Related Coverage

  • Hackers eavesdrop on FBI chatter Herald Sun, 1 hour ago
  • Anonymous names and shames its enemies Adelaide Now, 20 Jan 2012
  • Hackers strike back at website arrests The Australian, 20 Jan 2012
  • Hackers play Robin Hood with stolen data Herald Sun, 27 Dec 2011
  • FBI arrests LulzSec, Anonymous hackers The Daily Telegraph, 23 Sep 2011
Graham Cluley, an expert with data security company Sophos, said
that knowing the time, telephone number and passcode for the call meant
it was all too easy to spy on the investigators. "Even my ironing lady
could have rung in and silently listened to the call just like Anonymous
he said, calling the fiasco "highly embarrassing for the cops".

The FBI said the information "was intended for law enforcement officers
only and was illegally obtained" but that no FBI systems were breached.
It added that "a criminal investigation is under way to identify and
hold accountable those responsible."

The group also claimed responsibility for an attack on the website of
a Virginia law firm for a US Marine convicted in a deadly 2005 attack in Iraq.
Puckett and Faraj served as the lead defense lawyer for Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich,
who faced a US military court martial last month in connection with the killings in Haditha.

in a statement which appeared on the website of the law firm, Anonymous also claimed
to have published three gigabytes of private email messages of attorneys Neal Puckett and Haytham Faraj.

"The contents of these email messages include detailed records, transcripts, testimony,
trial evidence, and legal defence donation records pertaining to not only Frank Wuterich
but also many other marines they have represented," Anonymous said.

Informants details seen

Police say hackers in Salt Lake City, Utah, gained access to sensitive data,
including citizen complaints about drug crimes, including phone numbers,
addresses and other personal information.

"We're still knee deep in trying to get a feel for the extent of the problem,"
Salt Lake City police Detective Dennis McGowan said.

In Greece, the Justice Ministry took down its site after a video by activists
claiming to be Greek and Cypriot members of Anonymous was displayed
for at least two hours.

In Boston, a message posted on the police website said,
hacks Boston Police website in retaliation for police brutality at
OWS," apparently a reference to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The message said that the site had been attacked several months ago and that
hundreds of passwords were released in retaliation for what they called brutality
against Occupy Boston.
A police spokesman would not confirm Anonymous was responsible.

In October, Boston police acknowledged that various websites used by members of
the police department - including the website belonging to the police
patrolmen's association - had been hacked and possibly compromised.
The department said it had asked all department personnel to change their
passwords on the police department's network.

"They clearly ignored our warnings," the message on the department's website said.
"So you get your kicks beating protesters? "That's OK; we get kicks defacing ...
your websites - again."
true lilly
true lilly

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Age : 63

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:38 pm

Three is unusual, even for the innocent
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (06:43 am)

Almost certainly atypical. Even more certainly damaging to the cause:

AN AUSTRALIAN gay couple have had their six-year-old son taken from them by child protection authorities in Los Angeles while the FBI and Queensland Police investigate allegations that they are members of an international paedophile ring

A report by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services says the FBI is also investigating allegations that one of the men “is suspected of sexually abusing [the child]. They are also suspected of exploiting [the child] through child pornography and obtaining [the child] for the sole purpose of exploitation”.

Among the material in the hands of the department is a video which, according to the Los Angeles report, shows the son “watching a film of pornography with another child and speaking in an explicit sexual manner”....

The men, who claim to be victims of prejudice in Australia and the US against gay fathers, have been canvassing support for their cause in Cairns and in the gay press…

The men blame their predicament on innocent visits to three men in the US, New Zealand and Germany who, to their complete surprise, turned out to be collectors and producers of child pornography…

“These are three people out of 20 people we know. You never know who you pick...”

That’s a disturbing hit rate, even if the men were innocent.

(No comments.)

but the rest of us, BY THE LAWS 'they' SHOVED DOWN THE WORLD'S THROAT,
have to shut the hell up, about what 'their' "CAUSE" may really be.
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
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Age : 63

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:16 pm

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh declines to vie for
Australian Christian Lobby votes before election

From: AAP
February 08, 2012 6:29PM

 Epic Fails... 077692-news
Anger erupted after ads for a public campaign to raise awareness of increased HIV infections was pulled following a campaign by the Australian Christian Lobby. Supplied

QUEENSLAND Labor has denied it snubbed a Christian lobby group's forum, saying a Labor minister had been rejected by the group for political reasons.

The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) claims Ms Bligh and Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser snubbed Christians by declining to attend today's event at the University of Queensland.

The pair was unavailable and Labor offered to send Health Minister Geoff Wilson in their place, but ACL declined as it wanted party leaders.

Liberal National Party (LNP) leader Campbell Newman is attending.

Australian Catholic University political analyst Scott Prasser said voters deserved to hear from the leaders.

"We're in election mode," he told AAP.

"It was the Labor Party's choice to send a messenger boy rather than the leader.

"If I was in the position of the ALP, where I'm trailing dramatically in the polls, I would certainly have attended to argue my case.

Related Coverage

  • Put up or shut up: Newman in-laws The Australian, 4 days ago
  • Christian lobby backs Coalition The Australian, 8 days ago
  • Pressure grows for Newman The Australian, 9 days ago
  • Same-sex vote will be close: Fraser Courier Mail, 30 Nov 2011
  • State's same-sex nod to stir debate The Australian, 29 Nov 2011

"That's what politics is supposed to be about."

Mr Fraser said it was "churlish of the ACL to deny the offer of Minister Wilson attending".

Mr Fraser said Mr Wilson had attended the event before the last election, but ACL Queensland director Wendy Francis denied that was the case.

"Because the premier's office and the Queensland Labor campaign office delayed and delayed until it was too late, no forum was held at the 2009 election," Mrs Francis said.

Mr Fraser said Mrs Francis, a former Senate candidate for Family First, was one of the most vocal opponents of Labor's civil partnerships laws.

"I accept that that's perfectly legitimate and I'm glad for a political robust debate, but I just invite people to draw their own conclusions," he said.

Mr Newman has said he personally supports same-sex civil unions, despite his party voting in a block against Labor's bill.

The legislation was passed 47 votes to 40, with Labor MPs given a conscience vote.

Katter's Australian Party today announced it would repeal the laws if it formed a government, before criticising Mr Newman for funding a controversial gay safe-sex billboard advertisement while he was Brisbane's lord mayor.

State leader Aidan McLindon said under Mr Newman's watch, the council provided more than $100,000 over seven years in grants for Healthy Communities, the organisation that ran the campaign.

'"One has to wonder, 'Is this a socially conservative party or not?'" he said of the LNP.
Healthy Communities said the Rip and Roll ads were funded by the Queensland government.

Ms Bligh was in north Queensland on Wednesday for a Townsville Bulletin-hosted debate, which Mr Newman declined to attend.

Mr Newman defended his decision, saying he would debate Ms Bligh during the election campaign.
true lilly wrote:Three is unusual, even for the innocent
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (06:43 am)

Almost certainly atypical. Even more certainly damaging to the cause:

AN AUSTRALIAN gay couple have had their six-year-old son taken from them by child protection authorities in Los Angeles while the FBI and Queensland Police investigate allegations that they are members of an international paedophile ring

A report by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services says the FBI is also investigating allegations that one of the men “is suspected of sexually abusing [the child]. They are also suspected of exploiting [the child] through child pornography and obtaining [the child] for the sole purpose of exploitation”.

Among the material in the hands of the department is a video which, according to the Los Angeles report, shows the son “watching a film of pornography with another child and speaking in an explicit sexual manner”....

The men, who claim to be victims of prejudice in Australia and the US against gay fathers, have been canvassing support for their cause in Cairns and in the gay press…

The men blame their predicament on innocent visits to three men in the US, New Zealand and Germany who, to their complete surprise, turned out to be collectors and producers of child pornography…

“These are three people out of 20 people we know. You never know who you pick...”

That’s a disturbing hit rate, even if the men were innocent.

(No comments.)

but the rest of us, BY THE LAWS 'they' SHOVED DOWN THE WORLD'S THROAT,
have to shut the hell up, about what 'their' "CAUSE" may really be.
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:08 pm

So, how many have kept count of all the times
"Billy Ruben", just has to jump in and attack me

How many have figured out what that SAYS ABOUT
"Billy Ruben"?

Particularly as "Billy Ruben" GETS EXTRA ANGRY
when baby fuckers ARE ALSO LINKED TO, 'respected'
positions, like say, THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY.

Speaking of which, how many have noticed that
"Billy Ruben" can't even get my husband's TRADE
OR NAME right, in his desperate efforts to SPIN BS
out of what I actually post?

Makes one wonder WHY "Billy Ruben" is NOT so keen
to 'defend', THE ACTUAL PERSON, but rather, DEFENDS

Interesting to how "Billy Ruben" threatens me with
State and Federal Police for posting MAIN STREAM NEWS
AND ASKING WHY Police have NOT come for that pc
that someone loaded CHILD PORN on, WHILE I WAS

Seems "Billy Ruben" NEEDS the world to believe that
the ONLY CORRUPT Police, are those "Billy Ruben"
'claims' to be 'fighting', NOT THOSE PROTECTING

New twist in corrupt NSW cop case

by:By Vincent Morello

February 09, 2012

THE sentencing of a corrupt NSW cop
due has been delayed by new information
that a judge has ruled is

so sensitive it must remain secret.

The name of the former detective, known as CL, will also be suppressed.

CL pleaded guilty in July last year to five offences of fraud, aggravated
break and enter, illegally taking information from a police database
lying to the Police Integrity Commission (PIC).

He was due to be sentenced today in Sydney's Downing Centre District Court,
but the start of proceedings was delayed for 40 minutes
lawyers from both sides discussed new information.

They appeared to inform presiding Judge Brian Knox that they agreed
a 30-page document containing the information
was too "sensitive" to become public.

Judge Knox concurred and ordered the document be sealed in an envelope
only to be opened by a judicial officer or at their direction.

Related Coverage

  • Anti-corruption chief handed big stick The Australian, 8 Dec 2011
  • Former top cop jailed for drugs Herald Sun, 8 Dec 2011
  • Cop chase cost $5m each The Australian, 8 Dec 2011
  • Knox: 'I have not killed. I have not raped' Herald Sun, 4 Oct 2011
  • Verdict looms in Knox sex-murder appeal Herald Sun, 2 Oct 2011

Judge Knox continued CL's strict bail conditions and set a date of March 29 for sentencing.

He also continued an order suppressing the names of witnesses related to the case and any new witnesses.

CL has pleaded guilty to five charges relating to incidents that took place in 2003 and 2004 and admitted to other offences.

He pretended he was conducting police business in order to steal $11,000
from a Sydney man's home and broke into another Sydney home and stole

CL received $3900 for tipping off a suspect facing a police search and
obtained information from a police database about a woman so he could
steal from her.

He also admitted to lying to
the PIC in 2004 about a corrupt relationship he had with another former
police officer and dividing money between him and another person.

In July, he admitted to a raft of other offences
taking bribes,
planning kidnappings,
using his police badge in unauthorised raids and

tipping off a child porn suspect.

Three is unusual, even for the innocent
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (06:43 am)

Almost certainly atypical.
Even more certainly damaging to the cause:

AN AUSTRALIAN gay couple
have had their six-year-old son
taken from them by child protection
authorities in Los Angeles
while the FBI and Queensland Police
investigate allegations that they are
members of an
international paedophile ring

A report by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family
Services says the FBI is also investigating allegations that one of the
men “is suspected of sexually abusing [the child]. They are also
suspected of exploiting [the child] through child pornography and
obtaining [the child] for the sole purpose of exploitation

Among the material in the hands of the department is a video which,
according to the Los Angeles report, shows the son “watching a film of
pornography with another child and speaking in an explicit sexual

The men, who claim to be victims of prejudice in Australia and the US
against gay fathers, have been canvassing support for their cause
in Cairns and in the gay press

The men blame their predicament on innocent
visits to three men
in the US, New Zealand and Germany

who, to their complete surprise,
turned out to be
collectors and producers of
child pornography

“These are three people out of 20 people we know. You never know who you pick...”

That’s a disturbing hit rate, even if the men were innocent.

(No comments.)

but the rest of us, BY THE LAWS 'they' SHOVED DOWN THE WORLD'S THROAT,
have to shut the hell up, about what 'their' "CAUSE" may really be.

And, it seems some DIF members ARE WAKING UP to
to give it a push along...

Evil or Very Mad
tsume wrote:
Moderator of DIF

Posted: 07-02-2012, 06:47 PM
Article Originally Posted: Jan 23, 2012 5:16pm EST

Abortion safer than giving birth: study
ftil wrote:
Originally Posted by martg
 Epic Fails... ViewpostWho funded it?

Bill Gates Funding Abortion

Buffett gift means millions for abortion

The Population Control Agenda

It is sick, isn't it?

I am shocked about treads on
DI forum.
Pushing pedophilia....
pushing abortion......

What will be next?  Epic Fails... Eek

Originally Posted by ftil
 Epic Fails... Viewpost
I totally agree. As Antiarchonist
said on Logic and Intuition = Balance tread, "The fact that we coexist
with what I would prefer to call the psychopathic species is the main
Very frustrating, indeed. I should never happen on DI forum.

Oh, I have just checked that pedophile tread was deleted. Thanks mods.  Epic Fails... Smile

I guess, it is good to be mad like hell.........sometimes  Epic Fails... Biggrin
I said thanks ...much to early.
Well, the tread

I Dont See Anything Wrong With Pedophilic Thoughts
wasn't deleted. Epic Fails... Eek Epic Fails... Biggrin

people who voiced their strong protest
aginst a pedophile member ...
were called "pitch-fork herd mentality."
by a mod.

Black is white and white is black.
Welcome to a brave new world.  Epic Fails... Eek
true lilly wrote:Home and other Dotcom assets seized
by: By Alastair Bull in Auckland
From: AAP
February 09, 2012 10:58AM

A CAR, jewellery, jetskis and a $4.3 million home
are among the latest items of Kim Dotcom's to be seized
by the New Zealand Government's Official Assignee.

home has been seized, along with other items, following a court order
made on February 1 made after it was sought by United States

"It included a further vehicle, some items of
jewellery, jetskis and a property that borders what is called the Dotcom
mansion," Guy Sayers of the Official Assignee told NZ Newswire.

Mr Sayers says it followed an earlier order made for the seizure of assets when Dotcom was arrested in January.

He confirmed Dotcom's wife Mona, who is seven months' pregnant with twins, would not be asked to leave.

was able to buy the 2.16 hectare home in Coatesville, north of
Auckland, after being refused permission to buy the neighbouring $30
million Dotcom mansion by the Overseas Investment Office after failing the "good character" test.

Related Coverage

  • Kim Dotcom's funds frozen, refused bail The Daily Telegraph, 2 days ago
  • Megaupload founder to try and get assets back Herald Sun, 3 days ago
  • Dotcom to remain behind bars Herald Sun, 4 days ago
  • Dotcom denied bail in High Court The Australian, 4 days ago
  • Kim Dotcom denied bail The Australian, 5 days ago
Dotcom, the founder of the Megaupload website, and three colleagues,
Finn Batato, Bram van der Kolk and Mathias Ortmann,
were arrested last month on internet piracy charges laid by the US Government.

It is alleged the group amassed $NZ216 million in criminal proceeds through the website.

Dotcom, a German national, was denied bail after two hearings after judges ruled he was a significant flight risk.

All four are due to be the subject of an extradition hearing later this month.
Dotcom's bodyguard Wayne Tempero reappeared in North Shore District Court today, facing charges of possession of a pistol for an unlawful purpose.
He had previously vowed to fight firearms charges.
The NET...
...God did warn (and I kept reminding),
"you" would be caught by the net "you" set for others...

CHILDREN DON'T 'forget'!
IT'S IS NOT 'o.k'!



Ballarat thief helps police catch bigger crook

February 08, 2012

A THIEF in Ballarat has been praised for turning himself in so police could catch an even bigger criminal.

The man, who can't be identified for legal reasons,
stole two mobile phones in Ballarat, northwest of Melbourne,
but turned up at the nearest police station
when he saw one of the devices had images of
child pornography.

While he was charged with theft after coming forward, his actions also allowed police to arrest and charge a 46-year-old man.

The thief won high praise from a magistrate and even the state's police
chief this week when his own case came before the courts.

The man pleaded guilty in Ballarat Magistrates Court to breaking into a car
and stealing the phones last October.

Taking into account guilty pleas for other charges he was facing, the
magistrate handed down an ultimate sentence of one month in jail and a $400 fine.

Police fear child porn epidemic in Australia

February 08, 2012

 Epic Fails... ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=L2X7hDsZFWa4%2be%2bTM96JXjrFfNP5uxPAq%2f%2bKhZijL0w%3d0&
Child porn epidemic

Child pornography in Australia has hit epidemic proportions according to the Australian Federal Police.

CHILD pornography is running at epidemic proportions
in Australia with

the abusive material
being used as currency by pedophiles
to buy their way into online groups.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) have told Fairfax that where once
there might have been hundreds of images on a suspect's computer, there
are now hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, of images of young
children being molested.

The AFP's cybercrime unit head, Assistant
Commissioner Neil Gaughan, said that although there might have been no
increase in the number of adults sexually assaulting children, the
attacks are being recorded and uploaded onto the internet.

"There's no empirical evidence of an increase in child abuse, but we're seeing
an increase in the number of violent images that clearly have not been
commercially made," Mr Gaughan told Fairfax.

There was was a 30 per cent jump - from 136 to 180 - in the number of Australians
arrested by federal police for child pornography offences last year
compared with

Killer who stabbed love rival
beats ban to work with children

by:Padraic Murphy
From:Herald Sun
February 08, 2012

A MAN who stabbed a love rival to death
has used legal aid to overturn a ban on working with children.

The man stabbed a former friend to death after sleeping with his victim's partner and giving her heroin.

He is at least the second convicted killer to succeed in overturning Department of Justice Working with Children bans.

More than 40 Category One sex offenders have successfully fought the bans since vetting began in 2006.

The trend has prompted the Government to review the appeal process at VCAT.
Department of Justice opposed the granting of a Working with Children
Check in this application," a spokesman said yesterday.

"The department is assessing VCAT's decision and seeking legal advice on any grounds for further review."

We must protect the child

Police fear child porn epidemic

The man - listed in VCAT under a pseudonym - stabbed his former friend
in in a scuffle over the woman at her St Kilda flat in 1988. Then
28, he was charged with murder but convicted of manslaughter. He was
jailed for six years by a judge who said he had killed so his friend
"would pay for his interference with your pleasures".

After his release, the man was convicted of minor dishonesty and drug offences.
He contracted a serious illness in 1997, for which he is still being treated.

He has been a committee member of Straight Arrows, an HIV support charity,
for which he needs a Working with Children permit.

His permit was initially rejected by the Department of Justice in July 2009,
a decision upheld by VCAT.

But he went to the Court of Appeal, which ruled VCAT failed to take into
account the benefit of his
charity work. The case was sent back to VCAT,
which granted a permit last week.
A government spokesman said the check system was under review.

"The Coalition Government is working to fix a range of problems that have
become apparent with the current Working with Children Check appeal
he said.

The man refused to comment yesterday.

Does not wisdom keep calling out,
and discernment keep giving forth its voice?
On top of the heights, by the way,
at the crossing of the roadways it has stationed itself.
At the side of the gates, at the mouth of the town,
at the going in of the entrances it keeps crying loudly:

“To YOU, O men, I am calling, and my voice is to the sons of men.
O inexperienced ones, understand shrewdness;
and YOU stupid ones, understand heart.
Listen, for it is about the foremost things that I speak,
and the opening of my lips is about uprightness.
For my palate in low tones utters truth itself;
and wickedness is something detestable to my lips.
All the sayings of my mouth are in righteousness.
Among them there is nothing twisted or crooked.
All of them are straight to the discerning one,
and upright to the ones finding knowledge.
TAKE my discipline and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold.
For wisdom is better than corals, and all other delights themselves
cannot be made equal to it.

“I, wisdom, I have resided with shrewdness and I find even
the knowledge of thinking abilities.
The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad.
Self-exaltation and pride and the bad way and the perverse mouth I have hated.
I have counsel and practical wisdom.
I—understanding; I have mightiness.
By me kings themselves keep reigning,
and high officials themselves keep decreeing righteousness.

By me princes themselves keep ruling as princes,
and nobles are all judging in righteousness.

Those loving me I myself love, and those looking for me
are the ones that find me.
Riches and glory are with me, hereditary values and righteousness.
My fruitage is better than gold, even than refined gold,
and my produce than choice silver.
In the path of righteousness I walk, in the middle of the roadways of judgment,
to cause those loving me to take possession of substance;
and their storehouses I keep filled.

“Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way,
the earliest of his achievements of long ago.

From time indefinite I was installed, from the start,
from times earlier than the earth.

When there were no watery deeps I was brought forth as with labor pains,
when there were no springs heavily charged with water.
Before the mountains themselves had been settled down,
ahead of the hills,
I was brought forth as with labor pains,
when as yet he had not made the earth and the open spaces
and the first part of the dust masses of the productive land.

When he prepared the heavens I was there;
when he decreed a circle upon the face of the watery deep,
when he made firm the cloud masses above,
when he caused the fountains of the watery deep to be strong,

when he set for the sea his decree that the waters themselves
should not pass beyond his order,
when he decreed the foundations of the earth,

then I came to be beside him as a master worker,
and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day,
I being glad before him all the time,
being glad at the productive land of his earth,
and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men.

“And now, O sons, listen to me;
yes, happy are the ones that keep my very ways.
Listen to discipline and become wise, and do not show any neglect.
Happy is the man that is listening to me by keeping awake at my doors day by day,
by watching at the posts of my entrances.
For the one finding me will certainly find life, and gets goodwill from Jehovah.
But the one missing me is doing violence to his soul;
all those intensely hating me are the ones that do love death.”

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh declines to vie for
Australian Christian Lobby votes before election

From: AAP
February 08, 2012 6:29PM

 Epic Fails... 077692-news
erupted after ads for a public campaign to raise awareness of increased
HIV infections was pulled following a campaign by the Australian
Christian Lobby. Supplied

QUEENSLAND Labor has denied it snubbed a
Christian lobby group's forum, saying a Labor minister had been
rejected by the group for political reasons.

The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) claims Ms Bligh and Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser
snubbed Christians by declining to attend today's event at the University of Queensland.

The pair was unavailable and Labor offered to send Health Minister Geoff Wilson
in their place, but ACL declined as it wanted party leaders.

Liberal National Party (LNP) leader Campbell Newman is attending.

Australian Catholic University political analyst Scott Prasser said voters deserved to
hear from the leaders.

"We're in election mode," he told AAP.

"It was the Labor Party's choice to send a messenger boy rather than the leader.

"If I was in the position of the ALP, where I'm trailing dramatically in
the polls, I would certainly have attended to argue my case.

Related Coverage

  • Put up or shut up: Newman in-laws The Australian, 4 days ago
  • Christian lobby backs Coalition The Australian, 8 days ago
  • Pressure grows for Newman The Australian, 9 days ago
  • Same-sex vote will be close: Fraser Courier Mail, 30 Nov 2011
  • State's same-sex nod to stir debate The Australian, 29 Nov 2011

"That's what politics is supposed to be about."

Mr Fraser said it was "churlish of the ACL to deny the offer of Minister Wilson attending".

Mr Fraser said Mr Wilson had attended the event before the last election,
but ACL Queensland director Wendy Francis denied that was the case.

"Because the premier's office and the Queensland Labor campaign office
delayed and delayed until it was too late, no forum was held
at the 2009 election," Mrs Francis said.

Mr Fraser said Mrs Francis, a former Senate candidate for Family First,
was one of the most vocal opponents of Labor's civil partnerships laws.

"I accept that that's perfectly legitimate and I'm glad for a political robust debate,
but I just invite people to draw their own conclusions," he said.

Mr Newman has said he personally supports same-sex civil unions,
despite his party voting in a block against Labor's bill.

The legislation was passed 47 votes to 40,
Labor MPs given a conscience vote.

Katter's Australian Party today announced it would repeal the laws if it formed a government, before criticising Mr Newman for funding a controversial gay safe-sex billboard advertisement while he was Brisbane's lord mayor.

State leader Aidan McLindon said under Mr Newman's watch, the council provided more than $100,000 over seven years in grants for Healthy Communities, the organisation that ran the campaign.

'"One has to wonder, 'Is this a socially conservative party or not?'" he said of the LNP.

Healthy Communities said the Rip and Roll ads were funded by the Queensland government.

Ms Bligh was in north Queensland on Wednesday for a Townsville Bulletin-hosted debate, which Mr Newman declined to attend.

Mr Newman defended his decision, saying he would debate Ms Bligh during the election campaign.

(so, how many times will I have to edit this post BACK TO, LEGIBLE?!!)
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:39 am

“The ETS is bust, it’s dead”

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, February 12, 12 (12:27 am)

Europe’s carbon trading system has collapsed, just as Julia Gillard prepares
our higher-priced own:

Europe’s largest employers’ group has warned against meddling in the
carbon market to prop up sagging prices, just a day after one of the
continent’s top energy executives declared the market “dead” and
demanded urgent intervention to save it.

In a letter to parliament released on Wednesday, Philippe de Buck,
president of BusinessEurope, warned that moves to withdraw carbon
permits from the market to bolster prices “would, if implemented, create
further uncertainty and price volatility, and establish a risky
precedent of rapid political interference in the market”.

Mr De Buck, whose constituents have struggled to forge a common position
on the issue, said he wanted “an open discussion ... about the general
climate policy framework and the longer term future” of the carbon

In December, the European parliament’s environment committee approved a
resolution calling for the removal of more than 1bn surplus carbon
permits from the market in an effort to shore up prices....

Johannes Teyssen, chief executive of Germany’s EON, urged policymakers
to make fixes. “Let’s talk real: the ETS is bust, it’s dead,” Mr Teyssen
said in Brussels this week

(Thanks to readers Graham and Robert.)
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  daddlepoms Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:59 pm

close but the bun got fried in the oven

Posts : 651
Join date : 2010-06-26
Location : three's a crowd but four's allowed

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  McKallisti Of The Sods Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:27 pm

An 'Iranian' man has blown off his legs in Bangkok

Thailand, as fears grow of an international tit-for-tat campaign between Iran and Israel.

The man was injured after he threw a bomb at local police.
The bomb bounced back off a tree and exploded.

Five people were injured, including the attacker.
According to the BBC, the bomber is alive and being treated in a Bangkok hospital.

The reported nationality of the bomber carries additional significance following twin-incidents on Monday in which the Israeli embassies in Georgia and India were targeted.

On Tuesday, Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, accused the Iranian regime of orchestrating the attacks in Tbilisi and Delhi.

 Epic Fails... Bangcockterrorist

According to a Thai government spokeswoman there was an explosion at the house in the Ekamai region of the city where the bomber was staying shortly before the Bangkok attack.

The bomber, who was spotted with a black bag, reportedly threw a first bomb at a taxi driver who refused to accept him as a passenger.

The police were called and when they moved in to arrest him he threw a second bomb, which rebounded off the tree.
The bomber was identified as Sayed Murabi by one Thai TV station, but this has yet to be confirmed.

According to several local news reports, an identification card found in a bag close to the explosion indicated that the man was Iranian.

A Police Spokesman Confirmed The Man As A Terrorist,

" He Didn't Have A Leg To Stand On,"... He Said...!!!

lmao rolf lmao
McKallisti Of The Sods
McKallisti Of The Sods

Posts : 682
Join date : 2011-11-05
Location : Sodshire...!!!

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  Billy Ruben Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:30 am

 Epic Fails... Suicidebomber
Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

Posts : 8077
Join date : 2010-03-29
Location : No Fixed Address

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 Epic Fails... Empty Re: Epic Fails...

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:44 pm

Epic Failures.

EVERYONE who believes continuing to attack me,
helps their deadly, lying, Satanic agenda.

Putting aside 'the Jewish issue' for a moment,
and Understanding that

Green/Brown Shirt Germany (Nazis)
Eugenics/Medical Torture/Experiments

helps a lot in Understanding WHY
'the investigation' into Craig Thompson
has taken so much longer than
WHY 'they' have already stated that 'they'
WHY 'Billy Ruben' feels such a great
NEED to attack me with bald faced lies,
in 'his' vain attempt to DEFEND 'those'
'HEALTH' Workers and MEDICAL Professionals:

 Epic Fails... 162029-thompson
The probe into Craig Thomson is taking a while.
HWT Image Library

A bit too heavy to ponder?
How about a chuckle at 'Ciggy's' bald faced lies:

Flannery Centre washed out
Andrew Bolt – Friday, February 17, 12 (06:05 am)

Poetry. Construction of the Flannery Centre, named after the Chief Climate Commissioner who predicted ”the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and river systems” in a permanently drier ”new climate”, has been again delayed. By rain.

If the sceptics’ conspiracy was real, why fake the evidence?
Andrew Bolt – Friday, February 17, 12 (12:05 am)

The problem with the
great international conspiracy of climate sceptics is that it’s so small
and innocent that a disappointed warmist who steals documents from the
Heartland Institute finds they must fake the main one to get media attention.

Sounds a bit like their tree-ring research.


Yes, says JoNova, let’s

please look at who’s funding who in the climate zoo.

Fear of Rinehart is the Left’s fear of debate.
UPDATE: but if a warmist boss gets a paper…

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Andrew Bolt
Friday, February 03, 2012 at 09:51am

Ian Hanke mocks the hysteria of the Left over Gina Rinehart’s purchase of Fairfax shares -
a hysteria illustrating the maxim that while conservatives think their
opponents are merely wrong, the Left think theirs are evil:

<blockquote>The mining magnate, Australia’s richest person,
appears to be someone whose mere name spreads alarm throughout the left.
Among the cadres of sometimes complacent and compliant journalists, she
is deemed to be a right-wing ogre.

It seems that by taking a substantial shareholding in Fairfax Media
(which owns this newspaper as well as The Sydney Morning Herald and The
Australian Financial Review), this one person is going to tear down
society - and the media will be a tool, putty in her hands, to do just

Rinehart’s views, according to people who don’t know her, are on the
‘’far right of the political spectrum’’, as academic and former Greens
candidate Clive Hamilton told readers of this page yesterday. Rinehart
has been vilified because she appears not to share the left’s concerns
about climate change and because she is advocating turning the north of
Australia into a special economic zone with tax breaks.

Nothing new in that; it has been advocated for years.

Apparently she knows the businessman Hugh Morgan, who was instrumental
in setting up the H. R. Nicholls Society, which advocates workplace
relations reform. And Morgan, we are told, is also close to the - shock,
horror - Institute of Public Affairs, which supports liberalism and a
free market.

It is clear Rinehart must be a fiend, albeit via association....

In 2010 she bought a substantial stake in Channel Ten. It is alleged,
without much evidence, she was responsible for The Bolt Report, the show
hosted by controversial columnist Andrew Bolt - and, of course, Bolt is
anathema to the left because he refuses to bow to their orthodoxy.

Yet let us just say, for the sake of argument, that Rinehart was indeed
responsible for the commissioning of The Bolt Report. That program, with
its ‘’unorthodox view’’, consistently out-rates Ten’s more traditional
Meet the Press. People seem to like watching The Bolt Report, where
alternative views are given an airing. Can’t have that, can we?…

Yet some on the left seem to believe her views should preclude Rinehart
from sitting on the Fairfax board… What is wrong with a person with an
alternative view of the world to that of the self-appointed guardians of
the media sitting on the board of a media company?

The more that Age journalists particularly rail against
Rinehart, the more they advertise their paper’s most fatal weakness - a
fierce hostility to the airing of ideas other than their
unrepresentative own. Journalistically, that’s a crime. Commercially
it’s a disaster for two reasons. First, papers are far livelier if they
provoke and are open to debates. Second, papers which circulate heavily
in Liberal-voting electorates should not present an almost exclusive
diet of the Left talking to the Left.

But here I am, suggesting ways to save Fairfax newspapers, which compete with my employer’s. I should shut up and let them die…


Catallaxy Files is right

. This piece of satire by Rowan Dean is excellent:
Acting Greens leader Christine Milne was quick to express her dismay.
“This is a national scandal,” she said. “If you have a couple of people
using newspapers as a mouthpiece, that is a real problem.

“For years, we in the Greens have had a total monopoly on all discussion
about climate change and the long-overdue, successful and hugely
popular implementation of the much-loved carbon tax, which is going to
solve the global problem of an overheating planet that we daily see all
around us destroying the lives of millions of people and obliterating
entire species as massively populated islands disappear beneath the
waves before our very eyes. The last thing a democratic, vibrant and
free press needs is someone who disagrees with us.”


A particularly vicious, misleading and sexist photo montage on the Sydney Morning Herald website - comparing Rinehart to Victoria Beckham, and falsely insinuating Rinehart thought herself such a clotheshorse, too - has been replaced.
It’s astonishing what some people feel entitled to do to others in the
name of virtue. Luckily someone at the paper still has some standards.


Meanwhie another super-rich boss with strong political views gets himself a media asset - yet this time it’s to general applause of the Fairfax media:

<blockquote>Graeme Wood, who shot to national fame and incredible wealth with the
2006 listing of his Web 2.0 hotel booking site in 2006, ... is
currently funding (a) new journalistic enterprise, The Global Mail.
The Global Mail will be headed by well-known journalist Monica Attard
and has recently unveiled a team of senior journalists who will be
reporting on a range of local and global issues through the
organisation’s website.

That is Wood, as in the global warming alarmist who made the single biggest individual political donation in Australian history - to the Greens. A cool $1.6 million.

Now he’s got former ABC Media Watch host Monica Attard to help assemble a like-minded cabal of journalists of the Left,
with not a single known conservative among them. There’s Ellen Fanning,
for instance, Mike Bowers, Stephen Crittenden, Mike Seccombe and more -
none likely to buck the Wood view of the world, which this publication
will almost certainly promote.

And this is branded on the website - no kidding - as “Independent
Journalism for Independent Minds”. Do these wordsmiths even understand
the meaning of the word “independent”?

That Wood should be able to stock such a publication with so many
willing journalists from the ABC and Fairfax says so much about the
leaning of those two media organisations, and what the real objection to
Rinehart is.

Warming sceptic wants a newspaper: evil and to be fought. Warming
alarmist wants a newspaper: terrific, and where do we sign up?

(Thanks to reader Watty.)

Boat people offered as much in free goodies as they paid to come
Andrew Bolt – Friday, February 17, 12 (07:07 am)

So a people smuggler goes to, say Quetta or some other city in Pakistan,
and shows a bunch of young guys this news item about a land of free
electronics and houses grander than their own:

machines, microwave ovens, DVDs and plasma TVs are among a 60-item
welcome gift pack for asylum seekers offered rent-free homes in the

To fulfil a promise to move an influx of families out of detention, the
Gillard Government is now fitting out each home with up to $10,000 worth
of furnishings and electronics.

They are given food hampers upon arrival at rented homes where they wait for their claims to be processed…

Everything from beds, fridges, mattresses and lounges to an alarm clock
radio, clothes hangers and containers for biscuits are being bought in a
“household goods formation package” that contains more than 60 items.

It includes a television at a minimum size of 53cm.

An average family of five is eligible for $7100 worth of goods, while
larger families of more than nine people can be provided with up to
$9850 in furnishings, the Opposition has revealed after Senate estimates
this week.

Special consideration is given to providing computers, internet access,
mobile phones, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, iPods, games consoles
and sewing machines.

So that people smuggler makes an offer. Pay me $10,000,
and I can get you to Australia where you’ll be given almost as much in
electronic goods - plus welfare for life, or the chance to earn more
money in a year than you’ll earn here in a decade. Once in, you can
sponsor the rest of your family to come over legally.

Now, guess what happens next?

(Thanks to readers The Great Waisuli, Adrian and sayer.)

 Epic Fails... Icon_comments 102 comments |

NSW government didn't lie on uranium - Hartcher
15-2-2012, I also told you all years ago,
that this was coming,
and as I, an unconnected nobody could see,
'the writing on the wall',
it tells you all a lot, about those who thought it,
'important', to attack me, rather than WATCH
those 'doing the writing',
all over The World Wide Web Net of Deception,
that God WARNED us of,
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 63

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Post  Billy Ruben Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:28 pm

true lilly wrote:Epic Failures.

EVERYONE who believes continuing to attack me,
helps their deadly, lying, Satanic agenda.

Putting aside 'the Jewish issue' for a moment,
and Understanding that

Green/Brown Shirt Germany (Nazis)
Eugenics/Medical Torture/Experiments

helps a lot in Understanding WHY
'the investigation' into Craig Thompson
has taken so much longer than
WHY 'they' have already stated that 'they'
WHY 'Billy Ruben' feels such a great
NEED to attack me with bald faced lies,
in 'his' vain attempt to DEFEND 'those'
'HEALTH' Workers and MEDICAL Professionals:

Look Suzy,
While I'm really stoned,I like to avoid internet forums,cause I spend money on getting good pot and try not to harsh my buzz,wasting it on the war at Webanarchy,here or even at HPANWo.It's nice weed and it deserves all the creative forces that I can imagine.I made a link with some every nice ladies the last few days and realise that's what I need in life,to fuck hot going women and get lost in it.Never been happier.One is a 38 german nympho,the other a half caste abo cross chinese woman.Very nice.

The nympho could be a set-up,so,I'm being careful and her red flustering could mean alcoholism,drugs or,worse and what I suspect,disease,There's astral critters that I could see,so might just skip that one.

No,I agree thast there are perverse,corrupt elements in the mental and health industries,just that you're a compulsive liar about everyone and everything,I doubt any of those incidence happened to you,If they did,you probably and most likely provoked it and the attacking party is using their position corruptly,but in retailiance.Not making the opposing parties actions condoned,but when you're Hagbard Celine or yourself,you should try and remain invisible.I am in the same boat,but my position was already forgone by TPTB and one of the few,who cited for special treatment.I have nothing to lose being vocal and everything to gain.I'm cited for death,it's just taken a little longer than expected and a little harder to break.2010 has come and gone.I made it...and the nasty attacks with it.By Monday Tuesday,I'll be back to nasty scathing arsehole ready for war.

Off to enjoy my highs in life...

Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

Posts : 8077
Join date : 2010-03-29
Location : No Fixed Address

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