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Post  MoMo Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:47 pm



POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET Zdjecia-1681201085812

POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET 1242749315_bullshit_amplifier-detector


#53 – How to detect bullshit thumbs up

Everyone lies: it’s just a question of how, when and why. From the relationship saving “yes, you do look thin in those pants” to the improbable “your table will be ready in 5 minutes”, manipulating the truth is part of the human condition. Accept it now.

I’m positive that given our irrational nature and difficultly accepting tough truths, we’re collectively better off with some of our deceptions. They buffer us from each other (and from ourselves), avoid unnecessary conflicts, and keep the wonderful confusion of our psychologies tucked away from those who don’t care. White lies are the spackle of civilization, tucked into the dirty corners and crevices our necessary, but pretentiously inflexible idealisms create. Small lies prop up and support our powerful truths, holding together the insanely half honest, half false chaos that spins the world.

But lies, serious lies, should not be encouraged as they destroy trust, the binding force in all relationships. One particularly troublesome kind of lie is known as Bullshit (BS). These are unnecessary deceptions, committed in the gray area between polite white lies and complete malicious fabrications. BS is usually defined as inventions made in ignorance of the facts, where the primary goal is to protect oneself. The aim of BS isn’t to harm another person, although that often happens collaterally. For a variety of reasons BS can be hard to detect, which is why I’m offering this missive as a crash B.S. in BS detection. But be warned: to keep you on your toes there are several bits of BS tucked inside this essay which you will have to find for yourself............................Time & Pressure
A good thought holds together. Its solid conceptual mass maintains its shape no matter how much you poke, probe, test and examine. But BS is all surface. Like a magician’s bouquet of flowers, it’s pretty as it flashes past your eyes, but its absence of integrity become obvious when you hold it in your hands. Anyone creating BS knows this, and will tend towards urgency. They’ll resist reviews, breaks, consultations or the suggestion of sleeping on decisions before they’re made.

Use time & pressure, the third tool of BS detection, in your favor: never allow big decisions to be mismanaged to the point where they must be made urgently. Ask to withhold judgment for a day, and watch the response. Invite people with expertise you need but don’t have to participate in decisions to add intellectual and domain pressure (Hiring them if necessary. The $500 you pay a lawyer, accountant or consultant to review something effectively becomes a well spent BS insurance fee).

Be a leader in creating an environment unpleasant for BS. If everyone knows the gauntlet of friendly, but rigorous, intellectual curiosity claims must run through, BS will be discouraged while still in the minds of the tempted.

wave wacky boobies

Last edited by el kabong on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  MoMo Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:52 pm

POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET Funny-pictures-kitten-read-your-journal

Last edited by el kabong on Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:55 am

Here is a great Portal for combating Conspiralunacy, a Credentialed Linguist of Ancient Languages.............Dr. Michael S Heiser.

One of the major problems amongst Conspiraloons is they allow themselves to be programmed by non credentialed self proclaimed experts/who actually don't know shit from shinola/have their heads up their ass, then the conspiraloon regurgitates bogus Data like a Zombie Parrot. lmao

POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET Zombie_Parrot_by_Einahpets1007

Without further ado, Professor Michael S Heiser.

Provides expert translation of words like:

Elohim, Nephalim, Annunaki.etc...........cuts out alot of BS, exposes Zacharia Sitchin as a master bullshitter. thumbs up


What's This All About?
Welcome to the website devoted to addressing the claims of the ancient astronaut hypothesis popularized in the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Who's behind this site? My name is Mike Heiser. Who am I? The short answer is that I'm a scholar of biblical and ancient Near Eastern languages, cultures, and religions. Why do I bother with this stuff? Because I don't like ancient texts manipulated to promote false claims. If I were a lawyer I'd feel professionally obligated to tell you if someone was giving you bad legal advice. If I was a medical doctor, I'd owe you the truth if I knew the medicine you were taking was bogus or could kill you. If I was an accountant, I'd let you know if a neighbor's tax advice could put you in jail. I'm none of those things, but I'm trying to provide the same service in my areas of expertise. I can tell you--and show you--that what Sitchin has written about Nibiru, the Anunnaki, the book of Genesis, the Nephilim, and a host of other things has absolutely no basis in the real data of the ancient world. I don't doubt that Zecharia Sitchin is a nice guy; he's just wrong. Nothing personal.


Your antidote to cyber-twaddle and misguided research about the ancient world

wave lmao rolf


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POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET Empty Refuting BS about the Bible.

Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:00 pm

Certainly one of the most time consuming pursuits amongst Conspiraloons is Posting Bullshit about the Bible/Talmud/Jews/Judaism/Torah/Yahshua/Zion/Zionist.

They are wrong/full of shit 99% of the time.

They lie and deceive, grounded in self righteous ignorance. thumbs up

Here are the Facts:

The whole Zionist conspiracy is Bullshit, originating with a fraudulent document known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion........none of the morons promoting this conspiracy even know wht the word Zion means. thumbs up

53b: A Covenant of Fate, Part 2
Anti-Semitism and Its Causes: The Psychological Background

Anti-semitism is a multi-faceted phenomenon, which lends itself to various analyses. I would like to demonstrate that the various dimensions of analysis do not contradict one another. In fact, their juxtaposition creates a complete picture. Here we will discuss the first level, the psychological dimension. To explain it, I will use a simple allegory. Psychologists often employ the Rorschach Test in their analysis of patients. The test uses a well-known technique known as the projective technique. The patient is asked to look at a series of pictures and explain what he sees. These pictures have no intrinsic meaning. In fact, they are simply ink blots on paper that created symmetrical designs when the paper was folded in two. As previously mentioned, the pictures do not represent anything, yet people look at them and explain them. The explanations do not exist in the pictures; they exist in the person's mind. This is an opening, through which the psychologists try to enter the inner world of the person, who "projects" what is inside himself onto the pictures.

This mechanism, according to many psychologists, can shed light on the phenomenon of anti-Semitism. The anti- Semite sees in the Jews negative qualities that threaten and endanger him. These characteristics don't exist in the "picture"; they only exist in the mind of the beholder. They are the projections of the anti-Semite, who uses the Jew as a blot of his own making, and upon which he projects the black sides of his inner world. This, in very general terms of course, refers to the psychological background of anti-Semitism. The fact that the Jew is a minority, a foreigner who is relatively easily identified, was a psychological cause that contributed to the choice of the Jew as the screen upon which the anti-Semites threw their fears and hatred. This is actually the explanation for a number of noticeable characteristics of anti-Semitism. We find many types and forms of attacks on Jews. In one place the Jew is described as having one trait, and in another place he is accused of the opposite characteristic. This is true regarding both his personal traits and his social and political traits. Thus, for example, the Jew is portrayed as the capitalist trying to take over the world, and on the other hand as the revolutionary, who is attempting to weaken the power of wealth and utterly abolish personal ownership. The fact that we are faced with a psychological phenomenon means that we must not search for logic here. All anti-Semites project their various and contradictory fears upon the Jew.

Anti-Semitism and Its Causes: The Social Basis

Whoever thinks that this analysis has exhausted the topic of anti-Semitism is fooling himself. Anti-Semitism is a social, not an individual, phenomenon. In addition to its psychological aspects, we must study anti-Semitism from its social and general perspectives as well. A view of history and philosophy in recent generations will be of help in our attempt. Let us therefore move on to the second level of our analysis, the collective, political and social level. Until now we have examined a phenomenon that has already been expressed by the earliest thinkers of the last century. They viewed anti-Semitism as part of Xenophobia, and indeed, the phenomena we have expressed until now are merely details within a much larger context, that of the strains that exist between various groups, between the majority and the minority, and even between various races who live together within one society. From this perspective, there is no essential difference between the hatred of Jews and the hostility that exists towards other races, such as blacks. However, this is but one level of the explanation. Until now we have identified the roots of the problem, and its individual expressions.

If anti-Semitism were only an individual psychological phenomenon, it would be similar to other forms of discrimination and hostility; however, in the modern world anti-Semitism takes on a different hue. Various groups have used it for political purposes. We can trace clear attempts to use psychological hostility – which, it seems, has deep religious roots – to forward political aims. Thus, modern anti-Semitism was born, and acquired a more and more tragic and satanic form. The widespread use of this technique began in Czarist Russia, in the struggle to smother those revolutionary attempts that finally toppled the Czarist rule. Through the Czarist secret police, the rulers attempted to identify revolutionary action with the activities of the Jews. The rulers of Czarist Russia fought against certain phenomena, and in this fight they created a kind of equation, which was supposed to prove their claims. The Czarist secret police created one of the documents that became an anti-Semitic classic, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." This book reveals the so-called secret plan weaved by the leaders of the Jews, to take over the entire world. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" became a holy book among the anti-Semites.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was simply a rewriting of a French book that attributed ambitions to take over the world to Napoleon. This booklet is called "a dialogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montasque," or "Politics of the Nineteenth Century." These accusations were not at all directed towards the Jews and Judaism. However, the dialogue was adopted and transformed into the protocols of an imaginary group whose members were the world leaders of Judaism, attempting to take over the politics of various European countries.

Even the Czar himself, Nikolai the Second, although far from bearing the Jews any fond feelings, saw that the book was a fake and opposed its publication. Despite this, the first Russian edition appeared in 1905. A number of years later, other editions began to appear. Some of the editions were altered and corrected in order to make it possible to accuse the Jews of various catastrophes that took place between one edition and another. At various opportunities, it became the topic of public court cases, in which the book was proved to be a forgery. However, this of course did not check the book's growing popularity, particularly in the wake of the Nazi influence. The book influenced various writers, who were mistakenly taken in and convinced of its authenticity. Thus, for example, Henry Ford was inspired by "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to write "The International Jew," in which he continues these accusations. Various other books were written in its wake until recent years.

This is an example of a lie and forgery that the power of truth could not effectually surmount. This abominable book became a justification of Nazism and the genocide that followed in its wake. This is an example of the phenomena that we must deal with. Forgeries spread throughout the world, and people are convinced.


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Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:08 pm

Every aspect of The Bible/Torah/Talmud/Judaism/Jew/Zionism/Zion is subject to malicious slander based on ignorance and lies. It retards the Sojourn of those who engage in this moronic, yet popular activity. thumbs up

As a Gentile, I have been told by lying morons that the Talmud is the Devils handbook, full of terrible plots and thoughts about gentiles.

Makes you not want to read or associate with it, yet by doing my Due Diligence, I find the Truth to be the opposite of the shitheads claims.

What a surprise.
thumbs up

Written by Gil Student
Anti-Talmud accusations have a long history dating back to the 13th century when the associates of the Inquisition attempted to defame Jews and their religion [see Yitzchak Baer, A History of Jews in Christian Spain, vol. I pp. 150-185]. The early material compiled by hateful preachers like Raymond Martini and Nicholas Donin remain the basis of all subsequent accusations against the Talmud. Some are true, most are false and based on quotations taken out of context, and some are total fabrications [see Baer, ch. 4 f. 54, 82 that it has been proven that Raymond Martini forged quotations]. On the internet today we can find many of these old accusations being rehashed and this site is an attempt to correct the mistakes and put the true quotes into their proper perspective.

The accusations against the Talmud can be divided into four categories [see Hyam Maccoby, Judaism on Trial, pp. 23-38].

1] The Talmud considers itself holier than the Bible
2] The Talmud contains passages that are blasphemous against Jesus and Mary

The first two accusations are essentially frivolous. What business is it of Christians if the Jewish Talmud is considered holier than the Bible (which it isn't)? And if Jews do not take the account of the Christian NT to be totally historically accurate, so what? To fundamentalist Christians, EVERY other religion is considered blasphemous. Why should the Talmud be judged within the Christian religious framework? Of course, any Jewish book is blasphemous within that framework because Judaism does not accept Jesus as the messiah. The very accusation that the Jewish Talmud is blasphemous to Christianity is redundant.

3] The Talmud has ridiculous and immoral statements

The third accusation is one that Jews have to work out for themselves. Should a Jew believe in a book that makes foolish and obscene comments? That a Jew does should not be relevant to gentiles. In fact, the allegedly foolish and immoral statements in the Talmud are sometimes non-existent but usually allegorical. The Talmud and associated literature developed an entire genre of parables and allegorical sayings that, when understood, shed light on the mysteries of life. However, when inadequately translated and ripped from their context they seem silly.

Dov Zlotnick, Introduction to Saul Lieberman's Greek in Jewish Palestine (1994), p. xx

Rabbinic texts that seem bizarre at first blush can become quite ordinary when properly understood. I remember Lieberman once being called by a popular national publication regarding a passage from the Talmud. To the caller, who was researching an article, the passage seemed silly. Its subject was the difference between a roll or a bundle of documents, and how each note of indebtedness was to be placed in relation to the other. After the Professor finished explaining the passage, the caller responded with surprise, "Why, this is reasonable!" "Of course," the Professor responded.

"Well, in that case," the caller replied, "I cannot use it."

4] The Talmud has laws that are racist and anti-gentile

The fourth accusation is the one on which I will be focussing. Because today's Orthodox Jews still lead their lives based on the laws contained in the Talmud, it is incumbent upon Jews to understand and explain that their religious laws are not racist or derogatory to gentiles. Jewish law, as contained in the Talmud, treats gentiles with the proper respect due to a person created in the image of G-d. Their property and lives are honored and any (mis)quotes from the Talmud indicating otherwise need to be seen in their original language and context.

I will be showing the ENTIRE passages in both their original Hebrew or Aramaic and in translation. I will also be providing a fuller context by bringing other quotations on the topics from other parts of the Talmud. After seeing all of the quotations, a proper judgement can be rendered. I will also be showing how Jewish commentators and legalists have understood these passages throughout history.

Even if a reader would believe that these talmudic quotations are racist, if Jews have always understood them differently then Jews cannot be considered racist. Even if someone can twist the words of the Talmud to be hateful, if Jews have always understood the Talmud in a non-hateful way then the argument is meaningless. The real exercise is to find the (allegedly racist) talmudic influence on Jews and Judaism and by perusing through the post-talmudic literature we can clearly find that this talmudic influence was not racist.

Is the Talmud racist or anti-gentile? No. But neither is it a universalist manifesto. It is a religious document written by those of the Jewish religion for others of the same faith. It favors Judaism over other religions and sets down rules on how to live in both an all-Jewish society and a mixed society. It legislates how to create vibrant Jewish communities while still maintaining respect for the gentile society. Universalists would have everyone be treated exactly equally and live in non-denominational communities. However, the Talmud, which is concerned for the survival of the Jewish religion, must weigh both the respect for humanity and the need for Jewish survival throughout thousands of years of minority-status.

What we will demonstrate is that the consideration for the Jewish community NEVER relegates those outside of this community to an inhuman status. Gentiles are ALWAYS respected and their rights are secured.

The anti-talmudic lies are exactly that - lies. The wisdom of the Talmud has sustained Judaism for thousands of years and perhaps its very success is what has engendered so much jealous hatred.

Talmud: The Real Truth About The Talmud

Talmud: Statement of Purpose
There are many lies circulating the internet about the Jewish Talmud. These allegations are supported by "direct quotations" from the Talmud that are frequently wrong or taken out of context. However, most people lack the scholarly background to verify these claims. Most people have no way of knowing that these accusation are false and malicious. What we are attempting is to demonstrate in detail how these accusations are both wrong and intentionally misleading. We are trying to show to the world the real truth about the Talmud.

Written by Gil Student

Recommended book:
The Complete Idiot's Guide to
Understanding the Talmud

"Our philosophy asserts that every human being is created in the image of the Lord and the primacy of integrity and honesty in all dealings without exception. I strongly repudiate any assertions in the name of Judaism that do not represent and reflect this philosophy."

- Rabbi Malkiel Kotler, dean of the world-renowned Lakewood Yeshiva, Dec. 16, 2003

Table Of Contents

About The Talmud
The Real Truth About The Talmud: Why does this site exist?
What Is The Talmud?: An explanation of the history and content of the Talmud
Talmud and Bible: Is the Talmud holier than the Bible?
Jewish People: Is Judaism a religion or a race?
To Tell The Truth: Are Jews commanded to lie about the Talmud?
Gentiles In Judaism: Where do gentiles fit into the Jewish world view?
What is a Jew? (Wikipedia entry)

Alleged Racism In The Talmud
Gentiles Are Human: The Talmud does not consider gentiles to be sub-human
Gentiles Are Human 2: The Talmud does not consider gentiles to be animals
Stealing From Gentiles: The Talmud forbids stealing from gentiles
Paying A Gentile's Wages: The Talmud prohibits Jews from withholding a gentile's wages
Tricking Gentiles: The Talmud forbids lying to gentiles
Killing Gentiles: The Talmud prohibits killing gentiles
Various Accusations: Refuting various accusations against the Talmud

Christianity In The Talmud
Jesus In The Talmud: What, if anything, does the Talmud say about Jesus?
The Jesus Narrative: Does the Talmud's narrative of events correspond or differ from the Gospels'?
Christianity: What does the Talmud have to say about Christianity in general?

Jewish Holidays
Blood Libel: Jews never eat blood
Passover: The Passover Haggadah is not racist
Kol Nidrei: Permission to deceive?

Immorality In The Talmud
The Talmud Does Not Permit Sex With A Three Year Old
Sexual Morality in the Talmud: The Talmud's prudence
Rabbi Eleazar and the Prostitutes: The Full Story

Schindler's List: The source of the disputed quotation
Israel Shahak's Lie: "A Modern Blood Libel" by Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Jakobovits, former Chief Rabbi of the British Empire (Offsite)
"In The Image Of G-d": Gentiles are created in the image of G-d
"Goy": Is it a derogatory term used by Jews about gentiles?
Rabbi Soloveitchik: Refuting the slander against him
Ethics Of The Fathers: The section of the Mishnah dedicated to the favorite ethical sayings of the sages
Related Links
Recommended Reading



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Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:46 pm

true lilly wrote:Now who's being elitist here? 'You'. Not me.

Why keep peddling the lie that one must be
'privy to secrets' of any religion or group,
in order to have God's Word revealed? When
God Promised ANYONE who sought to know Him,
with their Whole Heart, Mind and Strength
(Testing Scripture against Scripture, and, What Is,
In The Whole Real World), would be answered,
with revelations, knowledge, understanding and
Others of His Blessings.

Lilly, your post is proof that you have eyes yet you are blind and do not see. Had you bothered to read and comprehend my Post you would 'see that it is a Public Revelation, not private like your bullshit. thumbs up

Most peeps don't realise that Quality Control is 'Built Into' the Bible--Checks & Balances.

Bullshit never holds up to pressure. thumbs up

[size=24]#1: The Torah was presented publicly, Telepathicly; to the Entire Nation of Hebrews along with the greeks and egyptians that had accompanied them. Impossible to fake. thumbs up

What support is there for the claim that God spoke to all the Jewish people at the foot of Mount Sinai?

The Torah claims that the entire Jewish nation heard God speak at Sinai, an assertion that has been accepted as part of their nation’s history for over 3,000 years................Two types of stories are part of any national heritage.

The first kind is legends. Included in this category is George Washington’s admission to chopping down the cherry tree, along with his statement, “I cannot tell a lie.” Johnny Appleseed planting apple trees across America with his discarded apple cores is another legend
..........................................What is the difference between legend and history?

A legend is an unverified story. By their very nature legends are unverifiable because they have very few eyewitnesses. Perhaps little George did chop down the cherry tree. We can’t know if it happened. This does not mean that the legend is necessarily false, only that it is unverifiable. No one thinks legends are facts, therefore they are not accepted as reliable history.

History, however, is comprised of events we know actually happened. It is reliable because we can determine if the claimed event is true or false through a number of ways. One key to verification is the assertion that large numbers of eyewitnesses observed the specific event
.....................................SINAI: AN IMPOSSIBLE HOAX

So far we have seen two types of claims—one is unverifiable and the other is inherently false.

Could the revelation at Sinai have been a brilliant hoax, duping millions of people into believing that God spoke to them?

Throughout history, tens of thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that God spoke to him or her. All religions that base themselves on some type of revelation share essentially the same beginning: a holy person goes into solitude, comes back to his people, and announces that he has experienced a personal revelation where God appointed him to be His prophet.

Would you believe someone who claims to have received a personal communication from God appointing him or her as God’s new prophet?

Maybe He did. Then again, maybe He didn’t. One can never know. The claim is inherently unverifiable.

Personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion since one can never know if it is indeed true. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, there is still no verification that he is a genuine prophet. Miracles do not prove anything. All they show—assuming they are genuine—is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy................................There are 15,000 known religions in all of recorded history. Given this inherent weakness, why do all of them base their claim on personal revelation? If someone wanted their religion to be accepted, why wouldn’t they present the strongest, most believable claim possible—i.e. national revelation! It’s far more credible. No one has to take a leap of faith and blindly trust just one person’s word. It is qualitatively better to claim that God came to everyone, telling the entire group that so-and-so is His prophet.

Why would God establish His entire relationship with a nation through one man, without any possibility of verification, and still expect this nation to obediently follow an entire system of instructions, based only on blind faith?

Yet, Judaism is the only religion in the annals of history that makes the best of all claims—that everyone heard God speak. No other religion claims the experience of national revelation. Why?

..................Let’s summarize two primary questions:

1. Out of 15,000 known religions in recorded history, why is Judaism the only one that claims national revelation, the best of all claims? Why do all other religions base themselves on the inherently weak assertion of personal revelation?

2. If Judaism’s claim is indeed an example of a successful hoax that falsely asserts national revelation, the author just got away with passing off the best possible claim, and others will certainly follow suit. Why then would he predict that no one else will ever make a similar claim, a prediction he knows he cannot foresee, and whose outcome is likely to be the exact opposite?

There is one simple answer to both questions. A national revelation—as opposed to personal revelation—is the one lie you cannot get away with. It is one event you cannot fabricate. The only way to make this claim is if it actually happened.

If the claim is true, the people will believe it because they are agreeing to something they already know. Either they personally witnessed it, or their ancestors collectively passed down the account as part of their nation’s accepted history.

If the claim is false, it’s like trying to convince you that God spoke to you or your parents and somehow you never heard of it. No one would ever accept such a claim.

Therefore no other religion has ever made the best of all claims, because it is the one claim that can only be made if it is true. One cannot pass national revelation off as a hoax.

When inventing a religion, the originator must resort to personal revelation, despite its inherent weakness, since it is a claim that is unverifiable. The originator can hope to find adherents willing to take a leap of faith and accept his or her religion. After all, no one can ever know it is a lie. [Of course, no one can know if it’s true either.] This simply cannot work with national revelation since it’s the one claim that everyone will know is a lie.

Only Judaism can claim national revelation since the Jewish people is the only nation in the history of mankind who ever experienced it

thumbs up

Bullshit can't handle is like a bluff in a Poker Game............if I am holding an excellent hand I'll see all your bets/raises and then 'call you'.

When you produce your shit hand and I lay down my Royal Flush POST CONSPIRACY TOOLSET Royal-flush I'll collect the Ducats. nuthin' personal. thumbs up

There are many other quality Control features in the Bible, but the National Revelation, and Yahshuas/Jesus ministry was Public are significant factors.

Cheers Matey.

cheers thumbs up[/quote]

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Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:50 pm

why don't you explain how the following is 'Elitist' you antisemitic NAZI bitch. thumbs up

Tzelem Elokim=Humankind as Image of Yah/God

The Human..........

1: Has Intelligence

2: Has Freewill

3: Has component of Spiritual Being-A Soul

4: HaShem/YHWH Rules the Universe and Spirit World, Humans have dominion over the Lower World.

5: Has the faculty of Judgement

6: Has an inherent Holiness and Dignity

As created in the image of God, humans are endowed with "three intrinsic dignities": infinite value, equality, and uniqueness.

The first means that human life cannot be weighed, measured, or compared in terms of, that is, subordinated to, any other value. In the Kantian Parlance humans are always a goal or end in themselves and never a means to something else.

The second term implies that no person or group is privileged over another. In fact, Idolatry results when a person or group absolutizes itself or its message.

The third idea reinforces the dignity of every human by insisting that each person is irreplaceable and has a special role to play in the redemption of the world.

The jewish religion is founded on the divine assurance and human belief that the world will be perfected." [5] Judaism engages with and seeks to overcome these realities of history through its notion of covenant. The covenant is that dynamic which God inaugurated in history, that partnership between God and the jewish people, to achieve the dignities for which all humans were created. Jews are those teachers, models, and co-workers-having both a divine and human partners - whom God designated to help all persons and even nature achieve redemption. For Greenberg, the messianic dream of perfection will not be realized by divine fiat, but by "improving this world, one step at a time."

These understandings of God, humans, and the world are expressed through the Torah and lived-out by the Jewish people through the Holy days and the Halakhah. In this view, Torah is that divine teaching which stands as "the constitution of the ongoing relationship of God and the Jewish people." Rabbi Greenberg

This expanded view/articulation of higher values help us to search for Yahwehs presence in the secular Realms of Life, some peeps call this: 'Holy Secularism'.

The Covenant is essentially a Divine, Loving, Pedagogic process. As Humans become more competent, Yahweh invites them to take up a more active role in the Task of Tikun Olam/World to Come, as Co-Creators.

The promise to Abraham was that his 'seed' will measure like the sand on a beach or stars in the sky, that's alot.

Ultimately, according to Yahwehs Plan, Humankind will Colonize the Universe as loving, caring Beings. Our Echelon will rise: Right now we are below the Malakim/Angels, when Yahwehs Plan comes to full fuition we shall rule over the Malakim/Angels.

The Earth is Humankinds beginning.

The Tikun Olam

We=ALL Living things-creatures-sustained and Nurtured by Yahweh-will fill the World with Life.

* We will reshape the Historical Reality, the Flesh & Blood world we inhabit, to sustain that Life at the highest possible level.

* Life will multiply and triumph Quantitatively over allits enemies; including Entropy, Death, and Disorder.

* Life will equally triumph Qualitatively.

* All of lifes capacities/potentials will be developed fully and realized.

* When Life blossoms to its fullest capacity that treats all Life, especially Human Life-the most developed form-and sustains it with the highest and fullest respect that it deserves, then Life will be in harmony with existence and deeply related to Yahweh, its Source and Sustainer(Natural Laws)

* This is the Jews Story, and by default; the Christians/Xns.

* Telling the Story of Creation is the Jews 'Witness'. The present evidentiary Facts contradict the Narrative fairly substantialy.

* Yet, This Story of Creation is shared by Jews and Xns.

* This Story leads Humans to see existence as best they can, from a Cosmic Perspective-Sub Specie Aeternitatis.

* From that Vantage Point there are Three Grand Movements in the unfolding Pattern of the Cosmos

1: The World is moving from Chaos to Order. From the Big Bang, with no Laws of Nature to the regularity of the Life sustaining Laws of Nature.

2: The World is moving from Non-Life to Life. From a State in which no life existed to the emergence of Life. From one cell, untold replications, life has grown Quantitatively, and developed Qualitatively. It has luxuriated and spread into a vast range of forms over and through a variety of sustaining conditions/environments.

* The declaration that Life is growing, moving from non-life to life is counter-intuitive.
Death & Entropy refute that contention.

The 'Key' is Yahweh-The Hidden, Infinite Source of Life with limitless Goodness, Love and Power that sustains Life and Nurtures every possible Form of Life into Being.

* Yahweh, the Divine Source evokes the Third Grand Movement of the Cosmos

3: Life is growing ever more to resemble its Ground: Yahweh.

Life moves from being less to becoming more and more like Yahweh. The highest form of Life, the Human Being, represents the High Point reached thus far.

In Human Form, life so resembles its Maker that it is called; Biblically; 'The Image of Yah'

* This emergence of "The Image of Yah" is the Turning Point in Cosmic History according to Jews & Xns.

Up to that point Life has been sworn to 'Be Fruitful & Multiply' (maximizing reproductive success) through a built-in control Programme-A 'Selfish Gene'- that drives the process.

* The 'Image of Yahs' Consciousness is so much like Yahwehs that Humans are able to 'grasp' this overall pattern of which we, ourselves are part, and to join voluntarily in its realization.

* Similarly, The Human 'Image of Yah' has a capacity to Love ALL their fellow creatures and every aspect of the Universe, as well as the Maker of it all and the Beauty of the Plan.

* Once Humans understand and embrace this understanding, they will lovingly identify with and willingly participate in the process of Perfection.

* Yahweh has invited us, as Humans, The 'Image of Yah', to enter into a Covenantal Partnership, committed to Love, to join fully in perfecting the Universe.

Tikun Olam

* The People of Israel joyfully acknowledge that Yahwehs first Covenant, the Noahide Covenant, never superseded, is made with ALL Humanity, not exclusively with Jews and/or Xns alone.

* It is made with ALL Sentient Beings.

* ALL Beings are called to recognize and participate in Natures Patterns.

* To accept Limits.

* To Direct their choices and actions in favour of Life.

* To join in working for Order against Chaos.

* We are ALL CHOSEN to become part of the movement from Non-Life to Life.

* We are commanded to increase Life and make it grow ever more like its Maker.

* The purpose of the Religious way of life is to create the nurturing ambience of memory and experience, of relationships and actions that sustain Human growth and turns it towards Yahweh.

* Being in the 'Image of Yahweh' brings with it more Yahweh like capacities. It bestows intrinsic Dignity, a climatic extension of that respect to which all of life is entitled.

* The People of Israel hold these Truths to be self-evident: That ALL Humans are created in 'The Image of Yahweh'; and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rightts, among which are:

* Infinite Value

* Equality

* Uniqueness.

These are Birthrights of every Son & Daughter of Yahweh, when we achieve this Level we will be allowed access to the rest of the Universe.
Our level of development currently would only bring grief to the other inhabitants of other worlds.

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Join date : 2011-07-03
Location : outside the box, I pooped in it.

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Post  MoMo Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:54 pm


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Location : outside the box, I pooped in it.

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