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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:47 am

Oberon High teachers threatening to quit
over porn colleague - report

by:Aleks Devic
Herald Sun
February 09, 2012


OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 359119-oberon-high-school
The Oberon High teacher at the centre of the scandal is on leave.
Picture: Tess Follett
Herald Sun

A TEACHER who made a porn video with a former student
remains on leave amid a staff rift.

The Education Department said its investigation into the matter was
continuing and the teacher was not expected back at Geelong's Oberon
High this week.

Teachers have threatened to walk from the school if the teacher comes back,
a caller told radio station 3AW today.

The teacher has not been stood down while the investigations are ongoing.

The graphic video of the English and media teacher and the student, who
graduated in 2008
, went viral on social media websites after students
discovered it.

A preview video shows the couple naked, in sex acts, and with the girl blindfolded.

The couple are now living together in Highton and jointly own a business.

Principal Alison Murphy has previously said
the VCE teacher was well regarded and a popular teacher among staff and students.

07-11-2007, 09:56 PM

Kevin Rudd visited Oberon High School
on the morning of September 4th, 2007,
accompanied by his deputy
Julia Gillard.

(The THREAT of these two running the country,
has made me a HOWARD supporter, even though
it looks likes both sides are
It really is a BIZARRE Election 'campaign'!)

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda TheQuarrelOfOberonandTitania
The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania (1846), by Sir Joseph Paton

is the king of the fairies
in William Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream
who is feuding with his wife Titania,
the queen of the fairies.

They are fighting over a baby
that Oberon wants to raise as his henchman.

Titania wants to keep the baby because he is the child of
Titania's mortal friend who died,
and Titania wants to raise the child for her friend.

Because Oberon and Titania are powerful fairies,
their arguments affect the weather.

btw, my posts at DIF have been so heavily interfered with
that I can't and won't take responsibility for how others may
'read' them, just as here and everywhere else I've posted,
but here's the link to that page anyway:

Column - Open your eyes. Where’s that warming?
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_comments 223 Comments | Permalink
Andrew Bolt Blog OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_arrow_small
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 at 07:14am

IT’S a bright new year, so let’s see how the great global warming scare is panning out, shall we?

First, the planet hasn’t actually warmed for a decade—or even 15 years,
according to new temperature data from Britain’s Met Office.

Hmm. That’s not what global warming scientists predicted.

Or look out of your window.

The rain that Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery said in 2007 “isn’t
actually going to fill our dams and river systems”
any more has just
flooded New South Wales and Queensland again.

The Bureau of Meteorology,which three years ago warned “we are just not
going to have that sort of good rain again”, now admits last year was
our third-wettest on record.

The snowfalls that the University of East Anglia in 2000 said would soon
become “a very rare and exciting event” are falling as hard as ever.

The monster hurricanes we were told to expect by Nobel Prize winner Al Gore are coming no more often.

The massive coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, that warmist Prof
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg predicted would occur every second year from 2010,
hasn’t hit in years.

Wherever you look it’s the same wake-up-to-yourself story.

Sea levels have recently dipped, the oceans have lately cooled, Arctic
ice has not retreated since 2007, polar bear numbers are increasing,
global crop yields keep rising and now some solar scientists warn not of
warming, but cooling.

So how do the warming activists respond to increasing evidence
contradicting their theory that our carbon dioxide emissions are heating
the world dangerously?

Simple. They close their eyes.

Take Prof Naomi Oreskes, the author of Merchants of Doubt
who famously tried to prove that not one scientific paper
dissented from the global warming “consensus”.

Last week she complained people still “cling to the idea that it is
reasonable to maintain an open mind”, and insisted: “It isn’t.”

To have an academic
demand a closed mind on global warming
is a shock.
It shows she’s talking
not about science but a faith.

Yet her view is depressingly echoed by much of the media, which for
years has whipped up the warming scare, refusing to report on scientists
who queried it, and demonising the open-minded as “deniers”.

They, too, believe a closed mind—and closed ears—is how to deal with inconvenient truths I’ve listed.


I once mentioned on the ABC TV’s Insiders that the warming had paused, only to be heckled by one panellist while the other, The Sydney Morning Herald’s David Marr, theatrically buried his head in a newspaper.

Not listening, la la la la la.

What has made the deliberate know-nothingness of such journalists so
damaging is that in no other country has the media spruiked the warming
creed so hysterically.

Warmist researchers from the Centre for Science and Technology Policy
Research at the University of Colorado in Boulder have counted how often
50 papers around the world mentioned “global warming” or “climate
change” and found that in every year from 2006 to 2011 our own beat the

But see how some of the most obsessed outlets—especially The Age and
ABC—resist reporting evidence that the late 20th century warming blamed
on man’s gases has halted, and few of the catastrophic consequences
predicted have happened.

Man’s gases do affect the climate is some small way, but not necessarily
for the worst and certainly not by as much as natural influences—some
of which may have us heading for cooling.

Henrik Svensmark, director of the Centre for Sun-Climate Research at
Denmark’s National Space Institute, investigates the effects of the sun
and cosmic rays on our climate, and last week said a recent cut in the
sun’s output could soon reverse any man-made warming: “World
temperatures may end up a lot cooler than now for 50 years or more.”

Who knows if he’s right? Best keep an open mind on this and on man-made warming.

Or, as Harvard University physicist Mike Stopa warned last week: “It is
possible that CO2 has effectively no influence on global climate.”

And he asked: “Suppose it turns out that CO2 has essentially nothing to do with the Earth’s climate.

“How will the history of this colossal mistake be written?”

Can someone tell Al Gore?
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (05:14 pm)

Yet another warming scare slowly deflates:
<blockquote>The world’s greatest snow-capped peaks, which run in a chain from the
Himalayas to Tian Shan on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, have lost
no ice over the last decade, new research shows.

The discovery has stunned scientists, who had believed that around 50bn
tonnes of meltwater were being shed each year and not being replaced by
new snowfall.

The study is the first to survey all the world’s icecaps and glaciers and was made possible by the use of satellite data…

The melting of Himalayan glaciers caused controversy in 2009 when a
report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
mistakenly stated that they would disappear by 2035, instead of 2350.

</blockquote>Remember Al Gore’s great Himalayan scare?

(Thanks to readers Gab, Charles, Mark and many others.)

Would have taken out your ad if Rinehart was of the Left?
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (05:07 pm)

Steve Vizard does an excellent filleting of a GetUp spokesman hyperventilating
about Gina Rinehart getting a stake in a media company
that the spokesman makes clear should stay in the hands of the Left.

Listen here.
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_comments 22 comments |
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Getup140

Thursday, 09 February 2012
Sam McLean from GetUp

Steve Vizard talks to Sam McLean from GetUp about the full page ad in The Age today. Does it cut through the spin?

So, how did 'they' force
a world full of Powerful World Leaders,
scientists, politicians and others,
to keep peddling the insane lie,
'man broke, and can and must, fix the weather'?

true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:02 am

Sam McLean of Getup appears to be highly agitated about
Gina Hancock’s acquisition of more shares in Fairfax - and froths at the
mouth about Andrew Bolt actually having a programme of his own on
Channel 10.

McLean appears to think that the government, appalling as it is,
should be protected from “attack"( both overt and covert ) from
those who are totally disgusted with the way in which the country is
being run.

He and others are in a ferment of agitation because one single reporter
has less than 1/2 an hour a week in which to make any comment
about this government
whereas the ABC (paid for by 100 per cent
of taxpayers in Australia only 46% of whom are satisfied with
the government of Julia Gillard) employs dozens of people to “attack”
both overtly and covertly
the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott on a daily basis.

To name a few, Heather Ewart, Barry Cassidy, Tony Jones, Fran Kelly,
Kerry O’Brien,Virginia Trioli, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

I would like to remind this pipsqueak from Getup that we still
live in a democracy where freedom of speech has not yet been disallowed,
though it has been tampered with on many occasions by those who would
like it to be . And Andrew Bolt has as much right to speak his mind on
matters as do those sycophants mentioned above.

Verity of Perth (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (05:34pm)
Verity of Perth (Reply)

Verity of Perth


"your" OVERT PANIC WON'T SAVE "you".

...and just after I showed someone else, how
I'm NOT on "The World Wide Web", but

Now off "you" scurry and bother each other... that "you" have finally got around to 'admitting',
that I have NO VOICE or POWER to 'threaten' any of "you",
yet, someone among "you" does still want me 'talking'...
...I suggest "you" go way back, to my pre-on line days,
and even further still...I'm not the only one who knows
the difference between, 'threats', and warning calls to
true repentance.


I reckon Simon Sheik was sitting right in front of the caller as he was making this call.

I counted five (5) times that the caller misspoke the word “share” for “sheik” in that interview.

In any event - Vizard made mincemeat out of that out of depth spokesmen.


CaptainCrunch (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (06:17pm)

I likewise found it funny that despite Sam McLean
seeming to also need to bundle A.B. with G.R.,
he couldn't bring himself to actually say, "Andrew Bolt",
but could only manage to 'spit' out, "Andrew Bolts'.

I can sort of see his 'thinking':
"mmm, how do I make sure 'our people' know
that Andrew Bolt must be silenced to,
without advertising his views to
'the enemy'='our people' starting to see through 'us'
...?...?...? it! Stick an "S" on the end!"

He brought to mind the generations of, forced to vote children,
raised on Sesame Street, who didn't learn to read,
but did learn to buy and sell it's Leftist/Green politics. cute, "you" put 'the links back'...bit too long after being busted, again...
true lilly
true lilly

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Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:18 am

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 210494-oberon-high-school
The teacher.
Picture: Trevor Pinder
Herald Sun

Porn teacher should leave
From:Herald Sun
February 10, 2012 12:00AM
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 359119-oberon-high-school
A teacher at Oberon High School in Geelong is being investigated

over a online sex video with a past student.
Picture: Tess Follett
Herald Sun

FAILURE to deal with a Geelong high school teacher who made a porn
video with a former student that has gone viral on the internet should
be the subject of an inquiry in itself.

Not only are the parents of students at the school threatening to
withdraw their children if the teacher stays, other teachers are
threatening to walk out.

By any reasonable reading of
the Code of Conduct of the Victorian Institute of Teaching,

the teacher should be dismissed
or transferred.

But the code can be used only as a guideline and teaching authorities seem

more concerned the teacher did not inform them he had a second job running a shop
with his porn co-star.

Under the code, teachers are advised
"not to draw students into their personal agendas".

The code also advises teachers to "be positive role models at school and in

the community" and to "ensure that their personal or financial interests
do not interfere with the performance of their duties".

Education bureaucrats and the Government remain silent about what is a 20-minute sexual performance in front of several cameras.

But it is parents, not prudes, who regard a teacher having sex with a former student,

who is blindfolded
, as failing to uphold the moral standards they are trying to impart
to their children.

Sexualisation of children on the internet
is an increasing issue for parents

while not every teenager at the school might have seen the video, it is
readily accessible.

Common sense would dictate that the teacher should not have engaged in internet sex

with his former student, with whom he is now in a relationship.

The porn video has started what has become a sometimes vicious exchange of comments

on the internet.

The girl shown having sex with her former teacher told the
Herald Sun:
"I don't think we have done anything wrong." But nothing wrong does not excuse
the actions of the teacher, who has made their couplings an extra-curricular subject.
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:57 am

So, how many have kept count of all the times
"Billy Ruben", just has to jump in and attack me

How many have figured out what that SAYS ABOUT
"Billy Ruben"?

Particularly as "Billy Ruben" GETS EXTRA ANGRY
when baby fuckers ARE ALSO LINKED TO, 'respected'
positions, like say, THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY.

Speaking of which, how many have noticed that
"Billy Ruben" can't even get my husband's TRADE
OR NAME right, in his desperate efforts to SPIN BS
out of what I actually post?

Makes one wonder WHY "Billy Ruben" is NOT so keen
to 'defend', THE ACTUAL PERSON, but rather, DEFENDS

Interesting to how "Billy Ruben" threatens me with
State and Federal Police for posting MAIN STREAM NEWS
AND ASKING WHY Police have NOT come for that pc
that someone loaded CHILD PORN on, WHILE I WAS

Seems "Billy Ruben" NEEDS the world to believe that
the ONLY CORRUPT Police, are those "Billy Ruben"
'claims' to be 'fighting', NOT THOSE PROTECTING

New twist in corrupt NSW cop case

by:By Vincent Morello

February 09, 2012

THE sentencing of a corrupt NSW cop
due has been delayed by new information
that a judge has ruled is

so sensitive it must remain secret.

The name of the former detective, known as CL, will also be suppressed.

CL pleaded guilty in July last year to five offences of fraud, aggravated
break and enter, illegally taking information from a police database
lying to the Police Integrity Commission (PIC).

He was due to be sentenced today in Sydney's Downing Centre District Court,
but the start of proceedings was delayed for 40 minutes
lawyers from both sides discussed new information.

They appeared to inform presiding Judge Brian Knox that they agreed
a 30-page document containing the information
was too "sensitive" to become public.

Judge Knox concurred and ordered the document be sealed in an envelope
only to be opened by a judicial officer or at their direction.

Related Coverage

  • Anti-corruption chief handed big stick The Australian, 8 Dec 2011
  • Former top cop jailed for drugs Herald Sun, 8 Dec 2011
  • Cop chase cost $5m each The Australian, 8 Dec 2011
  • Knox: 'I have not killed. I have not raped' Herald Sun, 4 Oct 2011
  • Verdict looms in Knox sex-murder appeal Herald Sun, 2 Oct 2011

Judge Knox continued CL's strict bail conditions and set a date of March 29 for sentencing.

He also continued an order suppressing the names of witnesses related to the case and any new witnesses.

CL has pleaded guilty to five charges relating to incidents that took place in 2003 and 2004 and admitted to other offences.

He pretended he was conducting police business in order to steal $11,000
from a Sydney man's home and broke into another Sydney home and stole

CL received $3900 for tipping off a suspect facing a police search and
obtained information from a police database about a woman so he could
steal from her.

He also admitted to lying to
the PIC in 2004 about a corrupt relationship he had with another former
police officer and dividing money between him and another person.

In July, he admitted to a raft of other offences
taking bribes,
planning kidnappings,
using his police badge in unauthorised raids and

tipping off a child porn suspect.

Three is unusual, even for the innocent
Andrew Bolt – Thursday, February 09, 12 (06:43 am)

Almost certainly atypical.
Even more certainly damaging to the cause:

AN AUSTRALIAN gay couple
have had their six-year-old son
taken from them by child protection
authorities in Los Angeles
while the FBI and Queensland Police
investigate allegations that they are
members of an
international paedophile ring

A report by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family
Services says the FBI is also investigating allegations that one of the
men “is suspected of sexually abusing [the child]. They are also
suspected of exploiting [the child] through child pornography and
obtaining [the child] for the sole purpose of exploitation

Among the material in the hands of the department is a video which,
according to the Los Angeles report, shows the son “watching a film of
pornography with another child and speaking in an explicit sexual

The men, who claim to be victims of prejudice in Australia and the US
against gay fathers, have been canvassing support for their cause
in Cairns and in the gay press

The men blame their predicament on innocent
visits to three men
in the US, New Zealand and Germany

who, to their complete surprise,
turned out to be
collectors and producers of
child pornography

“These are three people out of 20 people we know. You never know who you pick...”

That’s a disturbing hit rate, even if the men were innocent.

(No comments.)

but the rest of us, BY THE LAWS 'they' SHOVED DOWN THE WORLD'S THROAT,
have to shut the hell up, about what 'their' "CAUSE" may really be.

And, it seems some DIF members ARE WAKING UP to
to give it a push along...

Evil or Very Mad
tsume wrote:
Moderator of DIF

Posted: 07-02-2012, 06:47 PM
Article Originally Posted: Jan 23, 2012 5:16pm EST

Abortion safer than giving birth: study
ftil wrote:
Originally Posted by martg
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda ViewpostWho funded it?

Bill Gates Funding Abortion

Buffett gift means millions for abortion

The Population Control Agenda

It is sick, isn't it?

I am shocked about treads on
DI forum.
Pushing pedophilia....
pushing abortion......

What will be next? OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Eek

Originally Posted by ftil
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Viewpost
I totally agree. As Antiarchonist
said on Logic and Intuition = Balance tread, "The fact that we coexist
with what I would prefer to call the psychopathic species is the main
Very frustrating, indeed. I should never happen on DI forum.

Oh, I have just checked that pedophile tread was deleted. Thanks mods. OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Smile

I guess, it is good to be mad like hell.........sometimes OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Biggrin
I said thanks ...much to early.
Well, the tread

I Dont See Anything Wrong With Pedophilic Thoughts
wasn't deleted.OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda EekOBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Biggrin

people who voiced their strong protest
aginst a pedophile member ...
were called "pitch-fork herd mentality."
by a mod.

Black is white and white is black.
Welcome to a brave new world. OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Eek
true lilly wrote:Home and other Dotcom assets seized
by: By Alastair Bull in Auckland
From: AAP
February 09, 2012 10:58AM

A CAR, jewellery, jetskis and a $4.3 million home
are among the latest items of Kim Dotcom's to be seized
by the New Zealand Government's Official Assignee.

home has been seized, along with other items, following a court order
made on February 1 made after it was sought by United States

"It included a further vehicle, some items of
jewellery, jetskis and a property that borders what is called the Dotcom
mansion," Guy Sayers of the Official Assignee told NZ Newswire.

Mr Sayers says it followed an earlier order made for the seizure of assets when Dotcom was arrested in January.

He confirmed Dotcom's wife Mona, who is seven months' pregnant with twins, would not be asked to leave.

was able to buy the 2.16 hectare home in Coatesville, north of
Auckland, after being refused permission to buy the neighbouring $30
million Dotcom mansion by the Overseas Investment Office after failing the "good character" test.

Related Coverage

  • Kim Dotcom's funds frozen, refused bail The Daily Telegraph, 2 days ago
  • Megaupload founder to try and get assets back Herald Sun, 3 days ago
  • Dotcom to remain behind bars Herald Sun, 4 days ago
  • Dotcom denied bail in High Court The Australian, 4 days ago
  • Kim Dotcom denied bail The Australian, 5 days ago
Dotcom, the founder of the Megaupload website, and three colleagues,
Finn Batato, Bram van der Kolk and Mathias Ortmann,
were arrested last month on internet piracy charges laid by the US Government.

It is alleged the group amassed $NZ216 million in criminal proceeds through the website.

Dotcom, a German national, was denied bail after two hearings after judges ruled he was a significant flight risk.

All four are due to be the subject of an extradition hearing later this month.
Dotcom's bodyguard Wayne Tempero reappeared in North Shore District Court today, facing charges of possession of a pistol for an unlawful purpose.
He had previously vowed to fight firearms charges.
The NET...
...God did warn (and I kept reminding),
"you" would be caught by the net "you" set for others...

CHILDREN DON'T 'forget'!
IT'S IS NOT 'o.k'!



Ballarat thief helps police catch bigger crook

February 08, 2012

A THIEF in Ballarat has been praised for turning himself in so police could catch an even bigger criminal.

The man, who can't be identified for legal reasons,
stole two mobile phones in Ballarat, northwest of Melbourne,
but turned up at the nearest police station
when he saw one of the devices had images of
child pornography.

While he was charged with theft after coming forward, his actions also allowed police to arrest and charge a 46-year-old man.

The thief won high praise from a magistrate and even the state's police
chief this week when his own case came before the courts.

The man pleaded guilty in Ballarat Magistrates Court to breaking into a car
and stealing the phones last October.

Taking into account guilty pleas for other charges he was facing, the
magistrate handed down an ultimate sentence of one month in jail and a $400 fine.

Police fear child porn epidemic in Australia

February 08, 2012

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=L2X7hDsZFWa4%2be%2bTM96JXjrFfNP5uxPAq%2f%2bKhZijL0w%3d0&
Child porn epidemic

Child pornography in Australia has hit epidemic proportions according to the Australian Federal Police.

CHILD pornography is running at epidemic proportions
in Australia with

the abusive material
being used as currency by pedophiles
to buy their way into online groups.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) have told Fairfax that where once
there might have been hundreds of images on a suspect's computer, there
are now hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, of images of young
children being molested.

The AFP's cybercrime unit head, Assistant
Commissioner Neil Gaughan, said that although there might have been no
increase in the number of adults sexually assaulting children, the
attacks are being recorded and uploaded onto the internet.

"There's no empirical evidence of an increase in child abuse, but we're seeing
an increase in the number of violent images that clearly have not been
commercially made," Mr Gaughan told Fairfax.

There was was a 30 per cent jump - from 136 to 180 - in the number of Australians
arrested by federal police for child pornography offences last year
compared with

Killer who stabbed love rival
beats ban to work with children

by:Padraic Murphy
From:Herald Sun
February 08, 2012

A MAN who stabbed a love rival to death
has used legal aid to overturn a ban on working with children.

The man stabbed a former friend to death after sleeping with his victim's partner and giving her heroin.

He is at least the second convicted killer to succeed in overturning Department of Justice Working with Children bans.

More than 40 Category One sex offenders have successfully fought the bans since vetting began in 2006.

The trend has prompted the Government to review the appeal process at VCAT.
Department of Justice opposed the granting of a Working with Children
Check in this application," a spokesman said yesterday.

"The department is assessing VCAT's decision and seeking legal advice on any grounds for further review."

We must protect the child

Police fear child porn epidemic

The man - listed in VCAT under a pseudonym - stabbed his former friend
in in a scuffle over the woman at her St Kilda flat in 1988. Then
28, he was charged with murder but convicted of manslaughter. He was
jailed for six years by a judge who said he had killed so his friend
"would pay for his interference with your pleasures".

After his release, the man was convicted of minor dishonesty and drug offences.
He contracted a serious illness in 1997, for which he is still being treated.

He has been a committee member of Straight Arrows, an HIV support charity,
for which he needs a Working with Children permit.

His permit was initially rejected by the Department of Justice in July 2009,
a decision upheld by VCAT.

But he went to the Court of Appeal, which ruled VCAT failed to take into
account the benefit of his
charity work. The case was sent back to VCAT,
which granted a permit last week.
A government spokesman said the check system was under review.

"The Coalition Government is working to fix a range of problems that have
become apparent with the current Working with Children Check appeal
he said.

The man refused to comment yesterday.

Yes, lots of News "Billy Ruben" gets insensed to hear.
The BUSTS, NOT The Crimes:
and more at those links.

Rather telling to, that "Ms. Hope" at DIF ran mega threads
on all 'those' 'rich and powerful' 'getting away with it', but
true lilly
true lilly

Posts : 6205
Join date : 2010-01-02
Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:30 am

Andrew Bolt
Friday, February 10, 2012 at 12:02am

Senator Arthur Sinodinos, formerly John Howard’s chief of staff,
has checked the ASIO files on Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon
and compared it with what Rhiannon claims.

And in a powerful speech to the Senate, he says:

In preparing for this, I was reminded of a quote
from the Spanish-American philosopher
George Santayana
that those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it…

Senator Rhiannon,
if you were not a neo-Stalinist, what were you?

Are the Greens just another front for you
and your Eastern bloc claque?

You owe the Senate and
the people of New South Wales and Australia
a full and frank explanation of all these matters.

Read on for Sinodinos’s speech:

Senator SINODINOS (New South Wales) (13:00):
I rise on a matter of public interest to do with my colleague Senator
Rhiannon and ASIO. In March 2010, in two speeches to the New South Wales
Legislative Council, the then Lee Rhiannon sought to discredit ASIO’s
surveillance of and files on her, claiming that they were riddled with
errors. Shortly afterwards, the questionable claims in her speeches were
reported as fact in a breathless newspaper article entitled ‘ASIO
spooks spied on little girls’. Thus Lee Rhiannon, who at the time was
vying for the Senate, was attempting to inoculate against objective
coverage of her 800-page ASIO file which had just been released by the
National Archives. In a blog on 3 September 2010 entitled ‘Responding to
attacks on my family and political background’, the now Senator
Rhiannon revisited the same theme while giving rose tinted accounts of
her early activism.

I have looked at Lee Brown, aka Gorman, aka Rhiannon’s ASIO files and I
must say I am impressed with their thoroughness and the obvious skill
involved in their compilation. While ASIO’s intelligence was not
perfect, as is to be expected, it was much, much better than Senator
Rhiannon has made out. Senator Rhiannon claims that ASIO’s ‘biggest
howler’ was ‘the assertion that I studied motor mechanics at UNSW’. This
is disingenuous. In fact, the ASIO report on the Young Socialist
League’s Marxist coaching seminar states that, ‘Lee Brown made the
general remark that she is studying motor mechanics at the University of
New South Wales, where she is currently employed as a lecturer’. ASIO
were not making that assertion; it was ASIO reporting Lee Brown’s own
words, a significant distinction I would have thought, since elsewhere
ASIO accurately record her university studies.

Recently it was disclosed that on 19 January 1970, as an 18-year-old
embarking on a voyage to the UK on the Russian vessel Shota Rustaveli,
Lee Brown was appointed to meet one Vladimir Alekseev from the Soviet
Embassy in cabin 190 on J-deck, where he would wait for her. An ASIO
intelligence file reveals that, when arranging this meeting, Alekseev
said that he was calling on behalf of one Ivan Stenin. An ASIO telephone
intercept reveals that the previous month Stenin had contacted
Rhiannon’s father who was intending to travel abroad before his daughter
by air to England, Switzerland and Russia. We now know of ASIO’s
conclusion that Stenin was a senior intelligence officer, and that many
believe that Vladimir Alekseev was the KGB station chief or ‘rezident’
at the Soviet Embassy in Canberra.

It is therefore timely to examine Senator Rhiannon’s ASIO file and to
test some of her other claims. In her 2010 blog she claimed that there
was no expectation she would follow in her parents’ political footsteps.
But in truth Senator Rhiannon was an in-vitro communist. According to
Mark Aarons, he and Lee Brown were ‘red-diaper babies’, a term by which
the Communist Party of Australia members affectionately referred to the
children of communists destined to inherit their parents’ political
genes. Rhiannon has perpetuated the line that ASIO began spying on her
when she was seven, because an ASIO precis-history of her activity has a
one-line record of her at a Tribune picnic in 1958. I think we can
assume that ASIO at the time was more interested in Rhiannon’s parents
and other communists than they were in Lee, precocious though she may
have been.

In fact, the first item in Senator Rhiannon’s ASIO file is a clipping
from an April 1955 edition of the CPA’s Tribune headlined ‘Kiddies’ big
part in May Day’, showing three-year-old ‘little Lee Brown’ dabbling at a
sign saying, ‘For me—Ban that H-bomb’ in preparation for the upcoming
May Day march. I am sure that ‘little Lee’ was oblivious to the Soviet
Union’s possession of the H-bomb which they had successfully tested two
years earlier. Rhiannon also claims ASIO inaccurately noted that she was
a founding member of the Eureka Students Organisation, in one stroke
glossing over her involvement with this organisation which was the CPA’s
youth wing, described by her father as being like the Pioneers. In its
heyday, the Pioneers was an international organisation for children,
operated by the Communist Party, which promoted sports and outdoor
skills while teaching communist principles. In actuality, Rhiannon’s
ASIO files record the application to attend the Junior Eureka League’s
1964 summer camp at age 13, her election as treasurer of the Junior
Eureka League’s South Sydney branch in 1965, her graduation from JEL and
her role as a Pioneer of the Souths branch.

By age 14, Lee was demonstrating against the Vietnam War. At 15, ASIO’s
files show she took part in a rowdy Eureka CPA protest against Prime
Minister Holt, participated in other protests, marches and communist
social functions, and attended a CPA Sydney district meeting. By age 16,
the ASIO files indicate that Lee did clerical work at CPA headquarters
during her school holidays. They also show that she was involved in
pamphleteering high schools, involved in Secondary Students for
International Tolerance and Equality and organising an anti-Vietnam War
peace ride to Canberra.

What the headline ‘ASIO spooks spied on little girls’ overlooks is that
the communists of the day did indoctrinate and attempt to use young
people and others
to further Soviet ambition, a fact ASIO was well aware
The truth is that by the time Senator Rhiannon was 18, embarking
the Shota Rustaveli for the UK and who knows where else, she was a
hardened communist. It is easy to forget—and people born since may not
even appreciate—that during the Cold War the CPA was part of the
Comintern or Communist International which owed its loyalty to Moscow
and was dedicated to the revolutionary overthrow of our democratic
. The CPA received funding and took direction from the Soviet
Union, senior members regularly travelled to and trained in Russia, its
members infiltrated other organisations and agencies while a few were
involved in espionage against their own country, Australia.
In this
connection I note Laurie Aarons’s accusation contained in Mark Aarons’s
book The Family File that Senator Rhiannon’s father, Bill Brown,
procured spies for Ivan Skripov, the Soviet diplomat who was later
declared persona non grata and deported for spying in 1963.
I quote:

… he (Skripov) got onto Bill Brown who started to try
and get some people, and in fact, he got one or two people. I don’t
know what happened. It’s wrong in principle and also stupid to get
involved in that.

After the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, which the CPA had
criticised, the Soviets began courting Dick Dickson, Claude Jones and
Bill Brown to overthrow those in the CPA who had deviated from the
Moscow line. Dixon and Jones apparently refused. Jones knocked back the
usual bribery, saying, ‘I was offered any amount of money that I would
like to name from the CPSU’—the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. As
Mark Aarons put it:

As good punters, the embassy hedged its bets… and had
already put money on Bill Brown, who had previously demonstrated his
loyalty by assisting the KGB officer, Ivan Skripov.

This was Bill Brown’s hour. ASIO documents show that the Soviets—Stenin
in particular—had established a clandestine link with Bill Brown outside
of CPA channels and that communications increased dramatically after
the invasion of Czechoslovakia. Given all the above, but in particular
given Bill and Lee Brown’s involvement with the KGB agents Stenin and
Alekseev at exactly this time, is it any wonder ASIO’s director-general
asked British intelligence to be apprised if Lee Brown came to notice in
the UK.

Let us now examine Senator Rhiannon’s initial response to the
Australian’s story about her rendezvous with the KGB agent Vladimir
Alekseev. Firstly, she claimed it was based on ‘inaccurate ASIO
records’. Contrary to her previous claims, the ASIO records are
generally very accurate. Moreover, ASIO’s report of the telephone
intercept of Vladimir Alekseev’s call to her mother, Freda Brown, is
quite detailed. Secondly, she claimed the attempt to associate her
departure on a Russian cruise ship to potential spy activities was
ridiculous. That claim was not made. Thirdly, she said, ‘I’ve never been
a spy and no-one ever attempted to recruit me.’ Again, no-one made that
allegation. The suggestion was that the KGB wanted to cultivate her as a
long-term agent of influence.
Fourthly, she said, ‘Spy reports of me
being involved in clandestine meetings on board the ship are wrong.’ Did
you meet Alekseev or not? Fifthly, Senator Rhiannon played the ingenue,
just a young student, who was involved in some anti-Vietnam war
protests, embarking on a working holiday. I think we have established
she had a much longer rap sheet than that.

Senator Rhiannon may get away with this sort of fudging with her Eastern
bloc comrades in the New South Wales Greens; she cannot get away from
it here. As the Australian noted, Senator Rhiannon dismissed the report
of her rendezvous with Vladimir Alekseev as Cold War delusions but did
not deny the claim.

Finally, yesterday Senator Rhiannon, in a letter to the editor in the
Australian, asserted that to the best of her knowledge she had never met
a Russian spy and never attended a meeting on the ship—not a totally
unqualified denial. There are therefore a number of very serious
questions which Senator Rhiannon must answer. What was her involvement
with KGB agents Ivan Stenin and Vladimir Alekseev? Did she visit any
Eastern bloc countries in 1970-71? If so, which ones, why and precisely
when did she return to Australia? Did she attend the Lenin School during
any of her trips abroad?

In 2010 Senator Rhiannon promised that a full report on her ASIO file
would shortly be placed on her website. She never did this. I encourage
her to do so. It would be helpful to her and to the Senate. Perhaps she
could detail the extent of her involvement in plans to raise money for
North Vietnam, revealed in ASIO’s telephone intercept of 18 May 1972.
Senator Rhiannon may also care to confirm ASIO’s belief that she
authored a caustic letter to the Sydney Morning Herald on 26 February
1974—a fortnight after that giant of letters and human rights of the
20th century Alexander Solzhenitsyn was deported from the USSR and
stripped of his Soviet citizenship after the KGB found his manuscript
for the first part of The Gulag Archipelago. In the letter, one Lee
Brown took issue with the suggestion of Dick Klugman—a former Labor MP
and distinguished member of the lower house—that the Canberra street in
which the Soviet Embassy is situated be renamed Solzhenitsyn Avenue. She
suggested that streets around the US Embassy be renamed Watergate
Boulevard, Rosenberg Road and My Lai Memorial Avenue. The Rosenbergs, of
course, were executed for giving the Soviet Union atomic bomb secrets.

Lastly, in 2010 Senator Rhiannon said she did not support the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. I quote:

… My recollection is that we marched up
New South Head Road to the Soviet Consulate where there were speakers
long into the night ... Personally I did not support the invasion and to
conclude that when I was first getting involved in politics as a
teenager and in my early twenties I backed oppressive violent actions
against people in Czechoslovakia and Poland is ridiculous.

Curiously, ASIO’s extensive surveillance files of protests disclose no
record of Senator Rhiannon protesting the Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia. They do, however, disclose the existence of a 1975
document for the Young Socialist League detailing planning by one Lee
Brown for a forthcoming Czechoslovakian delegation tour to Australia. No
doubt she made a personal protest.

I conclude with this question. Senator Rhiannon, if you were not a
neo-Stalinist, what were you? Are the Greens just another front for you
and your Eastern bloc claque? You owe the Senate and the people of New
South Wales and Australia a full and frank explanation of all these
matters. I say to the Greens as a whole that in recent times there have
been disclosures in a magazine, the Monthly, about a so-called rift
within the Greens between the original Greens, who came to the movement
out of a conviction that more needed to be done on the environment, and
other groups which started to join later on. One of those groups came
out of New South Wales. The real issue for the Greens now is the fight
that is going on for the heart and soul of the Greens. The Greens are
split. The Australian people should know that and they should know that
there are people in New South Wales within the green movement who are
seeking to subvert the green movement as a whole. Finally, it has come
to my attention over time that there have been attempts by people on
the Left to ridicule and trivialise the work of ASIO during the Cold War.
ASIO did what they needed to do. I am sure they made mistakes along the
way, but we should not underestimate the threats that we faced. In an
open society we do need bodies like ASIO to help protect us against our
true lilly
true lilly

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  Billy Ruben Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:45 am

Billy Ruben wrote:
true lilly wrote:So, how many have kept count of all the times
"Billy Ruben", just has to jump in and attack me

How many have figured out what that SAYS ABOUT
"Billy Ruben"?

Particularly as "Billy Ruben" GETS EXTRA ANGRY
when baby fuckers ARE ALSO LINKED TO, 'respected'
positions, like say, THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY.

Speaking of which, how many have noticed that
"Billy Ruben" can't even get my husband's TRADE
OR NAME right, in his desperate efforts to SPIN BS
out of what I actually post?

Makes one wonder WHY "Billy Ruben" is NOT so keen
to 'defend', THE ACTUAL PERSON, but rather, DEFENDS

Interesting to how "Billy Ruben" threatens me with
State and Federal Police for posting MAIN STREAM NEWS
AND ASKING WHY Police have NOT come for that pc
that someone loaded CHILD PORN on, WHILE I WAS

Seems "Billy Ruben" NEEDS the world to believe that
the ONLY CORRUPT Police, are those "Billy Ruben"
'claims' to be 'fighting', NOT THOSE PROTECTING


No you lying dog-rooting slut.And you know it.You play the game of insinuating I have involvement in filth peddling and drug and gun runningYou know the truth of your own lies and I have exposed everyone of them.Noticed you did'nt get phone texts like you saidAnd those recent,that I save,so when you falsely accuse,I can prove otherwise.You only just got that Blue-tooth connection and I have'nt bit for months.Stupid fuck you are,you give the game away before it gets on the way.Come on,prove otherwise.

You hate the fact I report those cops,cause I supply EVIDENCE,something you always failed to do and now we know why,Ballarat Police refuted every claim you've made.You're not even on their records,idiot.

And that's why I think you're obsesse3d with child-molesting,WHY?

Told you,I put money on it,you did fuck your dog on that breeder farm as a young teenage curious whore that you were,turned to God and tried transference,hoping it's all forgotten and forgiven

The only person you can't hide it from is yourself.That's why I keep reminding.And I have credibilty,something you lost in your battles with me,hehehehehe,I have trade,you're bankrupt.Who cares what you say and think.But involve me or those I love,I'll have you,anytime.

You've had your warning,hope they confiscate your computer,that was one of the reasons I'm going to do it.Forget hiding it you stupid bitch,every component has it's own signature.They can tell when you substituteThere's things the authorities can do,that even most crackers have no idea about,have a nice life creep.

cthulhu cthulhu cthulhu cthulhu
Billy Ruben wrote:
true lilly wrote:
true lilly wrote:'Billy Ruben' says 'he's' in hiding.
Should I post all the Ph. No's 'he' threatens me by?
Or just the numbers of those who first Blutoothed my phone,
and also boasted of having friends in the police that access
phone use details for them?

Well, if something were to happen to a real person who's
identity 'they' use, after 'Billy Ruben/Jason Cook' texted me
where he "is hiding from Occultists", I think authorities should
get straight onto 'them', rather than waste time harassing me,
'their' actual, intended victim.

Lets face it; the only reason 'they' have for sending me such
a message, would be to try to set me up for harm done to
some mentally ill person 'they' use as 'their' cover for the
self serving evils 'they' do.

What a load of shit!!!!.

No harm will come to your crazy little head,no matter how much you push.You're ridiculous and insane.I'd stick around to argue,but seeing as you spammed your own thread with off-topic,non-related bullshit,I shall leave again.

Oh,I support the fat redneck making and flying Swastika flags.No harm done at's how I feel and what I see,when this flag flies proud.[/img]

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 875738swastika

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Aussieflagcolouredimage

thumbs up lmao lol! rolf popcorn
Billy Ruben wrote: rolf rolf rolf rolf

...Now that's a very interesting post about psychological transference.

If I remember correctly,I did a thread about you,where you admit you have child porn on on your computer and blamed three differing parties.

You admitted you have it...and blamed others.Now,how do your inconsistencies would look before a jury,Eh?

Not to good for you,you mad silly cow.Those scrubbers in gaol will absolutely rip you to pieces the very first night.Enjoy getting fist-anal babe,because if I prove you still got it,I'll be mercilous with you and condemn you to the lowest realms,where that decrepid soul of yours came from

Try Me,Suzanne Ryan of Ballarat/Wendouree...just fucking try me.

Filth peddler.

cthulhu cthulhu cthulhu cthulhu
Billy Ruben wrote:You're filth Suzy Ryan.

Remember the sequence of threats I told you months ago,it's already started.

Your thread,The Lying Conspiracy,...rant roomed.

Next,back to the Mental Health Authorities with a proper prepared proposal.

Next,The Federal Police Of Australia.

Then,and the best of all...Interpol.

So keep pushing little Missy and I will enact my threats and have you good,where I want you,M'Kay?

There's a good girl,back to knowing exactly where you stand moron.One more flicker of shit from you,you're gone.

What you only wish,fantasize and beg God for,I'll pull off.I've been offered a very special rank amongst the satanist,it's tempting,but know how it corrupts.I'd only join to wipe the floor with arseholes like you.But the best of intentions with those kind of energies,would only consume me.

On bending knee bitch,beg,that my wisdom holds up...this time around.

cthulhu thumbs down

Billy Ruben
Billy Ruben

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:39 am

"This Post should be cut and pasted on every blog ...EXCELLENT"

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:

Les replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (08:17am)
Abraham (aka Rock Spider) said:
“However what moral absolute, in a society without absolutes,
prohibits rationalising relationships with children?”

ANSWER: A shotgun.

“There are no moral absolutes so I’m doing what’s right by me.”

ANSWER: Me too. Look to the answer above.

“Every person reading this and other blogs will know
there are no moral absolutes in Australia....
Thus is the argument with which many
paedophiles rationalise their depravity.

Accusing them of depravity
will elicit a response of “Depraved for whom?
Morality is relative remember.”

ANSWER: No, it is not. A standard load of double-aught removes the relativity.

As a side note: whether you are Abraham, or Rock Spider -
you have selected the wrong subject to intellectualize.
I think I understand what you are trying to say -
but I am not going to discuss the subject.
The only discussion I am ever going to have
someone who tries to rationalize paedophilia
or with a paedophile
is in the manner already discussed above.

Laura replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (02:40pm)
Formerly A Political,
Rock Spider has
a slippery piece on moral relativism.

have a way of writing in code.

They have a way of lumping certain things together
and telling you they’re on your side
as they jumble around with terms
and ask too cute by half questions like;
‘am I being intolerant and judgemental?’

Before you know it, you end up accepting that sixties flower children

belong in the same theoretical category as ‘sexual relationships with children’.

Paedophiles work subtly and sublimely.

They know how to groom children and they appear to know how to groom bloggers.

Do I know absolutely that Rock Spider is a paedophile? Of course not!

But I do recognise something in his writing
because I have read it before

and it’s been written by child rapists
who call themselves ‘boy lovers’.

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:
true lilly wrote:OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 210494-oberon-high-school
The teacher.
Picture: Trevor Pinder
Herald Sun

Porn teacher should leave
From:Herald Sun
February 10, 2012 12:00AM
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 359119-oberon-high-school
A teacher at Oberon High School in Geelong is being investigated

over a online sex video with a past student.
Picture: Tess Follett
Herald Sun

FAILURE to deal with a Geelong high school teacher who made a porn
video with a former student that has gone viral on the internet should
be the subject of an inquiry in itself.

Not only are the parents of students at the school threatening to
withdraw their children if the teacher stays, other teachers are
threatening to walk out.

By any reasonable reading of
the Code of Conduct of the Victorian Institute of Teaching,

the teacher should be dismissed
or transferred.

But the code can be used only as a guideline and
teaching authorities
more concerned
the teacher did not inform them
he had a second job
running a shop
with his porn co-star.

Under the code, teachers are advised
"not to draw students into their personal agendas".

The code also advises teachers to "be positive role models at school and in

the community" and to "ensure that their personal or financial interests
do not interfere with the performance of their duties".

Education bureaucrats and the Government remain silent about what is a 20-minute sexual performance in front of several cameras.

But it is parents, not prudes,
who regard a teacher having sex with a former student,

who is blindfolded
, as failing to uphold the moral standards
they are trying to impart to their children.

Sexualisation of children on the internet is an increasing issue for parents and,

while not every teenager at the school might have seen the video, it is readily accessible.

Common sense would dictate that the teacher should not have engaged in internet sex

with his former student, with whom he is now in a relationship.

The porn video has started what has become a sometimes vicious exchange of comments

on the internet.

The girl shown having sex with her former teacher told the
Herald Sun:
"I don't think we have done anything wrong." But nothing wrong does not excuse
the actions of the teacher, who has made their couplings an extra-curricular subject.

I’m not the least bit surprised that the AFP are finding a huge increase in paedophilia and porn.

Such are the networking and the positions of power held in the community
by many of those involved, that it’s almost impossible for the worst
of them to be exposed.

I recently re-read the Kimmins Report into allegations of paedophilia in
QLD through the 80s and 90s, and came away from it once again feeling
that the Report had pre-conceived conclusions that the insider network
was ready and could always be relied upon to ensure----that the
complaints and allegations are all a beat-up.

It appears to me that this inquiry, like all of the sham inquiries
in Labor’s QLD, was just another of QLD’s CJC [ Labor lawyers] lapdog’s

The conclusions were of course that most of the allegations and evidence
, if not all, were just ‘urban myth’ or misconceived or trumped
up---or derived from some personal angst or prejudices in those
providing the information---case after case after case.

Those making submissions were
made out to be fools or to have ‘problems’---evidence went missing etc.

I believe it was just another of those inquiries in the dark and
degenerate QLD Labor creates, that are designed to actually prevent the
truth from emerging and to intimidate those who might be considering
tryin g to find out the truth in the future.

In QLD, the same Labor-connected people turn up in paedophilia -related
inquiries, finding nothing wrong, and thereby discrediting and
character-assassinating the people providing information, as in
mysterious issues peripheral to Heiner .

One curious issue involves a senior Labor-connected Queensland police
‘untouchable ‘, John Huey, and his encounters with Gordon Harris,
former police officer and now, I believe, lawyer acting for Annette,
the victim in the pack rape case at the centre of the Heiner
matter---and Morris and Howard.

Huey was one of the Fitzgerald inquiry’s Star investigators into the
Premier at the time, Joh Bjelke Petersen, and is therefore regarded by
Labor as ‘untouchable’.

Gordon Harris and another officer, Reynolds, investigated Huey’s
prosecution of a tow truck driver in the 1980s , and alleged that Huey
had fabricated evidence---a crime that carried a one to seven year’s
jail sentence ---and had perjured himself in the process.

The tow truck driver was acquitted and released a tape of a conversation
that raised doubts about the veracity of Huey’s evidence to the court.

Harris and Reynolds charged Huey, or tried to, but Huey refused to receive the summons.

Harris and Reynolds then took the evidence to the CJC and lodged an official complaint.

The Crown Prosecutor promptly withdrew the summons against Huey, Huey
demoted the two detectives, Harris and Reynolds to uniform status, and
both subsequently left the police force, after the CJC aggressively
pursued Harris over a minor administration charge.

Before leaving, Harris , when working in the police property-holding
section, found Huey’s diaries which supported the allegations Harris and
Reynolds had made to the CJC.

The CJC then again targeted Harris on an old illegal firearms charge that had been dropped.

This was around the same time as the Heiner affair, and cover-up, and
the Assistant Commissioner was Neil Comrie [ later Victorian Police
Commissioner, who resigned that post two years early, when a book
claiming that Comrie had protected Huey was published]. I think Comrie
was Assistant Commissioner in QLD when the killing related to the
Heiner affair went strangely uninvestigated too----and the Commissioner
at the time was out of the loop.

It’s on record that Comrie had spoken of the Huey issue, opining to CJC
colleagues about ‘the Harris issue raising its ugly head again’ ---that
Harris was a problem, and they were going to have to do something about it.

Then , in 1996, Morris and Howard [that’s Tony Morris QC, who , although
in a cryptic way, assisted Hedley Thomas in his attack on Piers and his
readers in the 2007 election period ] came into the situation to
undercut Harris and Reynolds, releasing their report on the Heiner
shredding and the one on the Harris and Reynolds allegations to State
Cabinet, in the same week.

Morris and Howard supported DPP Royce Miller QC’s decision not to charge
Huey on the five counts of fabrication of evidence, and they
recommended that no further inquiry be undertaken.

Royce Miller QC---a Goss appointment as DPP---seemed to have a lot of
leverage with the Borbidge government. The Kimmins deliberations give a
hint as to why that might be so.

Morris and Howard also said they would provide Cabinet with a secret
report, saying , ‘It is our intention that this separate confidential report
should forever remain confidential, for the reasons which we haveidentified’.

I would really like to know where Tony Morris QC stands with regard to
the concept of equality before the law and executive government placing
itself above the law and doing so with impunity due to assistance from
various levels of governance, law enforcement and the legal fraternity.

I would like to see his views on the Heiner affair expressed as
comprehensively , if necessarily cryptically, as his views on Patel and
QLD Health were expressed in---

When the Connolly-Ryan inquiry was set up to comprehensively examine the
operations of the CJC, the CJC applied to the Supreme Court of QLD and
the inquiry was shut down due to alleged apprehended or actual bias on
the part of Connolly.

And when the message is further mixed by the latte Left’s fawning
over the efforts of the photographer, whose images---some of them at
least---unmistakably suggest child sexual abuse as dark as his
celebrated photographs---what chance is there for children?

truth of sydney (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (04:07pm)

Most recent Heiner Affair articles:
true lilly
true lilly

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:51 am
The Pixie Ear-Wax Rudd has announced the appointment of Qld Governor Quentin

Bryce as the next Governor General to replace Jefferies.

Bryce is supposedly a reformed alcoholic and
former President of The Qld Abuised Child Trust.

When presented with the Lindeberg Petition in relation to the Heiner Affair,
Bryce is known to said “it (The Heiner Affair) represents a boil which
cannot be lanced”.

A copy of the Lindeberg Petition can be obtained from the internet and has
been tabled in the Australian Senate and House of Representatives.

The petition included details of the destruction of the Heiner Documents
including details of the pack rape of “Annette”.

This is far worse than the situation involving the Howard government’s
appointment of Archbishop Hollingsworth.

Hollingsworth at no time was facing the prospect of being charged with a
criminal offence. Bryce on the other hand is facing the prospect of criminal
charges. This matter is currently before the Qld PCMC and by an unamious
decision the committee is believed to have requested a further submission
from Mr Lindeberg’s lawyers in relating to a solution to the grave impasse.

It should be noted that when a House of representatives Committee, chaired
by Bronwyn Bishop, looked at the Heiner Affair, including The Lindeberg
Grievance, it recommended the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry
(Royal Commission) and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to process
the criminal charges.

Mrs Bryce is believed to be one of the sixty five individuals mentioned in
the Rofe Audit. This report was prepared by David Rofe QC a leading Sydney
barrister for Kevin Lindeberg. Mr Rudd is also one of the sixty five
individuals in the audit.


Finally the Liberals will have to bite the bullet and find their balls over
THe Heiner Affair.

tombrown (Reply)
Wed 08 Feb 12 (04:47pm)

Heiner Watcher replied to tombrown
Wed 08 Feb 12 (06:39pm)

All your own work, I see.


tombrown replied to tombrown
Wed 08 Feb 12 (10:05pm)

No, I cant post links for peanuts,but I sure can cut and paste.Never pretended otherwise.
true lilly
true lilly

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:44 am

I won’t peddle the theories, if they don’t peddle the conspiracies
Andrew Bolt – Saturday, February 11, 12 (11:22 am)

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda UNdoc_thumb
Look, if global warmists don’t want sceptics to peddle conspiracy
theories about a “one world government”, it would help a lot if
they didn’t have something like it on the drawing board:

<blockquote>At a closed-door retreat in a Long Island mansion
late last October, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his
topmost aides brainstormed about how the global organization could benefit from a “unique opportunity” to reshape the world, starting with the Rio + 20 Summit on Sustainable Development, which takes place in Brazil in June.

A copy of the confidential minutes of the meeting was
obtained by Fox News. According to that document, the 29-member group,
known as the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for
Coordination (CEB), discussed bold ambitions that stretch for years
beyond the Rio conclave to consolidate a radical new global green
economy, promote a spectrum of sweeping new social policies and build an
even more important role for U.N. institutions “ to manage the process
of globalization better."…

Its members see Rio as the springboard for consolidation of an expanding
U.N. agenda for years ahead, driven by still more U.N.-sponsored global
summits that would, as one participant put it, “ensure that the U.N.
connected with the roots of the current level of global discontent.”

Among other things, the CEB heard Ban’s top organizer, a U.N. Under
Secretary General from China named Sha Zukang, declare that the wish
list for the Rio + 20 meeting, already being touted as a landmark
environmental conclave on the issue of “global environmental
governance,” included making it:
<blockquote> “the catalyst” for solidifying a global economic, social and political agenda, built around “green economy” goals

a means to “reorient public and private decision-making” to make the
world’s poorest people the new economy’s “main beneficiaries,”

a method of also reorienting national decision-making in countries
around the world to put the new agenda “at the heart of national

the occasion to create new bodies, like a U.N. Sustainable
Development Council, similar to the U.N. Human Rights Council, to help
guide the global process further in the years ahead, or give additional
responsibilities to the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP), the world
body’s chief environmental agency.</blockquote>

Other participants chimed in with additional ideas, including the notion
from one key organizer that “the U.N. in Rio should be the voice of the
planet and its people.”


One World Government? Greens leader Bob Brown would approve:

(Thanks to readers. DERFred, bulmkt and Kathleen.)

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_comments 42 comments |
true lilly
true lilly

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Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:16 pm

true lilly wrote:As this following image was put together by the like of
"Ciggy" the mega-bs-artists who's well paid careers
are to shove this sort of bs down the world's throat

via the GLOBAL ANTIsocial Twittering Media,
it would be wrong to leave 'that name', "Ciggy" out of this,

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 624861 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 93349 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 233183 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 624861 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 93349 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 233183

Column -
Open your eyes. Where’s that warming?

223 Comments | Permalink
Andrew Bolt Blog OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_arrow_small
Andrew Bolt
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 at 07:14am

IT’S a bright new year, so let’s see how the great global warming scare is panning out, shall we?

First, the planet hasn’t actually warmed for a decade—or even 15 years,
according to new temperature data from Britain’s Met Office.

Hmm. That’s not what global warming scientists predicted.

Or look out of your window.

The rain that Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery said in 2007 “isn’t
actually going to fill our dams and river systems” any more has just
flooded New South Wales and Queensland again.

The Bureau of Meteorology,which three years ago warned “we are just not
going to have that sort of good rain again”, now admits last year was
our third-wettest on record.

The snowfalls that the University of East Anglia in 2000 said would soon
become “a very rare and exciting event”
are falling as hard as ever.

The monster hurricanes we were told to expect by Nobel Prize winner Al Gore are coming no more often.

The massive coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, that warmist
Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
predicted would occur every second year from 2010,
hasn’t hit in years.

Wherever you look it’s the same wake-up-to-yourself story.

Sea levels have recently dipped, the oceans have lately cooled, Arctic
ice has not retreated since 2007, polar bear numbers are increasing,
global crop yields keep rising and now some solar scientists warn not of
warming, but cooling.

So how do the warming activists respond to increasing evidence
contradicting their theory that our carbon dioxide emissions are heating
the world dangerously?

Simple. They close their eyes.

Take Prof Naomi Oreskes, the author of Merchants of Doubt who famously tried to prove that not one scientific paper dissented from the global warming “consensus”.

Last week she complained people still “cling to the idea that it is
reasonable to maintain an open mind”, and insisted: “It isn’t.”

To have an academic demand a closed mind on global warming is a shock.
It shows she’s talking not about science but a faith.

Yet her view is depressingly echoed by much of the media, which for
years has whipped up the warming scare, refusing to report on scientists
who queried it, and demonising the open-minded as “deniers”.

They, too, believe a closed mind—and closed ears—is how to deal with inconvenient truths I’ve listed.


I once mentioned on the ABC TV’s Insiders that the warming had paused, only to be heckled by one panellist while the other, The Sydney Morning Herald’s David Marr, theatrically buried his head in a newspaper.

Not listening, la la la la la.

What has made the deliberate know-nothingness of such journalists so
damaging is that in no other country has the media spruiked the warming
creed so hysterically.

Warmist researchers from the Centre for Science and Technology Policy
Research at the University of Colorado in Boulder have counted how often
50 papers around the world mentioned “global warming” or “climate
change” and found that in every year from 2006 to 2011 our own beat the

But see how some of the most obsessed outlets—especially The Age and
ABC—resist reporting evidence that the late 20th century warming blamed
on man’s gases has halted, and few of the catastrophic consequences
predicted have happened.

Man’s gases do affect the climate is some small way, but not necessarily
for the worst and certainly not by as much as natural influences—some
of which may have us heading for cooling.

Henrik Svensmark, director of the Centre for Sun-Climate Research at
Denmark’s National Space Institute, investigates the effects of the sun
and cosmic rays on our climate, and last week said a recent cut in the
sun’s output could soon reverse any man-made warming: “World
temperatures may end up a lot cooler than now for 50 years or more.”

Who knows if he’s right? Best keep an open mind on this and on man-made warming.

Or, as Harvard University physicist Mike Stopa warned last week: “It is
possible that CO2 has effectively no influence on global climate.”

And he asked: “Suppose it turns out that CO2 has essentially nothing to do with the Earth’s climate.

“How will the history of this colossal mistake be written?”

The great jellyfish scare goes bung, too

“The ETS is bust, it’s dead”
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 888898 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 891864 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 354817

“How will the history of this colossal mistake be written?”

"will"? our 'Future History' IS WRITTEN,
including the warnings of what we will suffer
for denying and ignoring it.
Re: How America made its children crazy
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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda
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Suspect pig OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 844424 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 33517
true lilly wrote:Funny, I post this (below),
go to David Icke Official Forums,
and there's "tintin's Thread",
"The NEWS Behind The NEWS,
near the top of the 1st page of "Today's News",
with last post by "dixie d",
and I go to that last page, scroll down and
and it's ALL "tintin's" posts for the last two pages.

So I go back to the last page, still "tintin".
Go back to "Today's News", and "tintin's'
"The NEWS Behind The News" is NOT there,
or the next page, but way down on the 3rd.

"This Post should be cut and pasted on every blog ...EXCELLENT"

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:

Les replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (08:17am)
Abraham (aka Rock Spider) said:
“However what moral absolute, in a society without absolutes,
prohibits rationalising relationships with children?”

ANSWER: A shotgun.

“There are no moral absolutes so I’m doing what’s right by me.”

ANSWER: Me too. Look to the answer above.

“Every person reading this and other blogs will know
there are no moral absolutes in Australia....
Thus is the argument with which many
paedophiles rationalise their depravity.

Accusing them of depravity
will elicit a response of “Depraved for whom?
Morality is relative remember.”

ANSWER: No, it is not. A standard load of double-aught removes the relativity.

As a side note: whether you are Abraham, or Rock Spider -
you have selected the wrong subject to intellectualize.
I think I understand what you are trying to say -
but I am not going to discuss the subject.
The only discussion I am ever going to have
someone who tries to rationalize paedophilia
or with a paedophile
is in the manner already discussed above.

Laura replied to Rock spider
Thu 09 Feb 12 (02:40pm)
Formerly A Political,
Rock Spider has
a slippery piece on moral relativism.

have a way of writing in code.

They have a way of lumping certain things together
and telling you they’re on your side
as they jumble around with terms
and ask too cute by half questions like;
‘am I being intolerant and judgemental?’

Before you know it, you end up accepting that sixties flower children

belong in the same theoretical category as ‘sexual relationships with children’.

Paedophiles work subtly and sublimely.

They know how to groom children and they appear to know how to groom bloggers.

Do I know absolutely that Rock Spider is a paedophile? Of course not!

But I do recognise something in his writing
because I have read it before

and it’s been written by child rapists
who call themselves ‘boy lovers’.

Read ALL 3 Pages of the comments:

Re: How America made its children crazy
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 449107794
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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda
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Suspect pig OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 844424 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 33517

truth of sydney (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (04:07pm)

Most recent Heiner Affair articles:
true lilly wrote:I won’t peddle the theories, if they don’t peddle the conspiracies
Andrew Bolt – Saturday, February 11, 12 (11:22 am)

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda UNdoc_thumb
Look, if global warmists don’t want sceptics to peddle conspiracy
theories about a “one world government”, it would help a lot if
they didn’t have something like it on the drawing board:

<blockquote>At a closed-door retreat in a Long Island mansion
late last October, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his
topmost aides brainstormed about how the global organization could benefit from a “unique opportunity” to reshape the world, starting with the Rio + 20 Summit on Sustainable Development, which takes place in Brazil in June.

A copy of the confidential minutes of the meeting was
obtained by Fox News. According to that document, the 29-member group,
known as the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for
Coordination (CEB), discussed bold ambitions that stretch for years
beyond the Rio conclave to consolidate a radical new global green
economy, promote a spectrum of sweeping new social policies and build an
even more important role for U.N. institutions “ to manage the process
of globalization better."…

Its members see Rio as the springboard for consolidation of an expanding
U.N. agenda for years ahead, driven by still more U.N.-sponsored global
summits that would, as one participant put it, “ensure that the U.N.
connected with the roots of the current level of global discontent.”

Among other things, the CEB heard Ban’s top organizer, a U.N. Under
Secretary General from China named Sha Zukang, declare that the wish
list for the Rio + 20 meeting, already being touted as a landmark
environmental conclave on the issue of “global environmental
governance,” included making it:
<blockquote> “the catalyst” for solidifying a global economic, social and political agenda, built around “green economy” goals

a means to “reorient public and private decision-making” to make the
world’s poorest people the new economy’s “main beneficiaries,”

a method of also reorienting national decision-making in countries
around the world to put the new agenda “at the heart of national

the occasion to create new bodies, like a U.N. Sustainable
Development Council, similar to the U.N. Human Rights Council, to help
guide the global process further in the years ahead, or give additional
responsibilities to the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP), the world
body’s chief environmental agency.</blockquote>

Other participants chimed in with additional ideas, including the notion
from one key organizer that “the U.N. in Rio should be the voice of the
planet and its people.”


One World Government? Greens leader Bob Brown would approve:

(Thanks to readers. DERFred, bulmkt and Kathleen.)

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_comments 42 comments | Permalink

Re: How America made its children crazy
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 449107794
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 317380
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 317380
Suspect pig OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 844424 OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 33517

truth of sydney (Reply)
Thu 09 Feb 12 (04:07pm)

Most recent Heiner Affair articles:
true lilly wrote:
The Pixie Ear-Wax Rudd has announced the appointment of Qld Governor Quentin

Bryce as the next Governor General to replace Jefferies.

Bryce is supposedly a reformed alcoholic and
former President of The Qld Abuised Child Trust.

When presented with the Lindeberg Petition in relation to the Heiner Affair,
Bryce is known to said “it (The Heiner Affair) represents a boil which
cannot be lanced”.

A copy of the Lindeberg Petition can be obtained from the internet and has
been tabled in the Australian Senate and House of Representatives.

The petition included details of the destruction of the Heiner Documents
including details of the pack rape of “Annette”.

This is far worse than the situation involving the Howard government’s
appointment of Archbishop Hollingsworth.

Hollingsworth at no time was facing the prospect of being charged with a
criminal offence. Bryce on the other hand is facing the prospect of criminal
charges. This matter is currently before the Qld PCMC and by an unamious
decision the committee is believed to have requested a further submission
from Mr Lindeberg’s lawyers in relating to a solution to the grave impasse.

It should be noted that when a House of representatives Committee, chaired
by Bronwyn Bishop, looked at the Heiner Affair, including The Lindeberg
Grievance, it recommended the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry
(Royal Commission) and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to process
the criminal charges.

Mrs Bryce is believed to be one of the sixty five individuals mentioned in
the Rofe Audit. This report was prepared by David Rofe QC a leading Sydney
barrister for Kevin Lindeberg. Mr Rudd is also one of the sixty five
individuals in the audit.


Finally the Liberals will have to bite the bullet and find their balls over
THe Heiner Affair.

tombrown (Reply)
Wed 08 Feb 12 (04:47pm)

Heiner Watcher replied to tombrown
Wed 08 Feb 12 (06:39pm)

All your own work, I see.


tombrown replied to tombrown
Wed 08 Feb 12 (10:05pm)

No, I cant post links for peanuts,but I sure can cut and paste.Never pretended otherwise.
true lilly
true lilly

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:03 pm

How yoga can cure killers
by:Alan Howe
From:Herald Sun
February 13, 2012


Julian Knight
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda 123857-julian-knight
Julian Knight (left) is out in two years, the Hoddle Street mass killer's sentence expiring in April 2014.
HWT Image Library

The eccentric and confronting rulings by VCAT should worry anyone
who loves their kids and sees children as our most vulnerable and
valuable asset

JULIAN Knight is out in two years, the Hoddle Street mass killer's inadequate sentence expiring in April 2014.

What might he do? He'll need a job with some flexibility, because he will
have onerous parole requirements befitting a man who shot 26 people,
seven of whom died.

Knight has a bachelor of arts from Deakin University, so he might want to teach.

But he has also taken courses in international studies, French, psychology and even journalism.

The Herald Sun won't hire Knight - I can assure you - but The Spectator might. Last
year it fawningly lauded Australian writer Peter Kocan, even suggesting he might be
fit for a Nobel Prize.

Not a Peace Prize presumably.

There is, after all, the awkward fact that Kocan once took a shotgun,
aimed it at a man's larynx and fired it in an effort to murder him.

By chance, his target survived. But had then federal Opposition leader Arthur Calwell
been killed, it would have been Australia's first political assassination.

Knight's best chance for a job with variable hours allowing him to report to
his local police station (hopefully daily) will be to drive taxis.

Don't laugh. Right now, somewhere in Melbourne, an insane killer is driving cabs.
He won that right from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Victoria's Director of Public Transport wanted this killer off the roads but VCAT,
perhaps the most dangerous government department in Victoria, knew

often does. You won't believe the killers and drug abusers in which
this unpredictably wayward tribunal sees merit - and whose identities it
keeps from us.

So, you're a
paedophile, have abused kids, and you take drugs? Hey, that's not a
problem. You haven't done it for a while. Sure you can work with

What's that? You killed your stepson? No worries. You do your best with this bunch of kids.
Try not to kill any.

Those are actual cases. This, surely, is justice gone mad and VCAT out of control.

It didn't start off like this. VCAT was formed with bipartisan political
support in the last years of the Kennett government as a way of
streamlining in one authority the responsibilities of bodies such as the
Estate Agents Licensing Authority, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the
Anti-Discrimination Tribunal, the Domestic Building Tribunal, even the
Prostitution Control Board.

It made some good decisions in the early days: it insisted documents crucial to
the casino tendering process be subject to normal Freedom of Information rules
when the Kennett government tried to keep them secret.

VCAT also sensibly ruled against a woman who wanted the Transport Accident Commission
to fund her psychiatric and medical bills. She had been traumatised by one of the
hard-hitting television ads that depicted events similar to the traffic death of her young son.

Justice Murray Kellam accepted the woman was unwell and that the ad didn't help,
but said it just went to show how effective the TAC campaign was.

But VCAT was capable of eccentric decisions from its earliest days.
Kellam was tribunal president when it supported rogue doctor Ian McGoldrick in 1998.

The Medical Practitioners' Board refused to reinstate McGoldrick after he
had been found guilty of Medicare fraud and treating patients while unlicensed.

VCAT found McGoldrick dishonest, but that the community
should not be deprived of his services. The practitioners' board took this decision to
the Court of Appeal and won, unanimously.

VCAT had "erred in law" the court insisted among other criticisms.

VCAT gets a lot wrong.

Most recently it has developed the habit of overturning Department of
Justice bans on criminals and perverts who wish to work with children.

One convicted paedophile, whose identity has of course been suppressed,
quite rightly failed a Working With Children Check. He appealed to VCAT
which overruled the ban saying the man had been under pressure as a
union delegate. Unions create paedophiles? News to me. I must tell Paul Howes.

Not long after, VCAT again overruled the Department of Justice this time
insisting that a man who punched his stepson so hard the boy died,
was fit to work with children.

The man was charged with murder, but pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
Just who is this monster and is he working with your kids? You are not allowed to know.

By the way, he killed his stepson for refusing to wear a seatbelt.
Just who is overreacting here?

Last year another paedophile refused a licence to work with children
(this guy had also been regularly using ice, cocaine and ecstasy) convinced
VCAT to overturn the decision, the tribunal ruling it was "in the public interest".

Then, last week, more bad news, but predictable: my colleague Padraic Murphy
reported on another killer who had gone to VCAT and convinced it to overrule his ban on working with kids.

At the apex of his 27-year crime spree of theft, drugs and dishonesty, this
fellow stabbed to death a man in an unprovoked, frenzied attack after
having sex with the victim's girlfriend.

He was tried and convicted of murder. At a second trial he was found guilty of manslaughter "more serious than most".

Among other things, VCAT was told that he now "practises yoga". Planning a crime?
I'd keep that one up your sleeve.

VCAT, humiliating the diligent officers at the Department of Justice,
has just decided the bloke is fit and proper to work with children.

Possibly yours.
12 comments on this story

Why is this government taking advice from Flannery?

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_comments 12 Comments | Permalink

Andrew Bolt Blog OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Icon_arrow_small
Andrew Bolt
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 12:08am
OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Geodyn_thumb

The share price performance of Geodynamics, a green power company using geothermal technology spruiked by Climate Change Commissioner Tim Flannery, a long-time shareholder.

GREEN DOT: Flannery declares:

<blockquote>The social licence of coal to operate is rapidly
being withdrawn globally… There are hot rocks in South Australia that
potentially have enough embedded energy in them to run Australia’s
economy for the best part of a century. They are not being fully
exploited yet but
the technology to extract that energy and turn it into electricity is relatively straightforward.

The Rudd Government gives Geodynamics $90 million of your money.

Isn’t the answer to your question rather obvious?
Flannery is being paid to say what the Government wants him to say.

Malcolm of Hampton Park (Reply)
Tue 14 Feb 12 (06:25am)

Greens admit green lies haven’t worked
Andrew Bolt – Tuesday, February 14, 12 (10:14 am)

I wish green activists would condemn green lies as a sin and a crime against reason,
not criticise it simply for being ineffective:

<blockquote>Mark Lynas, a campaigner who has been a member of action groups on GM foods and climate change, said the
environmental lobby was losing the battle for public opinion on climate
change because it had made too many apocalyptic prophecies and
exaggerated claims.

He said: “We have got to find a more pragmatic and realistic way of engaging with people.”

Lynas might do well to start with a personal apology for his own ludicrous scare-mongering.

Take this “we probably are doomed” effort:

(Thanks to reader Andrew and Terry.)
true lilly
true lilly

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Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  true lilly Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:15 pm


In Australia we MUST ALL VOTE, BY LAW.

or rather, saying, "OPEN SESAME!"

Voting Age LOWERED to 18:

Australia: 1973
(New South Wales was the first state to do so, in 1970)


equivalent to the HITLER YOUTH:

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Site_1_rand_1071856464_sesame_street_sign_091110_b_getty
Muppets pose under a Sesame Street sign
in New York City (Getty Images)

Sesame Street celebrates 40th birthday
10 November 2009

It's a great pity 'they' did so WELL at FAILING
to teach literacy and critical thinking,

while having such great success at
making children force their parents to buy 'their'

The program made its Australian debut on ABC
on Monday, 4 January 1971 at 8.00am –
with a repeat at 4.30pm.

By the time the show had debuted in Australia
Sesame Street
was already showing
in 50 other countries.

For the next 15 years,
ABC’s broadcast day
was started each weekday by Sesame Street.

The first five years of Sesame Street
in the early '70s
were considered adults-only material.

But remember, we also had Hippies
and 'Dr' Spock, in the generations before,
CONvincing the world that it was 'wrong'

to Guide and Discipline OUR CHILDREN.


equivalent to the HITLER YOUTH:

OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Site_1_rand_1071856464_sesame_street_sign_091110_b_getty
Muppets pose under a Sesame Street sign
in New York City (Getty Images)

Sesame Street celebrates 40th birthday
10 November 2009

It's a great pity 'they' did so WELL at FAILING
to teach literacy and critical thinking,

while having such great success at
making children force their parents to buy 'their'

Debate is currently underway in many places
on proposals to reduce the voting age below 18.

In May 2009, Danish Member of Parliament
Mogens Jensen presented an initiative to
the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg
to lower the voting age in Europe to 16.[1]

There has also been discussion of
giving votes to children from birth,
initially with the votes being cast by parents,
who are presumed to
better understand a child's interests (Demeny voting).

And so NOW that 'they' (SO MANY ADULT IDIOTS),
HAVE THE 'democratic' 'RIGHT'=FORCE of the vote,

Wouldn't that make The ISLAMIC VOTE
about 12 to 2?!

While those "Sesame Street" 'raised'
WESTERN BUYERS of The 'overpopulation' LIE, who,
to 'save the planet' (and avoid 'the embarrassment' of
sustainable activity like good clothes being handed down
to younger siblings), ABORT THEIR OWN CHILDREN
down to one or two kids...
true lilly
true lilly

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Age : 62

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OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda Empty Re: OBERON...and how 'they' FORCE The GREENIE Agenda

Post  Ciggy Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:49 pm

How is it "green" that a school failed to sack a teacher for making porn with a former student, again?

Was it in a garden with organic-only vegetables nearby?

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Post  daddlepoms Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:40 pm

stick your hand in your crack then pay for your meal at a restuarant, tip well

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Location : three's a crowd but four's allowed

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